I love paying for people to not work



Really I do...

I get up and go to work in the morning safe in the knowlege that my tax £ are being spent of DSS scammers and lazy beasties!

Gotta love the UK for it stupid systems.

P.S I dont mind people with a valid reason for not working, just all the tards who sit around claiming DSS money thinking the world owes them a living


And what about people like me, I have worked since I left college and paid over £60k in taxes during that time. I am now unable to work due to back problems and the delays in getting treatment on the NHS are only making the problem worse. You can't tar everyone with the same brush Gam, there are alot of geniune people out there and with standard dole being £45 I don't see how anyone could afford to play DAoC all day with the monthly subscription and internet charges.

Yep there are alot of scammer but unemployment is at an alltime low in the U.K. and yet benefit payouts are at an alltime high. Why? Payouts and housing costs for 400,000 asylum seekers of who 40,000 might have legitmate claims for asylum. Then you look at the illegal immigrants and all the additional crime they cause. Britain is going down the pan because we have become a soft touch run by liberals who think we are obliged to solve the problems of the entire world because we had an *empire* 100 years ago.


He did say he didn't mind people with a valid reason Chodax :).

I agree with this in a way too, but I can't really give an opinion as I don't pay taxes yet ;).


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
And what about people like me, I have worked since I left college and paid over £60k in taxes during that time. I am now unable to work due to back problems and the delays in getting treatment on the NHS are only making the problem worse. You can't tar everyone with the same brush Gam, there are alot of geniune people out there and with standard dole being £45 I don't see how anyone could afford to play DAoC all day with the monthly subscription and internet charges.

Originally posted by Gamah

P.S I dont mind people with a valid reason for not working, just all the tards who sit around claiming DSS money thinking the world owes them a living

Sounds like a valid reason to me! When I say valid reason I mean people with genuine reasons for not working..like you have


Originally posted by Gamah
Sounds like a valid reason to me! When I say valid reason I mean people with genuine reasons for not working..like you have

How do you tell the difference though? I am 28, because of my age most people think I couldn't possibly have such a bad back that stops me from doing any work.


You're 28?

That's different then...

..bum! scrounge! LIVERPUDLIAN!



Originally posted by old.cHodAX
How do you tell the difference though? I am 28, because of my age most people think I couldn't possibly have such a bad back that stops me from doing any work.

Im not trying to tell the difference..just stating a fact..people who are scamming the DSS know who they are and thats who I'm talking about..I'm not paid to find out the difference thats what those burocrats are supposed to do but they are so caught up in red tape they can't tell there arses from there faces most of the time.


We need to address the real problems with this country ;

Youth crime = National Service or Public Service scheme

Asylum = Complete ban until we clear the backlog of cases

Illegal immigrants = Mass deportation

Those 3 things would save the government billions every year, it just takes guts and determination which none of the polititians in this country have. Why work when you can claim £80k a year inc expenses and sit on your arse all day?


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
We need to address the real problems with this country ;

Youth crime = National Service or Public Service scheme

Asylum = Complete ban until we clear the backlog of cases

Illegal immigrants = Mass deportation

Those 3 things would save the government billions every year, it just takes guts and determination which none of the polititians in this country have. Why work when you can claim £80k a year inc expenses and sit on your arse all day?

That was another thing I was going to say. But in a world of "Political Correctness" I fear being branded racist for saying that the immigrent (sp?) issue is becomming a problem. All these bloody do gooders who say "oh you cant say that immigration and assylem seekers is a problem, thats just racist" don't have to live with it on thier doorstep. I live in a town called Slough quite possibly the asshole of the world, in the 10 years I have been here I have seen an increase in the amount of foriegners 100 fold. Hell 1/3 customers I serve at work knows little to no English and the crime rate in my area has soard beyond belief.

Now let me get one thing straight before you all start calling me whatever, When does assylem become a problem..when the citizes of a country begin to suffer because of it..surely a Government should protect its own citizens before giving a second thought to a citizen of another country, but alas under this Labour Government's rule this is clearly not the case. Tony Blair and his cabinate cronies run such a centralised Government that often real MP's dont have a chance to make a real difference on policy. In my opinion Tony Blair is a obsessed with looking good to the International Community and any firm act on Immigration would jepodise his image.

