I love paying for people to not work



Originally posted by cadiva
Truer words etc Silverhood.

Even in my small little northern town there were shitloads of dole wasters in the old days before they changed it to JobSeeker's Allowance and made people have to pretend they were really looking for work.

I think I have the solution. Actually, I'm pretty sure I do have the solution to this. Make it 100% sure.

And the Solution is:

Round, Shiny, Semi-Transparent, Pink, Lovely Marbles.

yea, Marbles. What am I, Einstein ?


I remember an article in the Sun from the early nineties, in which they discussed the north/south divide, they had 2 young lads, one from central London and one from Sunderland, both with similair jobs.

They broke down their wages and how much it cost them to live, and decided that the south was much better off.

But they seemed to completely ignore the fact that the guy from Sunderland had a better house a better car and had more money left over each month even though he earned less as labourer.

You could read between the lines that they were really saying, it must be horrible living in Sunderland and the guy in London's house was more expensive, so it must be better, even though it was smaller and the area he lived in looked a lot rougher.

It was a classic anti North article.


Originally posted by old.job
It was a classic anti North article.

Lets have more of them and stop the southern people moving up norf and buying all our houses and making the damn prices more expensive so no-one that I know from a little farming village can actually afford to live there cos it's full of 'southerners' who bought the farm house but "didn't want the bother of the land".

Oh yeah, and then they complain there's no village shop/bus/pub etc when they drive past in their 4x4s on the way to the nearest posh supermarket.

Nothing worse than seeing your agricultural heritage and past going down the pan :(


LOL, CAD the best story I read, BBC website no less so may be true, is that couple from London who bought a house in the country complained to a nearby farmer that his cows were staring at them from the field next to their garden.


Originally posted by cadiva
Lets have more of them and stop the southern people moving up norf and buying all our houses and making the damn prices more expensive so no-one that I know from a little farming village can actually afford to live there cos it's full of 'southerners' who bought the farm house but "didn't want the bother of the land".

Oh yeah, and then they complain there's no village shop/bus/pub etc when they drive past in their 4x4s on the way to the nearest posh supermarket.

Nothing worse than seeing your agricultural heritage and past going down the pan :(

Not all of us 'southerners' are rich and drive around in big 4x4's and go to 'posh' supermarkets. :rolleyes:


Just wish all those Northern monkeys would stop polluting our nice Essex towns tbh.


Make them learn the language of the country they come to, make them work.


Originally posted by old.Dillinja
Not all of us 'southerners' are rich and drive around in big 4x4's and go to 'posh' supermarkets. :rolleyes:

Hehe I know, you get rich cos you move ooooop norf and get a bloody massive farmhouse for some silly price and then you can afford the 4x4 ;)

PS I'm wondering if you're failing to spot the tongue in cheek cliches here??


Many cliches are true, Liverpool does have an enormous amount of car robbing/ shellsuit wearing scallys. And all the girls do have 3 sovereigns on their fingers.
And every cockney I met during the 90's had gelled/spiked hair 2 earrings and drove an Escort Turbo, and asked you how much your house was worth in the first 2 mins.

Northern towns like Wigan are full of hillbillys who have rope holding up their trousers(I kid not ,go there and you will see).

As a side note, I had the misfortune of having to drive into Kirby on monday night (one of the roughest parts of Liverpool) and within 5 mins a gang of 15 lads on BMX bikes blocked the road and tried to stop the car, you can imagine what for. The place is a police no-go area so I did the sensible thing, knocked it into first and aimed at them, scattered four of them and kept going, I will never-ever return.


Wuz dak yoo wit da flicky la, on datz feersgt pushy?


Originally posted by cadiva
Off topic...

Britain is facing the legacy of her colonial past whether we like to admit to that or not and the powers that be (ie the Government of whichever political persuasion) owe something to those countries we actively 'governed' during our great days of expansion and which, most of them, we left in the shit when they were gifted independence.

Economical migrants are the real issue not immigrants fleeing despotic regimes or religious hatred. Sticking them all in big lumps in one or two cities isn't going to help only aggravate the situation.

Well said :)


Originally posted by old.job
Wuz dak yoo wit da flicky la, on datz feersgt pushy?

ahlrightla, ghum on ah stid gi uss a brea er wacha

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