i would like to nominate stealthblade for twat of the year award



this all started at bb with my friar alt, i join his group along with a guild mate of mine who was at the time a lvl 15 scout
after playing for a while stealth decided that the xp wasnt good enough and my fellow guildee, nocturne, was capping his xp after a shirt discussion nothing was said until a few minutes later he started talking about booting noc from the group (like noc wasnt there) cos he was just stood there. when noc was quite blatently shooting the mobs. so i made it clear that if he booted noc i would leave aswell.

later i went ld and came back and stood for about 10 minutes waiting for stealth to reinv me, all other group members where urging him to do so. anyway he left the group and the new leader invited me, i then made my way over to stealth an told him that he was a true dick (in hindsight probably not the best thing to do, but he was being extremely nasty)

anyway, this is the second half of a conversation that he began in keltoi today by pming me and saying " hope you die you fucking twat"
(this is only the second half cos i never thought to turn on the log)

[18:57:35] @@Stealthblade sends, "cos your a nob end"
[18:58:03] @@You send, "god i wish you had a guild" to Stealthblade
[18:58:22] @@[Party] Sillysod: "hes pming me nowwith ‘’hope you die wanker’’ "
[18:58:31] @@Stealthblade sends, "you only in that guild cos your a jewish twat and you have to get free stuff to servive"
[18:58:59] @@[Guild] Nocturne: "stealthblade pming you?"
[18:59:03] @@You send, "lol im not jewish and i dont need free stuff, i got plenty of gold" to Stealthblade
[18:59:05] @@[Guild] Sillysod: "yes"
[18:59:10] @@[Guild] Sillysod: "DICK DICK DICK"
[18:59:13] @@[Guild] Nocturne: "why not stick him on ignore"
[18:59:20] @@Stealthblade sends, "gold lol"
[18:59:26] @@[Guild] Sillysod: "cos i wanna laugh at his stupidty"
[18:59:32] @@[Guild] Nocturne: ";)"
[19:00:00] @@You send, "yes thats the collective term, but it stretches into plat if you wanna be picky" to Stealthblade
[19:00:20] @@Stealthblade sends, "shut it jew"
[19:00:45] @@[Guild] Sillysod: "apparently im a jew whos only in kotl to get free stuff"
[19:01:04] @@You send, "gladly, but it was you that pmed me" to Stealthblade
[19:01:13] @@You send, "i assumed you wanted to talk" to Stealthblade
[19:01:24] @@[Guild] Sillysod: "wheres the jew bit comefrom"
[19:01:32] @@Stealthblade sends, "what lvl are ya now 19 lol?"
[19:01:59] @@You send, "no 20 '' lol '' " to Stealthblade
[19:02:15] @@[Guild] Rhabryn: "mabey be is hitlers Grandson or sommit?"
[19:02:17] @@Stealthblade sends, "lol waanker"
[19:02:22] @@[Guild] Rhabryn: "if he hate jews?"
[19:02:30] @@[Guild] Sillysod: "now im getting laughed at cos im 20"
[19:02:37] @@[Guild] Rhabryn: "lol"
[19:02:46] @@You send, "whys that?" to Stealthblade
[19:02:56] @@Stealthblade sends, "cos your so shit"
[19:03:06] @@Stealthblade sends, "s h i t"
[19:03:09] @@You send, "at what?" to Stealthblade
[19:03:11] @@[Guild] Rhabryn: "1 sec i gotta Speak 2 him"
[19:03:26] @@You send, "just turn filter off you prat" to Stealthblade
[19:03:29] @@Stealthblade sends, "your boyfriends are telling me to get lost are ya gona cry??"
[19:04:29] @@[Guild] Sillysod: "which boyfriends are telling him to shush, cos im gonna cry ;)"
[19:04:48] @@[Guild] Sillysod: "lol hes soo stupid"
[19:04:54] @@[Guild] Rhabryn: "lol"
[19:04:57] @@[Guild] Sillysod: "im gonna put my log on bw"
[19:05:05] @@[Guild] Riviera: "nice :)"
[19:05:10] @@You send, "soo whats so funny about me being 20?" to Stealthblade
[19:06:07] @@Stealthblade sends, "cos your a cokc sucker who is crying to ppl to get me to stop bulying ya lol"
[19:06:16] @@Stealthblade sends, "cock*"
[19:06:48] @@[Guild] Rhabryn: "he still there"
[19:06:51] @@You send, "whats that got to do with me being 20, you so stupid. ho old are you 10? 11? 12?" to Stealthblade
[19:06:54] @@[Guild] Rhabryn: "whats his name agian?"
[19:07:01] @@You send, "or maybe your a big boy now 13?" to Stealthblade
[19:07:13] @@[Guild] Sillysod: "stealthblade"
[19:07:20] @@Stealthblade sends, "humm good 1 im 9 years old... i erm stole my nan credit card , what a twat you are"
[19:07:27] @@[Guild] Kisssme: "him do i know from keltoi"
[19:07:43] @@You send, "does that make you feel big, stealing nans credit card?" to Stealthblade
[19:08:08] @@Stealthblade sends, "you cant actualy think i was being seriouse did ya?"

