I want to now Estimated Time when the Subpage comes up.

  • Thread starter Georg Granfeldt
  • Start date

Georg Granfeldt

I want to now Estimated Time when the Sub page comes up.

I realy wanna play now !!


heh same here, I bought a copy the day before it went down and wasn't there that night to register...

it's frustrating. But at least I have my primary account still, but WAAAAH though...

Hopefully shouldn't be too long now that they have the majority of accounts working. I'm hoping this week, but that is hopefull.....


Im sure GOA are doing all they can, firstly to secure the service, secondly to deal with issues like subs.

Be patient m8, it will happen. Glad to see you didnt go the "feck GOA is assholes kinda route", that one was getting a lil old.


Id also like to know an estimate, but i doubt we will be told.

My guess is that tonight GOA will issue a bulletin on their news section about the situation. We will prolly receive our new sub passwords tue/wed and the sub page will come up shortly after. Id be guessing that happening later this week.

Who knows tbh. At least now the weekends over we can be 100% sure theyre working on it.


I don't think an estimated time is too much to ask for... I'm quite curious myself, seeing I haven't been able to play this lovely game for a week.
Oh, do GOA really check forums btw? Because I've seen them taking things up in their news that's been on BW, but I hardly see them around on forums, answering questions and such I mean...


Useless without your sub password even if it came up today.

I want both as soon as possible.

Im sure goa are working their arses off. Even goa's critics must admit loosing money for any company isn't good and they want £££'s asap.


I would like to get the same info!



Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
Im sure GOA are doing all they can, firstly to secure the service, secondly to deal with issues like subs.

Be patient m8, it will happen. Glad to see you didnt go the "feck GOA is assholes kinda route", that one was getting a lil old.

i think that you have allready got your pwd and talk so much!


Yes m8, see my sig, youll mainly find me as Apophys or Danime these days, from time to time I do dig whoo out of the closet or play Saphron hoping to get to 50 a lil faster than solo :)

Georg Granfeldt

Only my fine school prevent me :) or the fact I cant call them that.

Would be a insult to the employe of Goa if I did.
No name given non is forgoten.

You still in game Whoodoo ?


Originally posted by icedguardian
i think that you have allready got your pwd and talk so much!
Yes, I had mine at 1.30am, my BB at 7am next day, why - because i kept my details up to date.

Dont cry about problems you created yourself iced (as in changed email accounts and not told them, seen your other thread btw) thats your problem, Georg was wanting to get back in game, and needs the subs pages only :p


OK, that got weird, i answered one persons question, then george asked it after my reply, time war there or am i a mind reader? hehe


Originally posted by Georg Granfeldt
I want to now Estimated Time when the Sub page comes up.

I realy wanna play now !!

Lets all get together and come up with a time then - as said b4 i doubt GOA / mythic read these pages, only Kemor comes on when either something is said about his parentage or morals etc..

So asking for that here , and you won't receive.

N.B. that was in no way a flame at Kemor, or yourself Georg. I was merely pointing out that Kemor doesn't frequent these boards much anymore.

Also look on the bright side - Mythic / GOA are NOT taking ur money while u cannot subscribe.

Can i also point out that if they do not know when it will be fixed - why bother telling us, we will only flame them ... when its :

Est up time 7 Days :

'mr 1337-twat dingle posts' : Feck feck 7 FFS days i can't play for 7 ffs days kkthxbye !!one!1


Est Up time 3 hours : (then miss that because something came up like in most technical scenarios)

'mr 1337-twat dingle posts' : OMG its been more than 3 hours - WTF is going on etcetc whine whine

So either way they can't win. Better to not let peeps know i reckon.

Georg Granfeldt

Hm it is when you dont say anything when people start
getting mad not the other way around

that´s my idea of life..


this is piss poor.

again we have to be patient things go wrong with comps and we must trust goa to get it fixed.

However when you cannot subscribe to a service, GOA need to understand the business implications of this fault.

I expect the following:

a) and estimated resolution time/date.
b) 2 updates on the problem every day.
c) apolagies with those 2 updates if the problem isnt fixed.

I have an account i need to register it. I have been waiting 7 days to register it. I am on the point now of thinking, well its been one week. Christ knows when its going to get fixed. Is it worth printing out the web site message I get when i try to subscribe and taking the game back to the shops and asking for a refund as the game cannot be played due to a technical fault at the suppliers registration site.

