Hunter advice


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 1, 2004
having a hunter in mind therefor i need some advice on what race, compare some final specs and nice spots to exp, keep in mind i'm using a bot (ofc :m00: )


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
first of all dont spec BC, imo its just plain useless, some bluecon pet usually unbuffed isnt gonna make the difference, 330ish specpoints into another line will
if u wanna be pure archer, id go kobold and go for 50bow 44spear rest stealth 6bc(speedshout) then when u get rr6 and higher, lose stealth and put more in spear for more ws

or if u wanna be overall hunter with decent bow/spear go norse and try find a blend of both for example 45bow 50 spear

my 2 cents anyway :)

oh and btw, use SC gear and a bot and u can do uber xping, i was 3-4 shooting oranges/yellows


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Ncr said:
having a hunter in mind therefor i need some advice on what race, compare some final specs and nice spots to exp, keep in mind i'm using a bot (ofc :m00: )

I soloed mine to 50 in 7 days ish..mainly in SI, and botted.

He's a kobold with 50 CB, 44 Spear, 36 Stealth 9 BC.

Currently RR3 with TS and FE II.

Lot of fun to play, but can get frustrating to level due to misses, etc.

Plenty of places throughout SI to xp. is a good starting point too.

GL with him :)




Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
When used right, the pet is very usefull, and it does do a fair bit of damage. putting the points elsewhere will do nowhere near as much (because of the very diminished returns above 50)

32 bc for the level 41 pet (a MUST in my opinion, not getting it will mean you have less versatility, and it would mean less overall damage).
34 bc means a better buff for the pet (pet does about 15 more damage pr. attack), and you have a faster and longer run shout.

the 39 spear style is VERY usefull (a MUST in my opinion the 44 style isnt worth the points, i very rarely used it while i had it.)

35 bow for rapid fire is a MUST, very usefull in alot of situations.
40 bow for pbt piercing 2/3 is nice.
45 bow for reduced end on rapid fire is nice aswell, but not a MUST.
50 bow is too expensive (in my opinion, counted in what you have to give up elsewhere.. Blood was 50 bow from the beginning)

50 modified stealth is nice, its very nice, and you can clearly tell the difference from 42 modded stealth, and even 48, and can often mean your getaway, or getting steam rolled.

My spec is 45 bow, 39 spear, 34 beastcraft, 33 stealth, but im RR7.. to new hunters i recommend 45 bow, 39 spear, 32 beastcraft, 35 stealth


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 1, 2004
well, since Blood is in my eyes still the best hunter :worthy: out here (not because he's a guildy :p) I would take his spec

Maybe i'm wrong but i think Blood's spec is more solo-based with the pet to interupt casters etc. no? And the one without BC perhaps for keep situations?

I'm not sure what spec to go now


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
ZiggY said:
I know who i would listen to here ;)

The beauty of the game is that each to his own :) What works for some, don't always work for others.

I personally hate pets, so don't spec to use 'em :)




Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Blood said:
My spec is 45 bow, 39 spear, 34 beastcraft, 33 stealth, but im RR7.. to new hunters i recommend 45 bow, 39 spear, 32 beastcraft, 35 stealth

My current specc is the exact same. Not saying this is the best way to specc a hunter, depends on you play style really, but it would be what i suggest to. The Pet is very usefull even if the damage isnt that good it can be used as tracking mincers who sos, people who run away and stealth etc etc put it on enemies healing classes or caster to interrupt there casters while yóu are focusing on another target etc...

A fun story to blue con pet (buffed with red buffs Mota 3) soloed a infil who was out of end probably since they just had killed hibbie.. couldnt destealth since another mincer and Infil was around and would have ganked me.. Imagine the look on his face as he realises that his friends (mincer and infil) runs to block mmg again leaving him with this insane pet!!

"Guys this one actually hurts.. guys??? guys???? AHHHHHH :m00:
Pet had about 1% hp left when fight was over :p

ohh and if you ask svartur he will probably tell you HIGH SPEAR.. but then again svartur is just a SB who accidently got a spear instead of a 2 handed sword and a bow instead of some throwing knifes (melee uber hunter) :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
My personal favourite is:

Will give u best critshot and nice melee dmg, and hold the flaming , this is just MY personal favourite, not telling anyone how to do.. anyone who starts complaning bout this im gonna smack irl


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Glacier said:
My personal favourite is:

Will give u best critshot and nice melee dmg, and hold the flaming , this is just MY personal favourite, not telling anyone how to do.. anyone who starts complaning bout this im gonna smack irl

I have a similar spec not sure if yours is a typo, but have done 50spear, 32bow, 32bc, stealth. Reason for it is that I always ended up in mellee anyway so wanted the best possible weapon skill. Bow damage is average now though, so may be drop spear back to 44 again which was my last spec. (44s,40b,32bc,35st)

The 32 dog adds so much utility that i dont want to give it up, it can neutralise a caster or force a mincer to melle rather than mezz your group.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Handen is specced with
35 Stealth (imo a bit low till I reach RR5+)
50 Bow (I wanted to be a sniper, but now ppl tell me its wasted points above 45)
44 Spear (Follow up on backstyle)
12 BC (With the current amount off buffbots the selfbuffs are worthless, the very low level pets interupt just as good as a 4x pet (yes I tested it) and with the snaring/slamming/mezzing albs/hibs, the speed shout aint just worth it imo)

Like I said, I would lower my Bow _abit_ to 45, raise my stealth to 50 with modifiers, but my BC and Spear will stay this way.