[19:08:21] @@You send, "its hard to tell with prats like your good self" to Stealthblade
[19:08:33] @@Stealthblade sends, "lol ok noob"
[19:08:39] @@[Guild] Rhabryn: "lol"
[19:08:44] @@[Guild] Sillysod: "LOL im the n00b"
[19:08:49] @@[Guild] Rhabryn: "he still giving u greife"
[19:08:55] @@[Guild] Rhabryn: "LOL!!!"
[19:09:21] @@[Guild] Rhabryn: "well i am a n00b"
[19:09:29] @@You send, "sorry i fail to see how this converstaion qjusifies you calling me a noob" to Stealthblade
[19:10:18] @@You send, "anyway back to the point, whats so funny about me being 20?" to Stealthblade
[19:10:54] @@You send, "call me crazy but wasnt every lvl 50 lvl 20 once upon a time" to Stealthblade
[19:10:59] @@Stealthblade sends, "shut it you jewish cum eating prick, who got his arse shaged by his dad at the age of 4"
[19:11:44] @@You send, "and whered the jewish bit come from?" to Stealthblade
[19:12:12] @@Stealthblade sends, "lol AND? well don like i give a f u c k lol you really are funny"
[19:12:30] @@You send, "what you mean? racism is very serious matter" to Stealthblade
[19:12:30] @@Stealthblade sends, "just like your mums face"
[19:12:49] @@You send, "racism has absolutly no relation to my mums face" to Stealthblade
[19:12:50] @@Stealthblade sends, "LOl gay nigar lover"
[19:13:05] @@You send, "homophobic and racist my my you are clever" to Stealthblade
[19:13:29] @@[Guild] Sillysod: "hes a right dickheaded racist fucktup little so and so"
[19:13:48] @@[Guild] Rhabryn: "lol"
[19:13:53] @@[Guild] Rhabryn: "he is ignoring me"
[19:14:11] @@Stealthblade says, "lol"
[19:15:03] @@You send, "does it make you feel big?" to Stealthblade
[19:15:13] @@Stealthblade sends, "makes me feel good when im pumping your mum"
[19:15:49] @@You send, "it really is a shame (although no suprise that your unguilded" to Stealthblade
[19:16:22] @@Stealthblade sends, "i dont need 1, you dont even contribute to your 1 do ya exsept give it a bad name"
[19:16:54] @@You send, "owell rather than giving me grief and racism why not take it up with my gm?" to Stealthblade
[19:17:33] @@Stealthblade sends, "your the dick who was telling to to fuck of yesterday, all because i left at bb cos i was getting NO exp "
[19:17:46] @@Stealthblade sends, "so im giveing you shit cos your a wnaker and a twat"
[19:19:00] @@Stealthblade sends, "your mums face makes me laugh"
[19:19:04] @@You send, "no my man cast your mind back and you will find i didnt tell you to fuck off, i said you were a true dick" to Stealthblade
