I hate Minstrels club




Its fun to see when the mezz is resisted, sometimes i just stand still and they advance for the kill and i zap them and bash them to death. other times i just charge and thoose minstrels just hightale out of there. Dont u get a message when the mezz is resisted or r u just to busy to read what happened to the target, thoose i hate is the minstrels lvl 42+, but Giona missed a mezz on me this saturday, and hightaled out of my range... :-(


completly out of this topic

Is the name "Demerzel" coming from "Eto Demerzel" ? :D


According to some they have removed stealth from minstrels in patch 1.50...

(Actually they've just made minstrels noticeable by enemy assassins - noticeable... not "sticking out like a sore thumb" - just noticeable :))

They still get stealth against every other class so hopefully that's not too out of balance. That said you're probably better running around with speed song on than stealth to avoid the assassins :) if it can't catch you...


Minstrels get chain armour!!?
No-one should get chain armour and stealth :( certainly not chain armour, stealth, speed song and mez. Think of our poor bards, they have to spec. in three seperate lines to get all their spells, and apparently to be a really good RvR speced bard you have to work your arse off in PvE to do anything. All that hard work and then some bloody archer has them on the turf before the fighting's started :(

I say minstrels and skalds got it easy, won't someone please think of the bards.

:D hehe that was fun :clap:


Gimme endurance song over stealth any day of the week.

old.Okies Kayy

Hate minstrels no way whats better than running mac 5 through mid picking people off as you go hehe.


Why diddnt mythic make minstrels wear plate while they where at it?, and maby some voidbolts backstab and more hp.. seems to been the only good things left out.. :cool:


Minstral are hard to play

yeah but they are hard to play what with the constant starting and stopping of song changing three instuments in and out of your hands and all this while trying to attack with your sword
"you can not attack tragert with instrument"
also speed song does not work if you ahve been in combat so if you get hit you slow down and get clobbered and we have less hp than anyone else.

but saying that they are fun to play



Aye: fuck your on to me

eheheh maybe is Star Wars Galaxies my name will be Daneel Oliwav! :)
Or Hari Seldon, much better eheh


Minstrels are far from overpowered, this I posted before in a similar discussion:

My hp is so crap you would laugh if I told you, a blue con thane got me to 1/4 with one hit, slash thane on top of everything.
And my meele damage is laughable, I'm on a rouge damage table, doing shite damage, without any rouge 'extra abilities' like a infils uber damage skills, or a scouts bow.
Some people might argue that I get chain and dd's and stun. Well, the chain is not even close as good as one might think, I'd trade it anyday for studded if I got some 'extra ability'. My dd's are on a timer, and do crap damage compared to what some blue skalds do to me with their dd's. It's not like I can get off uber damage styles like the assassins, or do crit shots for huge amounts of damage like scouts, or do decent meele damage like skalds if we now are going to compare cross-realm.
My stun? Hah, a properly specced scout gets slam which even has longer duration, on top of that they get a huge blockrate at 42 spec shield and engage which is invaluable in rvr versus archers.
Basicly, with a few exceptions, I can get rp's on people lazyness, the fact that they can't be arsed to rotate their camera while running in emain to check if I'm speeding up behind them, when people learn that, I will get very bored from having to run away all the time due to people actualy seeing me before I can dd/mezz.

Stealth, is one of the few advantages we have, take away our stealth and you could aswell name us "RP-cows of the year" from solo point of view, or "Dedicated drum whore" from group point of view.


Cant we hate all Midgard classes instead? I would like that :D

(and a few of the hibbies, except if they are lurikeen. those are just too cute to kill, much less hate)


Mez on the run

You forgot to mention that we can mez while we're moving :)


Re: :-P

Originally posted by Ayeye

eheheh maybe is Star Wars Galaxies my name will be Daneel Oliwav! :)
Or Hari Seldon, much better eheh

Read much Asimov I can see :)


I'm not sure about laziness, I normally get my dd/mez in because of stealth. ;)

As for picking people off from speed song, not likely - you loose speed if you attack or are attacked, we don't do enough damage to one shot someone while passing and sprint off except greys.

We need our chain our HPs are stupidly low, without chain we'd just get one shotted (instead of two shotted like now :p)


Originally posted by Dannyn
I'm not sure about laziness, I normally get my dd/mez in because of stealth. ;)

Well, I was talking about myself. Sure, stealth helps alot, but most of my ~110k rp's has come from sitting stealthed outside mid pk, people run by, some slacker behind them who's alone, let him run past, check that no-one is following, speed up behind him, dd/mezz etc... now they would have checked their back, it would have been very easy to avoid getting attacked, thane could just insta bolt me and interupt my mezz, skald could insta dd, pure meeles could atleast turn around and start running against me making me stun/mezz them, and without stun it's not very likely I'll attack. But no, most are not bothered with rotating their camera, and I thank for that :eek:

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