My race, Kobold, is only suited for Bow-specialised Hunters.
If you want the best spear hunter, go for Dwarf.
If you want an alround hunter, go for Norse.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
My current spec is:

50 Bow
35 Stealth
32 Spear
32 BC.

Once I ding RR6 I'll respec to

50 Bow
34 Stealth
33 Spear
32 BC

It suits me fine. I have no delusions about how much damage I do with bow or spear - hunters are not good in one-vs-one if the one you're targetting is either a) not distracted, or b) has friends.

A hunter needs to pick her fights very carefully and expect to die a lot.

Even with 47 Spear, I regularly see Infils do more damage with their two weapons than I do with my 2h 5.5spd MP spear. Assuming I even hit them. ;)

Hunters can be fun, but expect to die a lot.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Speaking as the opposition, I would say that beastcraft is essential for hunter, purely based on how annoying it is for us.
If I pop a hunter, half the time they put on the speed boost, drop a pet on me and sprint out of there.

If you stop to deal with the pet, then the hunter turns round and plugs you full of arrows.
If you chase the hunter, the pet will slowly nibble you to death on your back.
Only chance is to stop him running away.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Smurflord said:
If I pop a hunter, half the time they put on the speed boost, drop a pet on me and sprint out of there.
Well assassin's mostly get the opening shot on us hunters, so they most likely stun you or if not, use a snare... so I mostly can run away, let alone switch from bow to spear or vice versa...

Against Mincers we cant do anything when they SoS away if we TS em..
Against Scouts neither, they switch to shield, block the arrows and slam, crit shot us...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
bashir said:
Well assassin's mostly get the opening shot on us hunters, so they most likely stun you or if not, use a snare... so I mostly can run away, let alone switch from bow to spear or vice versa...

Against Mincers we cant do anything when they SoS away if we TS em..
Against Scouts neither, they switch to shield, block the arrows and slam, crit shot us...

Speed shout, end pot sprint is faster than SoS, I have stay'd with a mincer and killed after SoS runs out before.

Also with slamming scouts, if you use a shammy buff bot the even the first shammy damage add will interupt the first of his crit shots. (if you didnt have pet available)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
I recently respecced from 45 bow to 50 bow just to try it out and I love it .. I hit much harder now, killed the hib healer class with two arrows .. it was a firby too :)

Also I would recommend getting volley quick as it really helps in getting more rp


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Being more melee oriented I have moved away from balanced speccs (who work very well though) and my RR10 specc is:

50 Spear (1600+ WS with spear for the win)
35 bow (need rapid fire)
34 bc (highest pet and good speed)
30 stealth (enough with rr10 :p)

but cba RR10 so havent respecced yet :p

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
If you uncover a hunter that proceeds to pull puppy from thin air and uses the speedspell to get away.. Doh.

Hit the dog, speedspell gets broken. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
have lately lvl bott up so dont rvr whit my hunter so much.
spec is 44 spear, 40 bow, 32 bc and 35 in st dwarf!

had 1st big ra volley, respec out after 1 week to TS, atleast fit better to my playstyle.

one thing what remember is when i shoot NS ~15% whit bow, send pet in start whack him whit spear.
after 3-4 evade (0 swing whit spear hit) pet kill NS behind and i was ~50% health.

hmm most fun? when i full buff my pet in svasud, run visible to fensalir and minst mezz me, he made /throat slit motion behind me and pang! pet hit him behind, i sprint to fens and sit down.
after copple min pet come back in 20% health when finish that minst :D
dont say names here.

i am still gimp to play hunter but have had fun, frustated to teeths, but gona keep hitting my head on wall.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
Mavericky said:
how come you havent used 207 of your points then, or am i missing something? :eek7:
cause its only 48.5 ;<... alright u got me.. owned irl


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
lvl'ing hunter... will probably still be RR1 when hits 50, any good beginner specs? :p

(as in my only experience with hunters is at bg level and i havent got the slightest idea how to spec hunter properly :p )

oh i have bb at my disposal in case you think that might influence my spec :D


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
35stealth 44spear 40bow 32beast I'd say was a nice starting spec get a feel for it and then respec with one of your many respec stones to how you feel you play :p


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Werewolf said:
norseman 10 str con dex spear 50 bow 45 stealth 35 rest in bc

norse :puke:

is lvl 37 kobbie atm, but will try both jaem and your spec i suppose, wont sell my 2 respec stones then ;)

oh and thats one cute kitty :p

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