i think...........



everyone should email the US servers and ask them to open up a server designed for the UK people. then we would all have latest patches and hopefully not many US people if its was announced as UK server.

just a thought. would be cool though.

SoulFly Amarok


And that server would work with the euro version of daoc?

You can just go to an us server..goa wont do a thing. Never has.

old.Aird Fitzdeagle

Have you seen any major GOA screw up's lately? I haven't...
It's not like that Mythic is perfect... (have a look at the IGN boards...)

And the latest patch blabla? Don't forget that:
a) GOA implemented numerous small patches in one "big" one. Mythic did that over time (weeks'n'month- sure all the US players cried over it, too...). I rather have a thoroughly tested patched server which runs stabile than some "please the masses" gung ho action.
b) That it is understandable if they don't want to patch the UK servers before the french and the german ones (do you think you could log on if they did? Pry and Excal would be swamped with french and germans players).

I have critizised GOA in the past as it is my right as a customer.. but meanwhile I think that they have sorted the major problems out.


If I remember correctly the time it took to get 1.45 was the same as the US ones took in small bits?

old.Aird Fitzdeagle

See b) for this, SFXman - GOA is hosting DAoC for all of Europe (except Italy, methinks). One can argue which european languages are the most important ones... for DA purposes GOA went for English, French and German.

So, lets assume GOA would run the UK servers on 1.50 - English is taught on German and French schools... you would be very lucky if you could log on at all because the servers would be swamped with people usually playing their native language versions...
Possible solution...hmmm... restrict the UK servers to UK version customers? Then Amazon.uk would have a lot of orders from Germany and France, methinks. Restrict German and French players from playing on UK servers? DAoC Apartheid?;)

GOA hiring more translators? Don't think they are a non-profit organization...
Try to see the greater picture. I personally think GOA has greatly improved their service.

Base line is:
We either live with delayed patches or we switch to the US servers.
IMO an interesting fact is, that it is always the same players moaning about the late patches. Oh, believe me... I don't like it any better than you do - GOA is doing their job and as long as they don't have another major feck up, I will not cancel my subscription*shrug*


I suppose restriction is possible... limit the UK servers to ip's from certain domains such as the scandinavian countries, UK, Ireland , Scotland etc., you know what I mean.
We have had a professional translator once post about translation even on these boards. Now if his views hold true, then translation with a few more translators hired would be much faster...

old.Aird Fitzdeagle

Yer kidding me, right? Ban certain Ip's etc.? Dear Lord... LOL

Welcome to the Twilight Zone...


Ehh... Aird, you seem to be missing the point completely... You say that if the english servers would get the patches the same time as the US servers, they would be swamped by french and german players, who (understandably) want to play on the latest version.

Well, that must mean that they are all willing to play on an english-language server! SO THEN WHY THE HELL GO THROUGH ALL THIS TRANSLATION CRAP, IN THE FIRST PLACE???

Is it maybe because GOA is french...? A tiny bit of national chauvinism here...?

old.Aird Fitzdeagle

Oh, I am pretty sure that I am getting the point, friend Smart.

GOA's point was to open opportunities (to maximize its profit and to have access to more paying customers, of course... can you blame them?) for people whose English is not good enough to play on English-only servers.

Therefore French and German serves and therefore all the translations.

Gee, I'm German and I like playing on Prydwen... but a bunch of my friends are playing on German servers because their English is just not sufficient enough to communicate properly.

See? Got the point- just looking at the whole issue from a different angle.


The avid french gamers who don't like waiting for translations to play the latest patch do what everybody else on planet earth does: they buy the US version and play on Mythic's servers. There are guilds of french players on US servers (from france and other french speaking countries). It doesn't bother me to wait: the fact that someone else somewhere is playing version 1.50 doesn't make the version 1.45 that I'm playing any less fun.

Some of the UK people who are constantly heaping abuse on GOA here and elsewhere (rightfully or wrongfully) are really angry that the game is being run by a french company. I've been called a "f*****g frog" in the game, and my german guildmates have been called "f******g krauts". Happily that kind of person is a tiny majority and I'm still convinced that Excalibur is the best euro server to play on: I've never been in any online community that had so many nice people in it and I'm happy to be part of it.


Originally posted by Smart
Ehh... Aird, you seem to be missing the point completely... You say that if the english servers would get the patches the same time as the US servers, they would be swamped by french and german players, who (understandably) want to play on the latest version.

Well, that must mean that they are all willing to play on an english-language server! SO THEN WHY THE HELL GO THROUGH ALL THIS TRANSLATION CRAP, IN THE FIRST PLACE???

Is it maybe because GOA is french...? A tiny bit of national chauvinism here...?
I agree. If they are ok with playing on the UK servers because the latest patches are there... then why not just make all the servers english in the first place and install patches as they come from the US.

old.Aird Fitzdeagle

Gee... here we go again. See my earlier post, please.
Not everyone was born with a talent for foreign languages.

In other words:
I am sure that if GOA launched a Suomi-only version of DAoC, a lot more people from Finnland would join, don't you think?


Aird, to me the main thing bugging me is that it seems that GOA conciders the french and german servers their main priority.

Being from Sweden myself, and having this silly notion that english would be the language to use, when playing in an international environment, I feel a bit screwed...

If I had known how GOA would run this translation thing, I would never have bought the euro-version in the first place. It feels a bit like I've payed for something that I didn't get...


Was wrinting when you you posted your last reply, Aird. Sorry, think you are wrong. Finns, like swedes, don't have this aversion/fear/contempt for the english language. Most of them know enough english to play on an english-speaking server. If you started a finnish server (or swedish) most people playing there would be kids, I'm pretty sure of it.

