i would like to nominate stealthblade for twat of the year award



twat alert!

yea well just to add a few more names to the neverending list i see, Miggynut - hast to be one of the most childish of players ever - i promoted him into my guild to rank 0 (before you say it i know i should have never done that) but i did well he kicked all the players out of it then continually used caps in guild chat and became abbusive to all people, i mean why do these people play this game? any ideas? -Craft- -Coldfusion-


Lol coldfusion?? How can u call anyone a twat, after, being grouped with my cabby Chessney, u died in the group, got rezzed, said "Dickheads" in group chat and then left?

People in glass houses.......


Re: twat alert!

Originally posted by Craft
i promoted him into my guild to rank 0 (before you say it i know i should have never done that) but i did well he kicked all the players out of it

You should never have done that :p


Originally posted by belth
Shoot nazis.

Is that not as bad?

In no way am i defending nazi's. All im saying is your saying shoot someone for their beliefs. Its the same thing.


Err...well, I can understand your point certainly...although I wouldnt do so far as to defend the sonsabitches ;p



ok lets clear things up:

1) im 15years old boy from israel (soon 16)

2) i use my mom..uhh..dad's cerdit card (my moms is not supported in europe)

3) im a jew (and damn proud of it) so i dont mind if you call me jew.. in fact i love it ;)

4) in israel we hate nazis... (lets say half of the israelis had thier family in the holocost in some way)

means: get him to israel
we will see what we can do with him ;)

btw - i dont hate the germans or some thing (im 1/4 german in my roots too =P) i dont hate the german army and i dont hate people that hate jews (thier problem not mine).. i just hate the SS wannabes (neo-nazis)
if you ask me... let them suffer like my family did then they will shut up

anyway, ban the dick.

kthxbye (oh, i play CS..L337 d00d) =P


Well, you got my support there, m8 :) :) Well said


Re: Re: i would like to nominate stealthblade for twat of the year award

Originally posted by villageidiot

bearing in mind the above quote, i just camp from meeting my good friend stealthblade in bg, where people where stood by the mpk. in the cg stealth says
" come on guys lets storm, we could take it"

now whos the noob



Re: hmm

I just hate the SS wannabes (neo-nazis)

For a second then mate I thought u were on about the Shadowlords Society... lol

Yeh ban the lil prick....

Hit ^_^

sure hope u gonna report him if you havent.

i would be very upset if someone called me a jew ;)


alright alright nerf this thread already.....the phrase flogging a dead horse springs to mind.....

DroP DeaD


oK first off: Stealth is a n00b. And I thought it was really funny when you said the bit about taking the MPK lol.

2nd: You dont do /ignore just dont type back. You can always have a good laugh at what they saying while they think they on ignore :)

3rd: Coming from one of the most (if not thee most) shittest place on earth (N.Ireland) if he had said that to any one from around Belfast (I live right up very north so no use to me) he would prob have got the IRA on him. Oh what that fun that would be. :log of IRA doings: get his cc. get his address. round up a couple of men. goto where he lives. get a car. do a drive by. get away with the whole thing coz your with the IRA and the god damn police wont touch you. (Just a note here. I dont care what the IRA do and I have no religious believes what so ever so plz dont come shoot me if you some how read this :/)

Peace out :)

DroP DeaD


I just remember this after reading another post but today while I was on one of (my many :)) alts I was in a group. Ofcourse I was a tank.. But anyway that has nothing to do with it. We started pulling slavers and one of the 2 casters does a bolt at the mob. Next thing you hear from the other is "Dont do that!!! You can hurt the other players around the mob!!!" Ofcourse I laughed and then told her you couldnt (cant remember her name now). But ofcourse she incisted you could and went on to say "Yes you can I was in Catacombs one time and we were pulling and suddenly I got hit by a bolt for 0dmg. If you had any brains you would realise this was one of those bloody caster mobs in catas. So any we went on fighting for her to finaly leave group because of her stupidity.

Im telling this coz I thought it was pretty funny... And also to find out later she was in same alliance as me lol. I try find name later :p

And I know this post wont be read by some because like me they wont be assed to read it coz its either
a) to long
b) the first paragragh should be split into more...
Well just a note. I hate english and I never got the hang of paragraghs so I just use em when I feel like it. I know when they ment to go in just never see the place.... :p

Anyway enough of my blabber

I also found out I cant spell at 7am and I never bother to preview my posts :p


Re: Rofl

Originally posted by DroP DeaD

I dont care what the IRA do and I have no religious believes what so ever so plz dont come shoot me if you some how read this :/

Isn’t the IRA a Catholic bunch? Therefore having no religious beliefs would class you an outsider?

Sorry, my ignorance otherwise....

And Northern Ireland is a lovely place :p

DroP DeaD

Yes but who said anything about me being inside?

And if you think its a nice place youve been to one of the not so many peace places :p


Guys - I think this thread has been done to death. Any chance a moderator can lock it now ? We've castigated Stealthblade enough now and there's a danger this thread will be used for inappropriate purposes.

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