Idea - DAOC Auto Map


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Back in the days long ago when I played Ultima Online with my friends we used a little program that let us see where each other were (UO auto-map). It wasn't a spying program, you had to opt into it by logging on. It was great as you could see each other, if someones lost you could give directions. I'd love to see something like that for DAOC that wasn't a hackers or cheats tool and officially implemented by Mythic.

Guild auto-map where you can see by looking at a map in the game where your guild are (those that aren't /anon and have activated the auto map) or even a chat and group auto-maps for those that go AFK, lose stick and end up in the middle of no where bitching that they can't find you. Most of us can use /loc but there's many that simply get confused, wander into aggro or end up having to get their group to find them!

I doubt this'll happen and I know that this isn't the best place to post this idea, just wanted to ask peoples opinions on it :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I don't have any details I'm afraid, but I read in one of the Grab-bags on The Herald that there is a ToA skin that does something similair and is Mythic approved.

Although not as functional as what you described it basically lays a see through map of where you are over your screen I belive and updates as you move about.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
ooh sounds nice, you never know perhaps later on they'll update it to include more features :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Grimmy said:
I don't have any details I'm afraid, but I read in one of the Grab-bags on The Herald that there is a ToA skin that does something similair and is Mythic approved.

Although not as functional as what you described it basically lays a see through map of where you are over your screen I belive and updates as you move about.

Nope, it just pastes a map picture from your HD in a window on your screen (normally a whole zone), you can't see where you or mobs or any others are.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah - something like this would be good where you could only see friendly players - members of your own realm and NPCs. Would really help when you get lost in Campacorentin Forest for the millionth time, or knowing when to jump off your horse if you want to get somewhere.

Maybe have it available in the 'home' zones only? i.e. not the frontiers.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
While in principle I would aprove this idea, my morals say otherwise.

Having an in game radar leaves things wide open to abuse. Already we suffer idiots using radar in game, and making one in game gives a hacker or skript kiddeh the potential to find flaws in the code to enable them to see everything.

Having been here since beta too, it annoys the hell out of me to see ppl becoming so lazy. First thing I did when i got the game, print all the zone maps and learn the loc system, nowadays they spam /gu /c or /as for directions without considering looking it up themselves.

Call me a roll player or PvE whore or whatever, but to me part of this game is the adventure exploring, and sommit like this is just another "easy mode" button. With all the spoilers for this game, and the lack of changes, the spirit of surprise finding something new has long gone, lets not keep putting things in to make it more of an FPS than it is now.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Wichtel said:
Nope, it just pastes a map picture from your HD in a window on your screen (normally a whole zone), you can't see where you or mobs or any others are.

Ah :( That's a bit crappy then... Thought maybe the new interface updated your loc every few seconds to enable it to update your position on the overlay.

Ho hum :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
We already got walkie talkies in the dark ages, we need satelites and radar as well? o_O

Anyway, I think it could be a good idea, but also a subject to abuse (cross realmers etc)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Laston said:
anyone mind give link to one of those map skins? :confused:

yes they are here^^^

direct link here:

and picture here:



FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
People still haven't learned to use /loc ? :eek7:

It's not -that- hard people.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
old.Whoodoo said:
While in principle I would aprove this idea, my morals say otherwise.

Having an in game radar leaves things wide open to abuse. Already we suffer idiots using radar in game, and making one in game gives a hacker or skript kiddeh the potential to find flaws in the code to enable them to see everything.

Having been here since beta too, it annoys the hell out of me to see ppl becoming so lazy. First thing I did when i got the game, print all the zone maps and learn the loc system, nowadays they spam /gu /c or /as for directions without considering looking it up themselves.

Call me a roll player or PvE whore or whatever, but to me part of this game is the adventure exploring, and sommit like this is just another "easy mode" button. With all the spoilers for this game, and the lack of changes, the spirit of surprise finding something new has long gone, lets not keep putting things in to make it more of an FPS than it is now.

Clearly you have never used UO automap... cool features , and could not be abused in any of the ways your afreid off ( its kinda like team-speak where you have to log on , and you can see where your team-mates are on a mini map ) Imho loc's are crap and it just show's that they where to lazy to put in a real map....


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
old.Tohtori said:
People still haven't learned to use /loc ? :eek7:

It's not -that- hard people.

One of your background and standing should be well aware that it is always, exactly, and by definition, "that" hard.



Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
UO has the UO Pro Program which basically allows players to use a 3rd party program legally according to their ToS. Nothing like this exists for DAoC. :( The only way of the 3rd party map program of finding out where the client is would be to packet sniff the connection to the server, which is not allowed.

You could easily make a spawn map program which doesn't interact with the client, simply adding a list of coordinates to a map which players could zoom in/out on. Although you obviously want more than this.

Would be nice for Mythic to have a program similar to UO Pro, although I wouldn't bother suggesting it as talking to a brick wall may be more productive.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
come 1.65 we have /faceloc :)

So we can finally "lock" Arladons face in a box? Ahahahaha!!

Ok..low blow and far fetched...i'm tired..sue me :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I'd like to see this but like Whoodoo said it'd probably be open to getting the arse hacked off it. it's a shame because UO auto-map was just *so* damn handy :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
A map in some form would always be nice... I used to use UO Auto-map back in the days as well, along with UO Assist. I have them all installed still as a matter of fact :)
Some map and I am thankful, then again... I know how to use loc and run windowed so I can look at maps on the web :p

Healer McHeal

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
the thing with UOAM was, u had to actually creat a room as such where your friends would join it and then u could see where they were, it was damn handy, could see server lines with it aswell, i used that a fair bit in UO, along with assist, bandage self4thewin ^^

any way, doubt they will put it in, but the is still one of the only games ive ever played where they dont have a ingame map, uo did, swg does, even most of the offline rpg's have a map :eek7:


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Only thing which comes close to UOAM is MapperGUI. Although its just an advanced map viewing problem, doesn't communicate with your DAoC client or any other map clients.

Only problem is that its quite old and I can't get it to run. :p

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