Any new business takes a while to get going. It would be stupid to envisage that after only a couple of weeks that the servers would be full. Thats why I posted a thread in general asking what the business plan was. I really didn't expect an answer, but maybe a hint would of been nice.
If we are patient and BW/Game do things correctly we will "at some point" have a busy service.
I have to agree thats it's depressing at the moment though.
I don't want my money back. but I do expect results
(Quote) Ah Ah, I know what you're thinking. Did he fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya punk?
It was five shots and no I don't feel lucky! I feel robbed Clint.
(Quote) Cleverer and more enlightened people have discussed this, in a more private arena. I'm sure they thought about these issues.
Umm obviously not or I wouldn't be complaining. Like all new business ventures you take gambles based on your limited reality map. There was no historical data for the decision makers to fall back on so they had to speculate and forecast. (Granted not an easy task)
Keep my money I don't care I would have only spent it on beer, drugs and extemely cheap women but please consider public servers with limited slots, I thought there have been some good ideas posted on this thread for very enlightened people (THE PEOPLE WHO PLAY THE BLOODY GAMES)
Maybe I could join a Clan so at least I could play on BW with others, but all the clans I have joined so far were suck a bloody mess, no organisation etc I gave up.
Any sensible suggetions would be appreciated
(Joke) They have now produced viagra in eye drop form. It makes you LOOK HARD.
If life is like a box of chocolates why does mine taste like shit?
I very much doubt that the people who play on the servers are the best people to decide policy, and strategy. What the hell do I know about market trends? To draw an analogy, can you imagine letting motorists decide what the correct speed limit for a given road should be?
We are not talking about life threatening decisions.. and I think you might be suprised what the general public would say the speed limits should be.. ( Except maniac bikers of course, I'm also a biker btw)
All large organisations these days make decisions on what the consumer wants.. they get information about what the consumer wants by ASKING THEM not guessing. And as for forecasting market trends, been there done that got it wrong myself.
My immediate problem would be solved if I could join a BWTFCL clan.. any offers?
Theres a dedicated BWTFCL forum you know, you could ask in there although its not used much, the UKTFCL forums seem to be the busiest.
As for public TFC servers you may have noticed there are now only half the number of servers there were before. Like ch3tan did for CS, he created a room in IRC for BW CS players which seems to be a great Idea. I dont know if you know Pippa666 but shes been creating bookable nights to organise games. PM her if your interested.
The thing that most people are missing here is that this stage was all planned.
There has to be a stage where limited people are signing up and accessing servers, so that the BW team can tell if its bugged or not.
Yes, I know they did a pre subs test, but they have to do a limited real test before they go live with the plans they have.
I know that people might feel a little cheated but for the little they pay, they really do get a good deal.
There are hundreds of thousands of PC players that buy games from GAME strores.
Those same people are the target audience for Barrysworld, I'm afraid skyler that you dont know these people any more than I or anyone else as they are as yet an untapped market.
I hope this clears a little up for you guys and explains that Barrysworld have plans that they think are worthwhile and more importantly GAME think are worthwhile.
They are not going into this blindly, hoping to succeed, they have had a plan from the start and it is all going as well as, if not better than planned.
You seem to be forgetting the market for other game genres, not just FPS. Pretty much all new games have some kind of multiplayer option, so anyone who purchases a PC game from a game store will have at least a small inclination to try it out. If they are new to the multiplayer scene and there is a service provider advertised right in front of their face, chances are they'll give it a go. Once they do that, they may even have a a gander at what other games they can play and start rooting through their collection for older games, such as the quake series or half life.
Zap I allready explained the situation with games stores, a minority of those who go there will be a target for BW, its better than what it is now yes, but it isnt as good as you think...
Personally I think you should be able to purchase subscriptions from GAME stores. Also, It should come with a 7 day money back guarentee or something.
Selling subscriptions in GAME would be extremely helpfull and would also raise awareness to not only the capabilities of the game, but also the services of Barrysworld. Offers should be done y'know, Buy X Y and Z and get a free BW subscription thrown in.
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