How will you subclass?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
With Darkness Rising soon out, how will you subclass your different characters? Will you subclass for soloability in pve (for farming f.ex.) or for soloability in rvr, or for group rvr etc? Different for classic and toa servers?

Info here: General info Alb subclassing Hib suclassing Mid subclassing
(there are some small errors ive noticed like the second grp heal not being the right value etc, or so i think at least)

Personaly im thinking (writing it as subclass-line-ability in line).

mid/exc (buffbot server:eek6: )
Healer - Viking 2-5, for an anytime style to kill pets and such with, or hit people that run by you etc, as well as the parry buff, and melee resistance enhancement buff. I have read reports that the parry buff might currently be broken though, anyone know of this? If it is then maybe Viking 3-5 tbh, for the shield style with medium defence and ablative buff.

Shadowblade - Seer 2-5, for groupheals, and magic resistance buffs (nice to rebuff in the field), and the melee insta 5% resistance buff. Possibly, if i didnt use a buffbot id go with Seer 4-4 and Seer 2-1 instead for some basic buffing ability, although since everyone else will be buffboted it would likely be of very limited use (maybe ok for stealthzerging but then someone usually has a bb anyway).

Thane - For soloing it would likely be best to spec same as sb, for a group thane subclass likely doesnt matter one bit really (shouldnt have to start healing etc, and already has better magic damage than what subclassing offers, and healers will have better resists etc - although the resist line might still be nice if missing an aughealer or so).

Warrior - Havent played this in years in rvr but thinking maybe Mystic 1-5 actually, for a spell to interupt with (after throw weapon etc) that also has cold debuff for your casters, and some general ranged damage for tower/keep fights etc, even if its gimped it will always leach some rp. Otherwise i guess Seer 2-5 is always a viable choise for any class that can take it.

hib/pryd (buffbot server :eek7: )
Vampiir - Way of Nature 2-5 (resists r'us) or possibly Way of Nature 2-4 and Way of the Grove 4-1 (10% haste) if no access to buffbot. Thinking mostly solo vampiir here, for groups i guess Nature 2-5 still for the melee abs buff.

Alb/Glast (non buffbot server :D )
Heretic - Diciple 5-5 for self dex/qui and different debuffs, or Fighter 2-5 for parry buff and abs buff (if the abs buff stacks with heretic self abs buff, and the parry buff actually works).


Dec 23, 2003
i am really not sure, first i was going to go 5 in the line for ae disease, then the range got changed and 3 second capped speed, then it was the melee resists, which got nerfed from 10% to 5% i think, now i might go for the line for the cheapest instant 150 ablative and stick the rest into a heal line or similar, would of really liked some ae interupts on bd, would have been mad interupt bot then but at 1000 range isnt that good although i might try several different specs and see whats good, dont know whats works until you try it, and US BD's are all convoker, im not listening to those clueless gits :p

as for hunter, probabaly resist buff line for resists and heals to help downtime


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I'm unsure, considering fighter line all the way for shield styles and parry buff etc.

I'm going 44 rejuv again after 1.81 so that might help my defense, though do you know if the shield styles have a stun on them?

Ah well, will get some styles for my mace in fighter line :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Brite said:
i am really not sure, first i was going to go 5 in the line for ae disease, then the range got changed and 3 second capped speed, then it was the melee resists, which got nerfed from 10% to 5% i think, now i might go for the line for the cheapest instant 150 ablative and stick the rest into a heal line or similar, would of really liked some ae interupts on bd, would have been mad interupt bot then but at 1000 range isnt that good although i might try several different specs and see whats good, dont know whats works until you try it, and US BD's are all convoker, im not listening to those clueless gits :p

as for hunter, probabaly resist buff line for resists and heals to help downtime

i know most bds and warlocks are convoker because of sw and most us TANK grps only run one caster for interrupt and sw, if you play with 2 casters, a banelord bd is good, but else you lose to much (could have convoker shaman, but most active shamans are also used at a bots for pve and tower camping)

for my healer i went viking 1-1 and 2-4 because the parry buff is broken.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Only had a quick look, for mael prolly the naturalist line with melee resists + body/energy/spirit for solo. Otherwise, forester for the str/con debuffs which don't seem too bad for a freebie (assuming they're instas, well dunno might still be okay for dumping on mezzed stuff with lots of hp).

Otherstuff looks shitty for a caster (melee styles, spells with crappy delves and cast times, etc).


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
QUick question .....

