[IC Meet] In celebration of courage! -- today (THURSDAY)



It is time for us to gather together and share inspiring tales of the virtues and glories that not only our guild, but all of Albion aspires to, that we may be worthy of Arthur's legacy ...

I invite all of you to join myself and Vincible in 'The Stone' at 9:30 (UK time) tomorrow (Thursday) for a celebration of the virtue of True Courage. There we will share inspiring stories of Bravery, and Wondrous Deeds or Quests that go above and beyond the demands of mere common sense! Bring your stories of foolhardy charges and daredevil assaults! Share with us your wildest exploits, whether they ended in success or defeat!

We look forwards to seeing you all there!


OOC: There will be a competition for 'Most Amusing Death'/ 'Stupidest Death' -- do come along and share some of the silliest death moments you or your group have had. I mean, the ones that made you laugh out loud even after your character was chewing the grass! Vince claims that he is a cinch to win any competition with the word 'stupid' in the title and having heard some of his stories, I can confirm that the bar is high :)


Ah, hello Vincible here! (Although Lin called me 'Sir Vincible' on the Templar forums -- couldn't you have done that here, too? Would have made me look good!) Sorry I didn't post before, been having no end of account problems for some reason!

Anyway, just to add to what Lin said (and also to shamelessly bump this post.. ahem) it would be great for you to pop in after a night's training and share some of your funny stories! I think it would be a great opportunity for some in-character discussions and banter, as well as good fun listening to the wonderful death stories!

And also, I would win any competition with the words 'stupid' in the title. so therefore I will not be entering and will judge the competition. Just as a note for the winner, I did try to find a pressie for the winner, and asked through Rightnow whether we could have an item of no value, but uniquely named (stupidest death tropehy, anyone?) but it appears they can't do that at the moment! So, I'm open to suggestions for a prize, but failing that I might just give a few coin. <shurg>

Anyway, hope to see some of you tonight!



it is nice of you to inform me of such things <smile> I actually had the day off today, but I shall do my best to be there and serve you

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