Hunting and the Hunted....


Johnny Bravo

^^ Cool thread title huh, unfortunately the content is not really as exciting ;)

I was just wonderig if anyone can shed some light on the following...
I was flying round in my unarmed Bantam last night and as I approached a jump gate got targeted by one of these Federation of Assassins Goits. I dunno what weapons he had but within 3 seconds of lock being acheived my bantam was a fireball, fortunately I was close enough to the jump gate so I jumped.

As soon as I arrived in the new system I got lock warning from this player again, so I Kicked in some evasive action and warped to the first moon I could see, come out of warp and he's targetting me again :eek: I warp again (towards a police assembly plant) and as I drop out of warp hes targeted me and a shot later I am in a pod, and the police (as usual) arrive just too late.

Ok this all leads to my question, how the hell do you track a player like that, I have seen people warp and they just dissapear, so how did he manage to track me to each part of the system I was warping. Can you buy some kind of long range tracking/scanner device, was he just lucky or is there somepart of the game I am missing.

I know about the standard scanner, but to be honest it doesn't pick every player in the system, only players near to you, so if that player warps off how do you know where he warped?

On a side note, these federation guys are damn annoying, where are the good guys :)


Thats really crap, most of the 'good' pirates will stop you warping, and then demand a ransom, so you don't lose your ship.

I suspect he bought some really cool tracking gear, that maintained a lock on you system-wide.


Bravo, what systems they are hunting in ?
Some of the bounties are pretty nice.

Johnny Bravo

Well anyone associated with the Federation of Assassins seems to be in and around Lonetrek, their HQ was in Kakekala last I saw (Caldari space).

I have only seen one of the 1mil bountied players, that was CEO of the federation - Tank. He was flying what appeared to be a very well armed Osprey and shooting any player on site. There was talk in my noobie corp of a gang hunt for him, but he is also well protected by his fellow corp members, as displayed last night on me :(

This was the middle of last week and even now I wonder how the hell he was flying an Osprey so soon. It has taken me 8 days of learning to have enough skill to fly one, and I am no where near the asking price to buy one.....I guess I didn't do a very good job with my initial stats :(


Hmm, 12 members, best tech Osprey. Thanks for pointing out easy target :)

Johnny Bravo

Sko, I think most of the Federation of Assassins are listed on the Bounty list and if you and/or your corp took them out I know alot of N00b Caldari who would be very grateful :D

These are self professed pirates, who as Tomm mentions above, have no scruples and just shoot Ibis & Bantam for fun. I have been around enough now to know what to expect but they are making new players lives hell.

BTW, if you take down Shircrief whilst after Tank, I will pay for his frozen corpse ;) :D

Neural Network

Who said their best tech is an Osprey? :)
I'm also thinking about going into pirate business myself. The Minnametar ships are made for it, but maybe I’m not evil enough. :(


will only take some to gather. 55j is quite a trip ;)


a few correctly kitted Merlins could take an Osprey fairly easily


Might bring 3 blackbirds down from my corp and see what they say :p


currently we can field only fg of omens, but situation getting better and better, hope next week we'll be nice 2fg zerg :)

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