On a side note my friend was also attacked by 4 Kossivens and beaten up when my other friends steped into help him out guess who got arrested and locked up for the night and who got away scott free.

Youth crime is also a MAJOR issue..many of the street crime problems arrose over the police focus on terrorisam (now I have many views on terrorists and the U.S and Britian, but I guess I would be branded a kiddie who knew nothing about the world, if someone did not argee with my political ideals) anyway..I think labour have failed to be tough on this youth yob culture costing the country millions not to mention the national pride.

It does seem to me that the honest citizen is worse off than the bent crooks and to be British means you deserve less than a non English speaking assylam seeker and if you say anything about it your branded a racist.

Anyway was not supposed to be a politcal rant but there you go!

P.S Nobody should be labeled as a problem just because they are assylem seekers I am sure there are many deserving cases out there which all need to be looked at on an individual bases, so I DONT agree with chodex's mass deportation idea :p


kick em out then lock the door.

I on't want the £££ i pay in taxes to pay for johnny foreigner to live in the frikkin ritz.

The ones that come over here, get a job, live their own life... fine.

If they're sponging kick the buggers out.


Mass deportation to where, out of interest? If there was a country that dumping 'em into wouldn't be effectively murder, and that would accept them, don't you think we might already be doing it?

Originally posted by Serbitar
The ones that come over here, get a job, live their own life... fine.

If they're sponging kick the buggers out.

I can't fault that on principle, but I think you'll find most of them want their own life, quite frankly. Unfortunately a lot of them won't fulfill the necessary legal requirements for any sort of decent employment. In a lot of cases, imo, they're as much victims as the taxpayer.

Anyhow, benefit system in the UK is totally retarded. People in part-time education like myself can't claim any kind of bloody benefit. I'm officially doing too many hours of study per week to get any kind of unemployment benefit (while the guys that I see lounging around in the street all day drinking lager...?), and yet I'm doing insufficient hours to claim any kind of NHS benefits. :rolleyes:
Only medical thing I've needed this year was one X-ray of my arm and a new pair of glasses, but if I'd had anything more serious (read: expensive) then I'd've been screwed, quite frankly...

(edit: gotta admit they make good kebabs tho, am i rite Damini?!¬)


Let's gas the lot of them in some synronised 'accidental' explosions.


My ex girlfriend left her husband and now lives in a lovely 3 bedroom flat in a nice area (very nice I might add, premiership footballer lives only 1/4 mile away) with her 2 kids , all payed for by the good old DSS.

The CSA haven't chased him once for any money, the flat is 450 mnth rent, on top she gets all the payments for her and the kids, and reductions on all the monthly bills.

She said she would have to earn 2000mnth cash in hand to live the same (she would need to pay for the kids to be looked after if she worked)

And she's got a boyfriend who makes up the 50 quid on the rent, he never actually moves in so it's happy days.

Makes ya wanna puke:(


Gamah I suggest you stop critisising other people and ask yourself why you are so retarded. Perhaps you should have paid more attention in school, your spelling would be better than the immigrant's who you so despise.


I f you don't think immigration is a problem ,ask a native American Indian if immigration was detrimental to his people.

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by old.job
I f you don't think immigration is a problem ,ask a native American Indian if immigration was detrimental to his people.

Are you seriously suggesting that immigrants to Britain are taking land via a combination of reneging on contracts and decimating the native population with smallpox?


Originally posted by Scooba Da Bass
Are you seriously suggesting that immigrants to Britain are taking land via a combination of reneging on contracts and decimating the native population with smallpox?

Run for the hills!

Originally posted by old.job
My ex girlfriend left her husband and now lives in a lovely 3 bedroom flat in a nice area (very nice I might add, premiership footballer lives only 1/4 mile away) with her 2 kids , all payed for by the good old DSS.

The CSA haven't chased him once for any money, the flat is 450 mnth rent, on top she gets all the payments for her and the kids, and reductions on all the monthly bills.