Im sure the retailers have to be sympathetic as there is no estimated resolution on the site and no updates.

If its not backup tommorrow im taking the game copy back to the shops for a refund.

I am a customer wanting to pay GOA money but I cant pay them money cuz of the ridiculously long time it is taking them to fix this problem.

ah well...


And its not just people who didn't update there email at GOA, what about the people who just never got a password despite having all there information up-to-date and are paying while they cannot play.

Like muggins here...... :(

Just have to sit and wait till the subs password comes..........

Nothing else that can be done.

<and waiting>...


I want a job at GOA, not many businesses have the ethic "screw the customer" well possibly BT but even they'd update you on problems now and then.

I'm guessing they're completely redoing the subs pages, that'd be a fairly major job especially if they have to get it working with the existing player subs database. But then again they're paid to run this game, so they should be working 24/7 (and paying the staff overtime) to get it back online ASAP.

More importantly they SHOULD be keeping the customer base up to day and apologising constantly for the delays to the service.

I think that GOA constantly shoot themselves in the foot (probably fumble and miss the first two times - archer joke) by not even leaving updates on the main page. It's so little effort and would be really appreciated by most people :)


Originally posted by kameh
I'm guessing they're completely redoing the subs pages, that'd be a fairly major job especially if they have to get it working with the existing player subs database. But then again they're paid to run this game, so they should be working 24/7 (and paying the staff overtime) to get it back online ASAP.

More importantly they SHOULD be keeping the customer base up to day and apologising constantly for the delays to the service.

I think that GOA constantly shoot themselves in the foot (probably fumble and miss the first two times - archer joke) by not even leaving updates on the main page. It's so little effort and would be really appreciated by most people :)

yep, aint too fun to check in and see; friday news from last week when its 11 days ago my account was closed down. Just by looking at www.camelotherald.com one can tell that GOA has alot to learn from the creator of DAoC, Mythic update their site on a nearly daily basis, if this had happened in US i would bet alot on that there would be daily updates in the progress just to let the customers know whats happening since it tend to make people a bit happier if they are aware of what's going on. Is it really so bloody hard to have someone in the staff spend 1 hour tops per day on improving the relation to the customers?


boobi playmobil


Am i the only one finding it slightly odd that they do not work overtime during the weekends?

"This will be all for today and this week. Have a good week everyone, safe hunting in the frontiers and be sure to check the news early next week for more information on the current situation."

Their services arent working, hundreds of would-be customers are unhappy, and they go home during the weekends?


Originally posted by kameh
But then again they're paid to run this game, so they should be working 24/7 (and paying the staff overtime) to get it back online ASAP.

The game is working fine. its behind the scenes that isn't. I agree tho, about overtime etc. Most companies who have downtime, for their customers do call their staff in on overtime.

But for all we know they are doing this and haven't told anyone.


At least informing us of progress each day would ease the frustration and i mean is it really so hard to update 1 page with a paragraph of text!?

I mean i really don't know whether to expect to wait another few days, a week, weeks or a month - its bloody pathetic

oh and what about the lost business for my crafter - i expect a refund of around 10p GOA! :)


I agree... we pay for this game, and the least we should be able to expect is to be informed at least a little bit about when we will be able to play the game again. Personally I haven't heard anything for a week, and it IS starting to bug me... I had my e-mail updated, but due to virusinvasions the service was down when they sent out the passwords, and so I'm stuck here. It's not GOA's fault, but they ARE responsible for this game and the happiness of their customers. I think it's outright rude not to give any info at all to those hundreds of us who still can't get into the game. How long could it take them to check a forum and type in "We don't have a clue"?
I've heard many people getting fed up with this technical breakdown, leaving the game. I'm seriously considering joining them...


For people who didnt update the email address on their details (or those who traded accounts) even when the subs page comes up you still wont have a subs password. You will have to go through ShiteNow and send them some details about your account, security questions etc.

If you traded I doubt you will have those details, unless your very lucky and can still contact the original owner. In this case I dont think there is much you can do as firstly trading accounts is totally against the CoC, and if your account is your own and you simply didnt update your email you'll probably find in the small print that its your responsibility.

If you did keep your details up to date, and you simply havent received your new password, then you probably have legal grounds to get reinbursed for the days/weeks you have been missing whilst paying for it.

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