i dont believe in hibguard


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Kinag said:
I didn't take a screenshot, but why would I lie?

If you've read anything of what I've said you'd notice I'm against the albs doing late night raids, I'm not aginst your cause here so why the hell would I lie about something like that?

Because there was a constant deathspam of hibs and mids fighting each other while we were in snowdonia and therefore this hugging thing doesn't really fit into the things we saw there while running arround Surs, Hurb and the Albion Realm Entrance.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
hibguard, ofcourse there is this to a certain extent, we share a mutual contempt for albion at the moment, for good reason.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
main reason you dont see mids attempt rr on hibs primetime is probably same reason as you dont see albs attempt it , not many are that silly...

personally (im a mid btw) id try kill the hib first if given option to choose :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
swifteagle said:
Just as a note to those who dont know the history of the server you can blame the early mids and hibs for all this suspicion about hibgard/midbernia.

In the first few months of excal hib and mid had a pact that they wouldnt attack each others relics because alb outnumbered them so much ,especially hib.
This might have only been for a few months but on Albs side it built up a real suspicion about double teaming and cross realming which has never really gone away.
Yeah, that's why the first succesfull RR on excal was done by mids on the Hib str relic iirc ( could have been the 2nd but it's a long time ago). And we didn't see that relic again till NF reset the relics.



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Kinag said:
I didn't take a screenshot, but why would I lie?

If you've read anything of what I've said you'd notice I'm against the albs doing late night raids, I'm not aginst your cause here so why the hell would I lie about something like that?

You have to look at what you posted objecively, from my pov that instantly sounds a little bit like a porky-pie and im sure to most other players it smells like pork as well.

Hibs went crazy last night trying to intercept the Alb strength relic, we wiped several small mid zergs looking for it while the albs sat at Hurbury with their cocks-in-their-hands waiting for the Hibs.

We also had HUGE zerg fights vs mids at Beno, Bold and at Surs, i'd say we killed a lot more mids than albs last night and im guessing the mids could say the same about us.

You know how many albs were defending your Power relic gate when we arrived? 3 :) We killed a helluva lot more mids trying to get that relic past the gate than we did albs.

Hibgard? I think not ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
A relic captured in the middle of the night is more precious than their own 2 relics, hmm .


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 2, 2006
Darzil said:
You're right, making Alb even more indefensible for those Albs who play normal times, so we give up on RvR entirely will make a better game . . .


It's more or less the situation mid and hib are in now. We can mount nice primetime relicraids, just to get our bloody relics AC'd back by alb's nightsquad. Realy good for the gamespirit, thank you.

Primetime raids are so much more fun for ALL. And alb certainly has the numbers to do primetime raids.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
Daphney said:
And alb certainly has the numbers to do primetime raids.

but but .... that involves grouping up. Always thought that only the set groups of albion, Horner & bot, and countless Scouts & bots knew about that /inv <name> function.


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Wilburn said:
I have been in a fg that went to play at a hib keeptake, and i have been in a fg taking a keep where hibs decided to play along. What is this thread about again ?

you're so full of shit sos. we don't kill hibs. period.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Cromcruaich said:
hibguard, ofcourse there is this to a certain extent, we share a mutual contempt for albion at the moment, for good reason.

Bah must share some rep around etc ... spot on!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Daphney said:
Primetime raids are so much more fun for ALL. And alb certainly has the numbers to do primetime raids.

Yup, Alb has the numbers to do primetime raids, against either Mid or Hib, but not both, same as the other two realms.

Personally each time we lose a relic I'm glad, as it increases the chance of primetime siege warfare I can join in on.

Each time we take it back by AC I'm sad, as it reduces the chance of primetime siege warfare I can join in on.



Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2006
There is no such thing as hibgard.

Where there is smoke there is fire though.
Back in the Old frontiers, WAY back albion was holding all relics and had a very good response setup for relic defence. Characters were logged inside the relic keeps and within 5minutes 2FG-8fg or more were summoned inside relic keep.

In response to this "superiority" Midgard and Hibernia made a "pact" which btw were effective. But was a one timer. And even then the involved parties tried to spoil eachothers plans by fighting eachother and intercepting relics for the others.

This was like 2001-2002?

After this hibgard has been the slandername for occurances where hibernia and midgard have taken oppurtunity of the others raids.

Albion is for obvious reasons (the by far largest realm in inhabitants) the natural target for both realms, and due to tendency to lame night raids by albs the "hate" is only getting stronger.

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