She said she would have to earn 2000mnth cash in hand to live the same (she would need to pay for the kids to be looked after if she worked)

And she's got a boyfriend who makes up the 50 quid on the rent, he never actually moves in so it's happy days.

Makes ya wanna puke:(

Anyhow - that's another reason this country's system is FUBAR. Very few other places in the world actually penalise you to the point that many people are unable to get jobs paying better than merely being on benefit. My next door neighbour is one such, his wife died of cancer some years back and he has two daughters living with him, and he quite literally can't get any job that pays more than benefit. Which is damn sad, because benefit subsistence isn't exactly the highest standard of living :/


Originally posted by old.job
I f you don't think immigration is a problem ,ask a native American Indian if immigration was detrimental to his people.



Scooba the truth may be closer to that than you think.

They are bringing 3rd world diseases, and most of them say yeah I'll report back in a week to the immigration office, and are never seen again.
I don't blame them, I would do exactly the same myself, if I was born in a shithole country run by warlords with no opportunities in life, I would try to escape myself.

We should actually be proud that the UK is such a popular place.

But it isn't going to work, never has, never will.

Don't worry people if the UK gets too full of foriegners, we'll just invade another country and kick out the locals.

It's the British way :)


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Run for the hills!

Anyhow - that's another reason this country's system is FUBAR. Very few other places in the world actually penalise you to the point that many people are unable to get jobs paying better than merely being on benefit. My next door neighbour is one such, his wife died of cancer some years back and he has two daughters living with him, and he quite literally can't get any job that pays more than benefit. Which is damn sad, because benefit subsistence isn't exactly the highest standard of living :/

I'd like to think that even if earning benefit gave me slightly more money then a job, I'd still take the job.

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by old.job
Scooba the truth may be closer to that than you think.

They are bringing 3rd world diseases, and most of them say yeah I'll report back in a week to the immigration office, and are never seen again.

What exactly are '3rd world diseases'? Please also cite references to 'most immigrants' not reporting in with the immigration office, if you can't provide sources I'm going to assume you're in fact just misinformed.


the arguement as it is going seems fine, I do want to add that you're walking a thin line tho. please don't cross it :)

with that out of the way, I agree immigration is a problem.
the legal process takes ages, while the immigrants can't do anything but be bored out of their skull because they're not allowed to work. to say the solution would be to close all borders, and deport your local kebab supplier is bullshit.
illigal immigration should be dealt with, and the process immigrants have to go through should be streamlined and sped up. if they're rejected, the government has to make sure they actually leave the country again.

besides that, I think it's wrong to blame all social system problems on the immigrants. there's just as much white loafers, as there are with a pretty colour. or are they allowed to abuse ther social system because they happen to be born in the right place?


Be careful the Labour Party Machine reads everything! :D

Fact : The Government, any government, of this country WANTS "economic migrants". More people = stronger ecomony. The illegal taxi drivers, the builders that work cash in hand, it all ends up in the taxman's hands at some stage.

Fact: NOTHING is going to be done about slowing the "tide of immigration"

Opinion: "Street" culture is to blame for youth crime. Kids think Eminem and 50 Cent are "cool". There are few strong male role models for kids - sport is an exception. How many wisecracking geezers are held up as role models? Too many.

£450 a month rent is NOT a lot. :p

edited for pompousness


LOL Hargh you live in London, 450 wouldn't get you a garage.

That's why we have a better standard of living in the north.

Sorry I mean life:)


£450 gets u a room in a shared flat. With a young professional female no less. Let me know and i'll send you the advert ;)


450 for a room!!!!!!

Holy Jesus, move up country my man, the South has gone quite clearly bonkers.


Originally posted by old.job
Scooba the truth may be closer to that than you think.

They are bringing 3rd world diseases, and most of them say yeah I'll report back in a week to the immigration office, and are never seen again.
I don't blame them, I would do exactly the same myself, if I was born in a shithole country run by warlords with no opportunities in life, I would try to escape myself.

We should actually be proud that the UK is such a popular place.

But it isn't going to work, never has, never will.

Don't worry people if the UK gets too full of foriegners, we'll just invade another country and kick out the locals.

It's the British way :)

lol, what a load of BS =)

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