Hey, you don't have to be an expert in english, you only need to know the basics. And also you need to be free from the notion that your own language is, in some strange way, superior to the english language and needs protection from it (/waves at GOA and the french government)

old.Aird Fitzdeagle

I think it is laziness rather than a feeling of being superior or having an aversion.
We learn English in school, just like you guys :)

I started playing games in the early 80'ies, when computer games were for "freaks" still. All you got were imported games - english only. Computer gamers were mostly the more educated ones (heck, you need to know some English to fully enjoy the humor of Maniac Mansion etc.), English was no problem really...

But then the market expanded (early, mid 90'ies)... Just like with movies they started to dub/translate computer games.
To get the english version of a game nowadays, you will have to find an overprized import store. :(

I think I read somewhere that Germany was the second largest market for computer entertainment and people are lazy enough to buy the localized versions (and just like the movies the dubbing is horrific;))... and they will moan and complain if they have to buy an english game with a german manual.

English in Scandinavia is much better "integrated" into every day life. A friend of mine, who lives in Denmark, told me that movies have danish subtitles only. Way to go! I would love that:)

My wife is from the US... before we came to Germany 3 years ago, I told her: "No worries- every kid learns English in school. You will be able to communicate just fine..." My arse;) Lazy Germans.
Gibberish English at best- with the majority of people and I'm glad we'll go back to the States in two months..

It is all about mentality, Smart :)
And the large numbers of German and French players seem to justifiy GOA's translation attitude.

This discussion is nothing personal for me... I am just fine with the English language (...well... except for the occasional screw up;))


Nothing personal for me either, Aird... :)

And you are right, being able to use english is more or less taken for granted in Scandinavia.

Which mean you're also right about it all being about mentality... :)

That's why is was waving at GOA (a case of bad mentality) and the french government (seems to work hard to promote and preserve this mentality).

As I wrote in another thread: start using subtitles in movies and you might learn to relax a bit, when it comes to foreign languages! ;)


Aird, to me the main thing bugging me is that it seems that GOA conciders the french and german servers their main priority.
From simple economics, the french and german servers are GOA's main priority. There are many more subscribers using those servers than using the english ones, for many reasons but not least because GOA has to compete directly with Mythic at the disadvantage that they cannot offer the latest version of the game (even if GOA patched their english servers as soon as Mythic made the binaries available, before the translations were even started, it would still be after they were up and running on the official Mythic servers). If you want to play DAOC in french or german, you can only play on GOA's servers. If you want to play in english, you have a choice.


Generally people in scandinavia, Finland especially, people are able to speak english extremely well.... everyone is able to communicate perfectly fine in english and I like it that way. I myself am just an exception... having lived 3½ years in Australia, 3 in Ireland and 2½ in Luxembourg (American internation school = everything in english) I can speak/write BETTER in english than finnish, but that's just me.


Alrindel, you are right. But it would have been kind of nice to have been informed about this choice, when I went and bought the game. Since I, and everybody else who wasn't part of the US beta, was NOT informed, we had in reality no choice...

As I wrote earlier, if I had known about this choice that I am supposed to have had, I would gladly have made it, and bought the US version.
Edit: And this is of course not in GOA's interest. So they didn't inform us. Bordering on fraud, this crap is... :)

old.Gombur Glodson

btw have you noticed the numbers on the french/german servers they have dropped.....


If I remember correctly the time it took to get 1.45 was the same as the US ones took in small bits?

Well DOH! thanks for proving my point that GOA are the slowest mofo's to ever walk the earth.
its not like GOA has to MAKE the patches, they just translate!
[sarcasm] And as we all know translating takes just as long time as actually creating a patch [/sarcasm]


Originally posted by Arnor
Well DOH! thanks for proving my point that GOA are the slowest mofo's to ever walk the earth.
its not like GOA has to MAKE the patches, they just translate!
[sarcasm] And as we all know translating takes just as long time as actually creating a patch [/sarcasm]
Missed my point. We are actually getting the patches at the same speed the US people did.


Missed my point. We are actually getting the patches at the same speed the US people did.

Well, so did you. Perhaps we are getting them in the same time as the US ppl did, but we SHOULDNT!
It should be much quicker to translate them, than to MAKE them!


old.Aird Fitzdeagle

Originally posted by Arnor

Well, so did you. Perhaps we are getting them in the same time as the US ppl did, but we SHOULDNT!
It should be much quicker to translate them, than to MAKE them!


Hmm... have you ever integrated translated, patch code into an existing system, Arnor?

Perhaps it should be much quicker from your pov... but does it mean it can be done that quickly? ;)

It is all relative, isn't it?


I believe GOA will turn out to be a more competent company in the future, according to GOA, they are now in a phase who includes recruitments of staff, game-masters, translators etc. Hopefully we'll see a major diffirence in patches and support after this phase, and then for once :) make positive posts about GOA.

GOA has screwed up, dunno if u can make it any worse as it is and by that it can only get better.

But, if we dont get 1.50 before autumn, i wont trust GOA and it's staff anymore - that wait is just too long for me.

So, GOA have another shot - if they blow this one too i think MANY will quit. This is not only my oppinion, ask ppl on IRC or in-game to find out their thoughts.


I believe GOA will turn out to be a more competent company in the future, according to GOA, they are now in a phase who includes recruitments of staff, game-masters, translators etc.

DRRRT Wrong answer!

hehe, sorry to break it to ya, but they said they are hiring Gm's, translator! and some other stuff :(

Notice the singular form of translator :(


Sure hope he's fecking super-fecking-duper-man cuz GOA needs an army of translators according to the time they manage to spend on the translations


Since they, according to Kemor, goofed up with the links page recently I wouldn´t be so darn sure that it´s only one translator just caus everyone points out that´s it´s missing a S.

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