Can a friar go for this

Faded Nimbleness

Function: Evade
Value: 11%
Target: Self
Duration: 1:00 min
Power cost: 15
Casting time: Instant
Recast time: 5:00 min

Will it stack with evade ( in essence getting dodgery back for friars)


Dec 23, 2003
Maeloch said:
Only had a quick look, for mael prolly the naturalist line with melee resists + body/energy/spirit for solo. Otherwise, forester for the str/con debuffs which don't seem too bad for a freebie (assuming they're instas, well dunno might still be okay for dumping on mezzed stuff with lots of hp).

Otherstuff looks shitty for a caster (melee styles, spells with crappy delves and cast times, etc).

think they are casted


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
yep debuffs are casted.

CL subclass abilities really ain't much to write home about but that was the intention. Nothing game breaking.

Gone a bit too far in the other direction imo ;) but hey. The champion weapons are nice though.


Part of the furniture
Jun 27, 2004
its nice for vamps tho.. they can equip a shield in their offhand --> easier sc'ing :( --> even more OP vamps


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
[SS]Gamblor said:
QUick question .....

Can a friar go for this

Faded Nimbleness

Function: Evade
Value: 11%
Target: Self
Duration: 1:00 min
Power cost: 15
Casting time: Instant
Recast time: 5:00 min

Will it stack with evade ( in essence getting dodgery back for friars)

You can spec it as a Friar yeah, as it's in the rouge line, (a scout, minstrel or infiltrator couldn't however)

Evade CL buffs don't stack with evade if you already have it afaik
Nor will stats increase the percentage chance like it would for those with the ability natively.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Flimgoblin said:
yep debuffs are casted.

CL subclass abilities really ain't much to write home about but that was the intention. Nothing game breaking.

Gone a bit too far in the other direction imo ;) but hey. The champion weapons are nice though.

Buffing/healing lines will be nice on classic though, at least for soloing :) I think the entire subclassing thing was designed more with classic in mind than with ToA.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
I'm going Fighter line with all points as it gives some nice defences and mez reduction, Ablative, 11% parry and to finally get tireless.
Although I have no idea what Champion Flame is or should be but all the styles seem to proc it.
The insta DD should be nice also as interrupt eventhough it's only 5 delve damage ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Fana said:
Buffing/healing lines will be nice on classic though, at least for soloing :) I think the entire subclassing thing was designed more with classic in mind than with ToA.

Thanks to pathfinding and CL's I can have str, str/con, dex/qui, dex and con buffs on my ranger on classic.
As well as a nice bow and new epic armour to look forward to using :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
For minstrel, I'll most likely go with the fighter resiliance line, mainly for the abs buff - when used with chain and battler or warguard it'll give a lot more than just 5% effective damage decrease, and if all three are stacked it'll give 76% abs total :eek6: Parry buff and damage add are also nice bonuses, might as well take it to level 5. Not too useful in groups though.

The mage debuff line to level 3-5 would be fun solo but only practical against visible meleers which there aren't too many of. Could be good in small groups.

Acolite resist buff line to 5 would also be nice, better in groups though not so good solo as the fighter line.

I might also seriously consider the mage line with GTAOE for uncovering stealthers who don't want to fight. Shame it has to be taken to level5 for that, but damage add and damage shield make up for it somewhat.

No idea about theurg, doesn't seem that casters will get as much out of the CLAs.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Andrilyn said:
I'm going Fighter line with all points as it gives some nice defences and mez reduction, Ablative, 11% parry and to finally get tireless.
Although I have no idea what Champion Flame is or should be but all the styles seem to proc it.
The insta DD should be nice also as interrupt eventhough it's only 5 delve damage ;)

You cant get all that at once ;) You only have 5pts to spec, and one ability in one line is one point, and you spec the previous ability in a line to spec the next etc. And the "insta DD" isnt really a dd, its a damage add (similar to reaver insta 30 sec damage add, only this one delves less, has longer duration and longer reuse), just bad wording by mythic :)


Apr 5, 2004
think Mythic did a good job with CL abilities, made them useful (anyone who says "omg its just fluff il never use them" just has a phobia of PvE ;) ) but theres not really any way to make yourself "overpowered" with them.