[19:19:21] @@Stealthblade sends, "lol jew"
[19:20:05] @@You send, "and that had nothing to do with you leaving, it was to do with you refusing to reinvme despite the whole group urging you to do so, just because i stood by a guild mate after you threatened to boot him cos he wasnt doing anything. " to Stealthblade
[19:20:53] @@You send, "but if you had being paying attention you qwould have noticed that he was a scout and there fore his damage output is his bow which requires him to '' just stand there''" to Stealthblade
[19:21:24] @@Stealthblade sends, "no dickwad 1 i never botoed you or him and 2 i asked wheather we should kick him, you sed no so i didnt, ignited sed yes, so rather then argu i bluddy left"
[19:21:48] @@You send, "now again back to your most stupid point yet imo, whys it so funny i am lvl 20?" to Stealthblade
[19:22:16] @@You send, "are you completely stupid or do you just act it? i never said you booted me, i lded" to Stealthblade
[19:22:24] @@[Guild] Riviera: "has he stopped?"
[19:22:32] @@[Guild] Riviera: "what set this all off anyway?"
[19:22:46] @@[Guild] Nocturne: "nasty to me the other night"
[19:22:52] @@You send, "anything you would like to your current list of offences? so far we have racism and homophobic" to Stealthblade
[19:23:29] @@Stealthblade sends, "yeah and so far your have offended my god ala! lol"
[19:23:38] @@[Guild] Sillysod: "im postuing this on bw, he is no the person i wanna play with. hes made several racist comments and told me hw i get raped by my dad"
[19:23:50] @@You send, "how have i offended ala?" to Stealthblade
[19:24:28] @@Stealthblade sends, "you told me to f u c k off yesterday, and called me stupid, and sed i was a true dick thus my god is offended"
[19:24:58] @@[Guild] Rhabryn: "man thats some fuk'd up person"
[19:25:09] @@You send, "i think you have more than proven yourself to be stupid in this converstaion" to Stealthblade
[19:25:37] @@Stealthblade sends, "i know i mean i sed your mum had tits but thats just a joke how silly of me"
[19:26:00] @@You send, "now are we all done?" to Stealthblade
[19:26:12] @@Stealthblade sends, "yeah i min m8, ya mums calling me"
[19:26:54] @@[Guild] Sillysod: "hes put me on ignore now"
[19:27:58] @@Stealthblade sends, "your mums breath smells like ya nans pussy you jewish twat"
[19:28:01] @@[Guild] Riviera: "nice chat log for goa"

