I know I know this is getting old :( Agramon Tuesday 22nd August?


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Ging said:
that would eb the solo BD cloudz told our grp to leave alone then, blame cloudz!
Missed out on some rps then, let's go back and get him :<

Anyway, I had a decent time, and the rps were alright (tho we got the majority at retaking some alb tower, whichever it was, and obviously from farming the zerg in the area). Other than some ***** from a passing mid group sending zo'arkat and bd pets at me during a fight, we didn't really get added on, with a special exception from Slirre, but that was to be expected :d
We got attacked once or twice while resting, and Mael, appareantly, mistook our pulling out for just kiting and thus killed us while we didn't retaliate. Other than that it was an alright night :p


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
swords said:
It should be a bit clearer, either resting = fair game or not.
yep, but its dodgy determinating if you're allowed to engage or not, i dont mind having a fight if my grp is resting, we just need be on guard all the time or find better rest spot? (i.e. behind the milegates on the realm sides, people rarely checks there)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Mundokar said:
Most of our fights went ok. The incoming crap is indeed irritating like hell. "Do they fight" , "Are they resting" etc etc.
Random Roleplayers let us rest at a hill and didnt engage /salute. But a bunch of albs thought they needed to kill us on our restspot.

Were you the guys that got mezzed and assisted down? :m00: then hibs came over and killed the guys that killed you?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 29, 2003
Doink-666 said:
Were you the guys that got mezzed and assisted down? :m00: then hibs came over and killed the guys that killed you?

Yup, we just finished a fight about 10 secs earlier.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Mundokar said:
Yup, we just finished a fight about 10 secs earlier.

Ur not seriously annoyed that you got killed there right? I mean resting in the middle on the side of the hill? Were we suppossed to leave you? Damn next time we'll let you get ur timers up also :(

im so sorry meijght :m00:


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
chill folks - the best place to discuss this is over PM's with each other and you might find your less aggressive. Seriously look upon incidents like that as a chance to speak to the guys that did it to understand why.

If they are unsympathetic then learn from it and change what your doing to reflect what was said.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Belomar said:
I guess that's KF for you.

Never heard of anything about leaveing people when they're resting :eek: otherwise there was'nt such thing as "restspots"? We leave all other 1v1 fights, and fyi if you want to play it like a carebear then I can screem about unlawful acts also...

AMAGAD after we killed the mids we were resting and we got hit in the <BACK> while we were resting...is there on honour left in this game??? Fuck of roleplayers :twak:


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
This is hardly about being a "carebear", it is about respect, that seems lost on the likes of you. I don't mind mistakes, it can happen to anyone. Also, attacking people who are resting is a gray area. However, I do mind the gloating attitude you are displaying in this thread.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Ok riiiigght....so I guess if we rest in the middle of aggromon on a side of a hill where everyone can see and stand there everyones going to leave us alone? Wake up? :m00:


Jan 22, 2005
For people who whine about attacking people when they are resting, wake up imo. It's RvR, it's meant to be tough, you're meant to watch your back and deal with adds, thats when the skill comes into it. If you can't handle that then imo play a different game because by the looks of it the game is too tough for you.

It's easy enough fighting equal amounts of enemy and only fighting when you are fully healed but imo the real skill comes into account when you start with a disadvantage.


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Huntingtons said:
im concerned about the resting policy tho. IMO it should be unless a grp is fighting, you are allowed to engage coz it just puts an extra edge to the fight if you're caught off guard. Sometimes its ofc. frustrating.

my question!

should grps engage vs. resting/mob killing people or should they back off and wait for them to be rdy?

swords said:
It should be a bit clearer, either resting = fair game or not.

i don't see why you shouldn't engage a resting grp, if you don't want to be attacked find a better place. soon you will have to wait until the opposing grp has all timers up. the grps that rest in the middle of agramon can't seriously expect to be left alone.

the non adding thing is fine, and to me it includes mobs as well but the ''don't attack if someone is resting'' is just bollocks.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Doink-666 said:
Ok riiiigght....so I guess if we rest in the middle of aggromon on a side of a hill where everyone can see and stand there everyones going to leave us alone? Wake up? :m00:

Actually, this is exactly what has been happening over the last two weeks or so, with the odd exception ofc.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Huntingtons said:
(i.e. behind the milegates on the realm sides, people rarely checks there)
They did last night, and attacked :<


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
From nfd gg1 perspective, we give groups we know have just fought a minute or two just to power up.

The reason for this is clear - its the whole reason we're in agramon for fg rvr - to test yourself against like minded groups an a fair playing field (not withstanding rr). If you are in agramon at the mo, the assumption is that you do likewise.

Now the minor contradictions in that statement dont escape me (taken to the extreme we'd all be waiting 15 minutes before each fight, and not engaging any groups except those higher or the same approx realm rank), but it is really about giving the opposing group a fighting chance - they havent got that if they are all on 20% power, or still have someone dead on the ground.

With being given the benefit of being left to rest comes some responsibility though - you need to move off when ready, and not take advantage of speedwarps and fops youve placed there when you agressively engage in a fight, at least thats the hazy moral framework from my pov, and how our bard Takeda/Slayn plays it.

Perhaps there is some wiggle room - a low rr group maybe shouldnt get a load of crap from adding on a resting maelstrom, but expect to have the favour returned if you do decide to engage a resting group, oh and expect to suffer from a bit of embarresment if you end up getting pwned!


Fledgling Freddie
May 23, 2005
and gratz to all the posters in my treats, never gone over 100 with one of it, and only posted 3-6 times in it (not a exactly count)
...isnt this still a game ...


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 9, 2004
Only thing that should'nt be allowed is adding on fights. Engaging group thats got mobs em is ok (their own fault etc), resting (qq bl's and pr down!) or maybe just finished off one fight 2 secs ago is part of the game (altho bit lame to stand and wait and then just insta engage when last member is dead).
Cromcruaich said:
From nfd gg1 perspective, we give groups we know have just fought a minute or two just to power up.
I agree to some point tho. But problem is the other group might be able to take on the challenge also. After all they just showed the skill to kill another group, and if all their abilities, power etc is down they certanly had a good fight vs. the other group at least. And thats why you go to agra. For good fights :)

Was good fights last night mates! Nice and clean fights most of the night. Probably a thousand times better than mid irvr!

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