As for me, on my blademaster i was considering putting two points into forester (one for the 10% self haste, 1 for the ranged DD+snare) and three points into naturalist (for the self str, self con, and self str/con buffs)

i figure that the buffs will come in handy in group rvr, if i get killed and rezzed or sheared during a fight and the druids are busy i can at least quickly rebuff myself to partial strength til the druids have time.

as for the snare nuke, im sick and tired of getting kited by casters (this means you brite) so get ready to be snare nuked if you try to run from the MA train XD


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
what a joke you can sub class way of nature on hib get cure disease/poison yet warden doesn't get any way and he specs 49 nurt normally (unless wardens going to finally get these which have been promised for i don't know how long)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Behmoth said:
what a joke you can sub class way of nature on hib get cure disease/poison yet warden doesn't get any way and he specs 49 nurt normally (unless wardens going to finally get these which have been promised for i don't know how long)

look less an idiot if you actully took the time and read patch notes, cant remeber what patch note, but wardens get cures now


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Jjuraa said:
think Mythic did a good job with CL abilities, made them useful (anyone who says "omg its just fluff il never use them" just has a phobia of PvE ;) ) but theres not really any way to make yourself "overpowered" with them.

As for me, on my blademaster i was considering putting two points into forester (one for the 10% self haste, 1 for the ranged DD+snare) and three points into naturalist (for the self str, self con, and self str/con buffs)

i figure that the buffs will come in handy in group rvr, if i get killed and rezzed or sheared during a fight and the druids are busy i can at least quickly rebuff myself to partial strength til the druids have time.

as for the snare nuke, im sick and tired of getting kited by casters (this means you brite) so get ready to be snare nuked if you try to run from the MA train XD

the snare nuke is on a 3 sec fixed cast time. you have to stop to cast it, undraw weapons, wait for in fight timer go and then you can cast it, with that a caster can kite you pretty long and you have done 50 dmg with you crappy dd instead of hitting got 150 unstyled several times.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 23, 2005
Kinag said:
I'm unsure, considering fighter line all the way for shield styles and parry buff etc.

I'm going 44 rejuv again after 1.81 so that might help my defense, though do you know if the shield styles have a stun on them?

Ah well, will get some styles for my mace in fighter line :)

Rise of the s/s friar! My BG friar will also turn more into a rejuver. Hope Mythic's got something nice in store for us :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
str and con buffs, 100pt singleheal, something to interrupt with (i think :eek:)


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Most probably 4 in viking for the melee abs
1 in Mystic for a DD =|


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
Well i guess im going for aoe dis, else just single dis + normal dd instead of dot for interupt (dis is 1k range only)

Spell: Disease Cloud

Function: disease
Target: Targetted
Range: 1000
Duration: 30 sec
Power cost: 5
Casting time: 2.0 sec
Radius: 250
Damage: Body


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Kinag said:
I'm going 44 rejuv again after 1.81 so that might help my defense, though do you know if the shield styles have a stun on them?
44 rejuv seems to be fotm now! :cool:


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
nature to get the extra resists, ontop of the resist shout i get soon for when i solo. QQ casters


Apr 5, 2004
Lejemorder said:
the snare nuke is on a 3 sec fixed cast time. you have to stop to cast it, undraw weapons, wait for in fight timer go and then you can cast it, with that a caster can kite you pretty long and you have done 50 dmg with you crappy dd instead of hitting got 150 unstyled several times.

i think the point went over your head :) you see the trouble with casters in FG RVR (especially mid casters) is if they have endurance, they can often just sprint and keep ahead of me (unstyled or not) and just kite me out into the middle of nowhere if i let them. if theyre out of melee range then im doing 0 damage (if they were in melee range then id just rear-snare them? :p)

my point is that in that situation, a snare nuke would be useful.

A) i dont run with my weapons out in a situation like that :p
B) my combat timer will be reset anyway because i wont be hitting anything

itl just be a case of /face, nuke once, then run to catch up once theyre snared (im not interested in the 50dmg DD, just the snare component) and also if they decide they want to turn and nuke, it will hve interuppted them


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Lejemorder said:
look less an idiot if you actully took the time and read patch notes, cant remeber what patch note, but wardens get cures now

look less like a twat if you realise people have a life other than to read patch notes everytime they come out. no i don't read patch notes never have. i just come here to bitch and whine (like everyone else) have a nice day :twak:


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Jjuraa said:
itl just be a case of /face, nuke once, then run to catch up once theyre snared (im not interested in the 50dmg DD, just the snare component) and also if they decide they want to turn and nuke, it will hve interuppted them
Any caster with a brain will be panning you while kiting, they just gonna /face and nuke/CC you if you stop to cast that trash. You're not gonna win any nuking duel with a 370+ dex caster with 3s cast time spell.

Other thing is a sprinting toon can prolly run 1500 units in 3s anyhow.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 16, 2005
i'm probably going all acloyte line, the one with buffs. sincei run mostly witout bb in rvr that can be good. are they useable for pally tho? since i got no clue how much conc an pally will get.

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