is this the kinda person you wanna play with?

sorry that this is so long but i think its worth reading just so you can see the kind of people that we play alongside

ps i have also sent a copy of this to mythic, and it took me ages to delete all the spell spam and you hit bla bla for 1000000 damage so please read it :)


hmm kinda eh.. fun guy..

why do you argue with him at all? People like him needs to hear a: "Fu** Of*" Straight up their face then be ignored.


well if i hadnt argued with him i wouldnt have been able to make this post so we can laugh at his stupidity


Originally posted by villageidiot

[19:24:58] @@[Guild] Rhabryn: "man thats some fuk'd up person"

sure does sound that way.


Should of ignored him and sent the log to rightnow and report him for harrassment, at least it gets rid of them so they don't bug anyone else.


Someone got daddy type issues (said in a Seigmund Freud kinda way)


Originally posted by villageidiot
[19:08:33] @@Stealthblade sends, "lol ok noob"

bearing in mind the above quote, i just camp from meeting my good friend stealthblade in bg, where people where stood by the mpk. in the cg stealth says
" come on guys lets storm, we could take it"

now whos the noob


lol, he neds banning and hes CC blocking from DAoC.



You can't report someone for harassment after you provoke them....
Wtf IS this thing with using 'jew' as an insult, btw? That's about the fourth retard I've encountered doing it in about a week..
Anyhow, /ignore really is the better solution than encouraging him to continue :>


i dont get the jew thing either,
and i didnt provoke him really i jsut allowed him to continue, and if i hadnt let him continue you wouldnt know what a twat he is, and my log woulda been empty and so no evidence

ok so maybe i did provoke a little,


Originally posted by old.LandShark
You can't report someone for harassment after you provoke them....
Wtf IS this thing with using 'jew' as an insult, btw? That's about the fourth retard I've encountered doing it in about a week..
Anyhow, /ignore really is the better solution than encouraging him to continue :>

Hence why I said he should of ignored him and sent the log of anything he pm'd.


the whole calling people a jew thing is a reference to the second world war how the jews were rounded up and killed. An extremely nasty thing that happened and some people mean as an insult when they call you a jew in that reference. i.e.they think you should b shot. They r bringing up nazish beleifs yet consider themselves for being big for doing it...best just ignore em, they will get their comupence when they say it to the wrong person :p

As for what he said, thats kinda instant ban from what I gather IF you hadn't of provoked him...unfortunately very little will probably be done now : /


Provoked or not Racist abuse is always a banning offense in DAOC.

Report him


Once he joins a guild, let the GM know what type of person he recruited and give this link.

Then he'll find out soon enough how the social structure in daoc works.


Its a shame, but sadly innevitable, that people with Stealthblade's mentality will play DaoC. All you can do is put the idiot on ignore, dont guild or group him, and report him to Mythic / GoA etc. The one thing that I am personally uncomfortable with is his antisemitism, which is out of order. Camelot is not intended as a personal forum to voice personal race hatred, and I think Stealthblade's lack of maturity here should serve as a warning that unless we stop encouraging such people by placing them on immediate chat log and ignore, we run the risk of this hapenning time and time again. What a shame.


I'd be amazed if he actually WAS anti-semetic...
i.e. if he actually had some kind of objection to or grudge against Jewish people...
Then again, I could be wrong, in which case he needs to be vascetomised :>


Originally posted by old.LandShark
You can't report someone for harassment after you provoke them....
Wtf IS this thing with using 'jew' as an insult, btw? That's about the fourth retard I've encountered doing it in about a week..
Anyhow, /ignore really is the better solution than encouraging him to continue :>

I guess they are fans of Hitler?


I agree...people like this must be...ignored...reported and finally removed from the game totally.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Back in the dark smelly days when I used to play Quake 3 *shudder* I was constantly being called 'jew' or 'fucking cunt jew cocksucking shit'. I never could understand the mentality behind calling people Jewish and expecting them to be so insulted that they would log off from the server in shame and slit their wrists. In the end I discovered that pestering these people to find out the logic behind their little witticisms would fry their synapses so badly that they would in turn log off. Pity the teenagers and their feeble minds!

~burns Quake 3 CD~

~wonders if Stealth is related to Ins...another prize plonker :p~


But Sissyfoo...you ARE Jewish. Don't you see?

Saying things makes them both true AND insulting!



Lol yes stealthblade thinks that mpk is takable in bg because it looks the same as center keep... :twak:


i bet my mortage that,
a: hes paying using mummys credit card
b: he plays counter strike
c: he says "jew" because hes just moved up from "l337" but not quite got to finishing every sentence with "tbh" (will eventually move on to "kthnxbye" as his ultimate putdown)
d: he rolled a ninja (says infiltrator in the game but with a hard name like stealthblade people will think he is a true ninja
e: he will move onto SWG and will be teh ultimate jedi mastah!


There's no cure for immature aggressive xenophobic antisemitism sadly. All we can do is report it and leave it to the moderators of whichever forum such drivel is enunciated.


Stealthblade is a Stupid, ignorant and very nasty little child......

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