hunters need love!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
ev0_o said:
waj waj waj waj!!!1! who said anything about rangers hunters and scouts, in this arguement hunters own the other 2 classes, ive never lost to a scout or ranger in a fair fight, or even if they have the odds slighty in their favour

1. What do you concider "a fair fight" in stealtherbattles? ... one will always have the jump on the other as it's highly unlikely you will run into each other both unstealthed
2. if you concider starting unstealthed and having a one on one melee... I am pretty sure I can beat you... I would claim I have already but you'd say it wasn't a fair fight as I got an arrow or two off on you before you reached me.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
wot about the time outside apk when i jumped u in melee, u used IP and i used ... end regen ;o and i won, also, scout shooting me a few times before we get into melee would probly even it out :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
To be honest I dont have any real problems with the others archers, I win some i loose some, as I believe it should be.

What I hate is infiltrators, MANY times I have truesight RR1 and 2 infs from max range, they have run at me, evaded most/all my arrows and the proceeded DF and kill me. My only hope is that the stun will wear off before i die so that i can IP. With more skillful infs even this isnt an option as they will wait til i am on less that 50% health, before choosing to DF me (yes it is that easy for them to land stun) and i will never get the chance to IP and have almost zero chance to win V them. A hunter has so many disadvantages due to them being 2h with a slow weapon against infs it is almost impossible.

Oh, and i am spec'd for melle (50spear, 32bc) so according to mythic I 'should' have a 50/50 chance of winning V assasins if they dont get PA in.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
ev0_o said:
wot about the time outside apk when i jumped u in melee, u used IP and i used ... end regen ;o and i won, also, scout shooting me a few times before we get into melee would probly even it out :)

Wot about that 2 times outside mid borderkeep ... first time I killed you while you tried to kite me with pet (think you claimed ressick on that one)... then you sent your shammy at me and he fled back to midgard ... then I killed you again 20 minutes later and then you came back and had to use truesight and a shadowblade mate to get rid of me :)

I don't claim you're not good Snornig ... I don't claim I'm better then you ... I claim that claiming you _never_ lost a fair fight to a scout is bullshit on different levels :)

Beh guess I should have stopped respecting you after you /dismissed me after beating me in a "fair" fight when I /bowed at you after killing you near DC the day before.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
stop with the tales, only time i dismissed u, was after u were camping mpk with 4 other stealthers and killed me like 4 times in a row as i tried to leave, b) outside mid BK with kiting i was RS, and that was a fooking fun fight ;p erm 3) dont think u ever killed me outside DC, d) i never came back after our RS fight outside, along with that, i dont group when going to odins, 1 of reasons i go there, and... i dont have TS, but nice try trying to sound good on FH ;p

Duel? once and for all ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
You're on for that duel.

You got me all wrong ... I don't need to tell tales as I don't want to "look good" on FH or anywhere else ... I couldn't if I wanted as I'm far from uber ... far far

I am just dissapointed that's all .. .seems mutual respect and just having fun is concidered silly or something ... being uber is all that matters... to bad

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