I'd like to thank Bahumat


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
enkor said:
how can it be so damn hard to level? never had any problem on any of 100 lvl 25-35 alts... :eek:

Its the thing just to log on which is hard atm :(


Or more the thought of bashing mobs as skald again which isnt so tempting
Feb 18, 2004
Hihanauha said:
Aww Yeppy, I thought you were nice guy but nice I have to add you on my kos list :(

thats just sad :( I don't want to be on your KoS list.. like wait.. whats actualy bad about bein gon ur KoS list? Your gonna flame me everytime I log on.. which is never as i've quit :S

p.s. I'm not nice, pink just attracts the girls. Like a moth to a light bulb...sept.. all the moths r transexual :(

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