I give up!!!



I give up!!
Oh well - have had enough!!! I think Mythic are doing me a favour really allowing buffs - helping me pack the game in. Meet an unbuffed inf and take him out nicely - he was doing same damage to me as i to him - my tactics (that have taken me ages to work out) dropped him np. Next time i meet him his damage has leapt to 2x wot he was doing before and he tears my head off.

Enough is enough - i am not going to start using my buffbot so feck the game - no way can i address this buffing lark and remain happy. Most players are just fodder to a buffed inf and if they can't get the same buffs they totally knackered. Bloody rediculous and i am fed up of it. If a player such as myself who has played infs/sbs for going on 2 years and can kill berserkers/warriors/armsmen/pallies/friars - and has killed duos such as a buffed pally and wizzie at the same time without buffs using poisons and tactics gets owned by a relatively new buffed inf then wot the hell is the point.

Fecking fed up of it - and hopefully i can find another game to play - Earth and Beyond looks interesting and you get 30 days free to try it out - so i am offski for now.



Well, I agree, I find it lame to use BB i RvR, ruins the fun of RvR etc.


creating two threads wont get yourself any more pity :)


i'll be the first to say


even though buffbots are lame2k3


Urm 3 threads now - think this guys been a bit too click happy over the forums


lol mate, I agree that Buffbots are lame, but Dont need to flame it over whole BW...


Anyone who uses a buffbot or who has a buffbot account I hope dies very soon of some incurable and painfull ailment.

Would love to think this statement would mean something to some people but it won't. So good luck dying to all those buffbotted ********s and good luck to my BW forum account still being active at the start of the next working day :D

(btw I wub Damini, Brinx, Belsameth and all other mods) ;)

(oh.. unless they got buffbots)

(or are goths) :eek7:

(or got some author/writing contract) :eek7:

(or a cat called Maceo) :eek7:

oh just ignore me... I just got in and it's like 4am or something


Hmmm i thought i heard some peeps say that they were gonna nerf buffbots soon, so they had to run with the char being buffed .... But not sure :]


Why not play something other than a stealther for a change then?

Nobody else gives a shit about buffbots, only you infs & sb's & ns's. Roll a tank or support class or nuker, play in a team for a change.


Originally posted by sharma

2 eyes with tears falling from them, supposed to be a "cry more n00b" kinda thing :p


GOA should class all second accounts as buff-bots, and charge triple subs for them,
1 it would cause a huge drop in them.
2 they would make up the money from the die-hards
3 you could laugh your cock off at the goons for paying so much to be buffed.


Nah, make all conc based buffs ranged, like they are with the mid end buff soon. That'll solve alot, you want your buffs, your bb needs to be in tow :rolleyes:


Im new to this game, about a month now. I find this game a pleasure to play, plenty to do, nice scenery and i love BG0 (Still level 19)

In regards to buffbots, i have seen some around, some buff me up too, which i appreciate. Being a newbie myself i have a lot to learn and i couldnt really comment on the points raised here. However, over this month, i have learned many people dont like buffbots and generally blame the player.

Wasnt it Mythic who allowed 2 instances of camelot to be run though?


They should nerf buffbots in general by making it so that they actually have to be grouped with the buffee while buffed. If the buffer groups, buffs and then disbands the buffs fade too, much like when you use Guard/Protect/Intercept and then disband.

This would eliminate buffbots in PvE which would mean a lot more groups to join (bringing back the whole multiplayer aspect of the game) and would eliminate buffbots in RvR which would mean more overall fun/tactics/skill rather than the numbers game which inevitably arises when 1 buffed player meets 1 unbuffed player head on.


Are you a fucking moronic peasant?
Don't answer that.
Currently buffs can be cast on non-grouped players, so in alot of cases buffbots have no need to be grouped..if buffbots had to be grouped for the buffs to stay ..they'd take up space in an xp group.
Exactly the opposite of what you want mopron.


Are you a fucking moronic peasant?
Don't answer that.
Currently buffs can be cast on non-grouped players, so in alot of cases buffbots have no need to be grouped..if buffbots had to be grouped for the buffs to stay ..they'd take up space in an xp group.
Exactly the opposite of what you want mopron.

Are you always complete fucking tit or are you trying really hard today?

Your average buffbot is level 50, if you group a level 50 character with someone a lot lower then the lower level person wont get exp if they kill something of the equal level of the buffed person. The only way it would work is if the 50 BB killed something of an equal or greater level than the 50 BB (known as the Necro effect), and since 50 BBs are usually aug specced, they cant solo for shit, meaning it's slower than the lowbie soloing without buffs.

Equally, in RvR, if you grouped the person with the Inf/SB/NS then the the buffed person wouldnt get as many RPs per kill, which would slow them down. Dunno if you noticed this, but that is usually a Bad Thing (TM).

Got any more pearls of wisdom, you fucking dick, or do you want to ride my nuts some more? If you're gonna call me a "moron" at least learn how to spell it, for Christ's sake.


If it was made so that buffbots were required to be in the group for buffs to work, it would fix the problem in RvR, but not in PvE , and PvE is what you were whining about before.
In conclusion: you're still stupid.


If it was made so that buffbots were required to be in the group for buffs to work, it would fix the problem in RvR, but not in PvE , and PvE is what you were whining about before.
In conclusion: you're still stupid.

How? If a 50 Shaman has to group with a level 15 FOTM Savage for his buffs to stick then the Savage isnt gonna get any exp unless the 50 Shaman is the one doing the killing and is killing stuff that's level 50+ rather than the Savage killing stuff that's level 15+. If the 50 Shaman is Aug specced then he's gonna have a hard-ass time killing anything remotely quickly to get good exp for the Savage and as a result of this, until a class comes along in Midgard that has a power tap that can solo oranges with ease and zero downtime there's gonna be more people opting for the "exp group" method of levelling.

If I'm the stupid one, how come you're the one that's arguing that black is white and showing clear signs of lack of reading ability?


Because if it was only too people grouped i.e someone's alt an their buffbot, it wouldn't make a blind bit of fucking difference whether or not the buffbot needed to be grouped.


I just want to know...

How many of these people shouting "NERF BUFFS!" are the same people who shouted "DON'T NERF LA!!"

I mean...zerkers did big damage. They say please don't take it away.

buffs add to damage= big damage. They say take it away.

I don't get it...is it like...

NERF others, leave us be?


Originally posted by old.job
GOA should class all second accounts as buff-bots, and charge triple subs for them,
1 it would cause a huge drop in them.
2 they would make up the money from the die-hards
3 you could laugh your cock off at the goons for paying so much to be buffed.

And for those who actually play a different realm on their 2nd accounts ???

Yeah thanks but no thanks.

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