I want to now Estimated Time when the Subpage comes up.

  • Thread starter Georg Granfeldt
  • Start date


Originally posted by Gef
For people who didnt update the email address on their details (or those who traded accounts) even when the subs page comes up you still wont have a subs password. You will have to go through ShiteNow and send them some details about your account, security questions etc.

If you traded I doubt you will have those details, unless your very lucky and can still contact the original owner. In this case I dont think there is much you can do as firstly trading accounts is totally against the CoC, and if your account is your own and you simply didnt update your email you'll probably find in the small print that its your responsibility.

If you did keep your details up to date, and you simply havent received your new password, then you probably have legal grounds to get reinbursed for the days/weeks you have been missing whilst paying for it.

WHich update???????????? a lot of pepps updated their mails like me! and mail providers works fine.


Aye, i kept my email address up-to-date with them and my mail provider works fine.:(


Originally posted by Gef
If you did keep your details up to date, and you simply havent received your new password, then you probably have legal grounds to get reinbursed for the days/weeks you have been missing whilst paying for it.
Excactly what has happened to me >_<


Legally they have around 17 days (did it go down on 14th or 17th ?) or so, left to bring the subs page back up (by EU law there is a 30 days clause to get the tool that allows people unsubscribe working again).

All online registered companies that provide pay-as-you-go service (even porn ones) must provide you with the option to unsubscribe, thats a legal obligation.

Either way patience, whilst not a fitting one, is the only the option.


Originally posted by Shike
quoting Blizzard are we? ^^
Difference is Blizzard and id Software can afford to say that :p


Quote from the last Friday news-

"This will be all for today and this week. Have a good week everyone, safe hunting in the frontiers and be sure to check the news early next week for more information on the current situation."

Now im fairly certain its early next week atm, so wheres the frigging information GOA?


Yeah, would be customer...

Yes, my opinion is: WORK OVER WEEKENDS!!! I really hope they do so, cause I do so!!! I work in a shift system, so I work during weekends. And actually I am a would be customer...
Bought the game a couple of days ago, and still am unable to play... There even isn't any news about this on there homepage!!
Except for that tiny little text thing...

I don't like this way of working. And i think that registration pages should ALWAYS be available whatever happens!!!!

I hope I still gonna play the game, if it gets back online.

An unhappy customer!!!!! (Learn your lessons!!!) :( :( :( :( :(


1 week without password now. Goa best pull their finger from their fking asses soon.


i have my new GAME password,, but not as of yet my new SUBSCRIPTION password.. has anyone got both? or haven't they sent them yet?

also is there anywhere else i can get info on whats going on?


Yep im also a new customer

i bought the game a week ago just after the subs pages went down and i am starting to get annyoed as i really wanted to play this game :(

Oh and on the blizzard thing if they do tell you to wait a little longer at least they do give you information and show you that they are present and at least pretending to read are views

ah well i hope its all working again soon


I have my GAME passys, but no subs ones as of yet. Guess we will get those when the subs pages come back up. As until then they are completely useless anyway!

WHich update???????????? a lot of pepps updated their mails like me! and mail providers works fine.

I think you misunderstood, read the bottom of my last message. If it is GOA's fault then you may be able to get some free gametime back from them. Small consolation for missing a week I know but its something.

May seem like stating the obvious but to all those people who DID update their email addresses on the site. Have you checked your 'spam' folders for emails? I know mine has filtered out emails from DAoC in the past, especially the default Outlook one and the Hotmail one.

Just a thought..


its worth waiting for :) i believe it will be up v soon, maybe today,, maybe tmorrow,, no one knows do they?

but its df worth waiting for..


I soon go *censur*

look here:

the last sentence from GOA at Friday says:

-This will be all for today and this week. Have a good week everyone, safe hunting in the frontiers and be sure to check the news early next week for more information on the current situation.

"early next week ?? Its for gods sake Wednesday today.."

Do the france have a different calender then the rest of Europe??


*wakes up - looks at DAoC EU site no new news - goes back to sleep*



Originally posted by Falcon
Difference is Blizzard and id Software can afford to say that :p

tehe.. kinda true :)

quite many seem to be waiting for WoW etc.


Maybe they should go with the Duke Nukem Forever Approch...

"It'll be done, when its done."

Trouble is .. Now ppl can't be arsed with Duke Nukem Forever and have given up waiting.


Yeah WoW does look VERY good but then so did Eve, Earth & Beyond and many others. Sadly they were a let down (for me at least). :eek:

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