...I hope most lower levels don't feel this way bout level 50 players like this guy..




/Filter off = no Filter
/Filter on = Filter



I can see this command being used at next login :) . Is it stored for all subsequent logins or do I have to edit an INI file a-la Evercamp?


Whoever this Ministry person is it's pretty obvious he just likes making trouble for himself. Best bet is to just ignore him and not get into a debate with him.

There a few comments in this thread about high level people being abused by low level people and as I progressed through the levels I never had a problem with anyone higher level than me I asked for help from - although I only ever asked for advice NEVER cash, items or buffs, but what I do remember is the constant attempts by people higher level than me to pull rank.

An example: many many weeks ago in Lyonnesse my group and I were pulling Dunters when a couple of high level people stood right in the middle of us and started working the same spot. When the inevitable confusion arose they called us noobs and said we were kill stealing.

What bugged me was the assumption that higher level = more experienced = more right to play the game.

My personal view is that a power leveled level 50 is much more of
a noob than a hard working level 35. Power leveled people probably only played with the same people in the same spot for weeks on end - how is that being an expereinced player? I have had this game since the day it came out in the shops, I have played it ALOT but as I spent alot of time on quests, soloing and in RvR I am not level 50, but that does not make me a worse player than a level 50, and in some cases it may make me a better one.

I'm not saying that all high level players are power leveled or that this approach makes you a worse player, but if you ever try to 'bully' someone as they are lower level than you, or try to tell them how the game should be played you should bear in mind that they may know this game better than you do.


Nah you're entirely right Cutgrass, there are some highlevels too who have the wrong idea of the game and wrong view of others lower level. I can admit it's very easy to draw on the argument "what does a level x/1x/2x/3x know about this" and instantly assume they do know less. That's a too heavy generalization and a mistake I atleast do. Shame on me. As for drawing rank in a more physical way, forcing people out of a killing spot by killing much easier or showing off similarly that's just silly, alpha male behaviour (no that's not personally meant). Again though, they have a right to enjoy themselves and sometimes AEing dunters can be that, I suggest you politely inform said person(s) that while they have every right to this place they are taking some many spawns / all spawns so that they ruin it for you. I hope most players who aren't in a foul mood understand that and once seeing you are nice people and what effect their behaviour might have, change it. Then again they might not :(



Mayby that twat is 80 and is mean angry toothless bia whose life been very very boring.

Or bia is been woked up every morning with wrong feet.



What a Dick!

I think we should have a "dick of the week" section whereby every week a complete schlong who has the manners rabid goat is nominated for bizarre and annoying behaviour. Screenshots will be considered good evidence as well as the word of those offended if they are in good standing.

The prize for this "award" is that every person who reads this and passes on the message to anyone else on the server does a /send you are a twat go away to the "winning" offender every single hour of the day they online once an hour every hour. Should mean on average this person reading they are a twat on average 300 hundred times an hour which seems about right.
Just think on a really good Saturday or Friday night this person could be enjoying as many 600 "you are a twat" messages and in the course of a week potentially 10,000 or more! No matter what sort of a f***wit you are the message really should sink home after that much abusive spam!

What do you think guys/gals? Sounds like a winner to me!


I believe in respecting other players, whether they are lvl 50 or lvl 1 - IF they can show that they deserve your respect. A certain amount of respect should always be given from the fstart, and then it will vary for good or worse after some time. Respect is not based upon what lvl you are but is based upon how you play, talk, and act.
Asking higher lvl´s to help you for an unfair cause will not gain you any respect what so ever!!! - asking them to help for something important and fair, can still be respected - if you treat the ones you ask with the respect they deserve for helping you.
When anyone asks a high lvl person for help - a no should be the expected answer. The players you are asking may have fought long and hard to get to where they are. They have gained the respect of many ppl, and likewise respect many back, and I promise you - the ones who have fought their way to the high lvl´s are damn proud of it - and they have every right to be.

This is also the way to make friends in the game - which should be a big part of the game itself.
Why on earth anyone would want to be so disrespectfull as this guy is simply beyond my imagination - I simply cannot figure out why he is playing the game.

Many ppl have gained my deepest respect during my time in DAOC - and I hope I have gained theirs. I would do a lot for theese ppl - if they need my help I will give it to them if I´m able.
I hope they will do the same for me if I need it - but I do not expect them to help me.

I truly hope I will never see anything like this again, as it makes me sad to see that anyone can be like this :( :( :( :( :(


Not to talk about the amounts of G that has been given away to people who asked me for some money... Was funny when I needed space in my vault and I just gave away dum items (I couldn't use or anyone in my guild) to people who could use them :)
Even had a cleric one day in catacombs who didn't have enough money for a helmet so he ran without one.. (he must have felt it a couple of times when he got hit..) He hoped to make enough money there to buy one.. I speeded it up by giving him the money to buy one already :) Should have seen the glance on his face when he was happy :)


That makes me :puke: to see a member of my class behave like that. Hope the next time Sarisho need a rezz he'll be charge too.


Minstrels aren't Albion taxi's though and on the Minstrel boards there is alot of debate about giving people lifts.

What we get alot is random invites to group with people as we run past them which is a little rude and sometime irritating - these aren't /send they are actual pop up window invites without any warning or introduction.

Some players think we should charge and some people think we should ignore.

In this case Aussie you did the right thing by actually asking for a lift personally and if I had been asked in this manner I would have certainly given you a lift if I had been going your way, and in the past have sometimes gone out of my way to take people where they needed to go.


Aint just lvl 50's either :-( I've had a couple like that too - permanant /anon is seeming quite tempting recently



as we all know Hatjitjai is lvl 50 no more xps.... on his screeny he has some of the xps bar complete (.3 or 4) how come if he can gain no more xps......


Was playing a few weeks ago and a lvl 3 or 4 Rogue approached me and "Sir Aegis could you perhaps lend me some gold please?" Now I was more than happy to let this lady rogue have some much need money as the request was polite and keeping in character too. (PLus the "Sir Aegis" part was very flattering from a lady *cough*) I went away happy that I'd made someone's day which is how it should be - a mutually agreeable ecxhange.

In the same week some pillock does me a /send as I'm on o horse in Av Marsh asking to borrow money for new armour. Wasnt particularly polite about it but not rude. When I do a /who "pillock" turns out he's lvl 10 ish armsman in Camelot. I politely explained I'm a) miles away b) heading for a guild group in Lyonesse and perhaps could he contact me at a more convenient time when I am nearby - I tell him i'm never on anon so he can easily find me so I can help. Expecting that to be an end to it i get a string of abuse about me being a "selfish bastard" etc.

I wonder really do these people actually think there is a human being on the end of any message and therefore tailor a message to appeal to another human in the context of playing a game?
I've given away by my own reckoning 1500 gold in the course of this game to my guild/friends/anyone who asks politely and am proud to say that I've never accepted any money from any items I no longer need. I don't object to other people wanting to sell items if they are not needed but I cant see that any lvl 35 plus character needs the money or the item...



Originally posted by Kylock
as we all know Hatjitjai is lvl 50 no more xps.... on his screeny he has some of the xps bar complete (.3 or 4) how come if he can gain no more xps......

U can get 50.5, but xp is veeeeeeery slow and i think no lvl50 even bother doing that amount of time for that.


i'm geting sick of low lvls asking me for money i go arround in permanant anon atm...i supply low lvl m8s with money n items and also sum high lvls yus j00 Anarki...but that is disgusting behavoir should be banned for it :p

and as for asking for money omg LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAME

btw the above may be slighty wrong as i'm rather pissed off at a certain person who wouldn't help me get 0.3 to 49....hmmm

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