I love mid DF!!! (Noni RR3 scout :p)



Everyone should try and be nice to each other, and spread love and joy instead.


yea i need 1 more point to get purge and keep what i have, then the mighty annoying mezz wont be so bothering :p
i know scout is a weak class, with all sc and buffs and resists we do shit dmg, and always someone jumps to help the target u shooting at. But i prefer to play this char and get pwned than to play a fotm bd / savager / inf and be happy that i kill peeps because mythic made it be so, and not because of skill and other things. I prefer to wander in df for 3 hours without a kill, and enjoy one kill later. I had fun with evina loads, now she is retired, i have fun with my scout.
everybody is so pissed of when someone kills grays / greens / blues in rvr areas (yes, DF is rvr too), but they forget they did it and are doing it every now and then too.
If i go mid df, and i unstealth in front of a green / blue mid, he will be friendly to me? I dont think so, because is how the game is made. He will ask for help, and eventually try to keep me busy till then. Why? Because i am from other realm, an enemy, and they want rps too :p
PS: to mr. zerker: when i ding rr4 and head to emain, i will show u the places where u didnt look for :> (wont be long)


Re: Grey cons?

Originally posted by nerfdom
Yeah, well the greys you killed were my shaman and myself!! Both were level 29 then - though 30 now and rising rapidly. Should think i will repay the complement at some time or other - hehe - hope so anyways!

As recompense though i whacked an inf - Honneybunny? - name of that sort for 55 mainhand and finished it off hehe. Buffed too.

Will see you Albions at some time or other i expect unless i get bored with levelling again - though can't see it this time.

Wtfla (Norse SB)

Ooh that was one damn fine adventure. Against all odds the sneaky stealther managed to nail 21 levels lower person. Stuff of legends Boo, stuff of legends! Surely worth gloating over ... eer i mean "sharing" at enemies boards :p

Well I don't blame grey gankers, seeing how common it is, it must be human nature. I blame mythic for not making DF a place like the keeps. If you try to login to DF not under your realms control -> move outside.

DF is just a stealther grey/green farm fest after exchange of ownership. All realms do it. I guess some folks find it more fun than going for real rvr to earn them rps. Well all pay their fees for the gaming experience... some likes mother, some daughter. Grandma is mine ;)

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