How To Play RvR



Originally posted by Aussie-

1)Can Anyone say me why you give buffs to a Tank in a keepdefence?
Even if he is in your group or you have a full group or whatever the f00king reason may be.
Give it to scouts and group with them.
Remove buffs if doors are almost down.

This can't be hard right?

Tanks put guard on Scouts while THEY are making the rp's for YOU

Small error in your way of thinking here...:) Have you got any idea how much a good DEX buff can affect the block rate of a shield tank guarding someone? I can tell you it's significant.

And tanks should ALWAYS!!!! get STR buff... 2 reasons: 1: kill SB's inside faster the keep faster with weapon or Slam them with shield (giving 300-400dmg also). 2: STR buff helps setting up siegeweapons faster.

So: always give 2-h or polearm tanks a STR buff, and always give shield tanks an STR and DEX buff

Granted, other buffs than those are of lesser importance in keepdefense.

3) 80 ppl in emain and still

xxx was killed by xxxx
xxxx was killed by xx

stay together.... if some stupid albs wanna play alone to earn more rp's let them go play alone. If they die and ask for rez. tell them to release.

Or do you prefer this scenario (what happens _SO_ much):
A rez-group leaves the "zerg" some albs go with them coz they are bored, waiting for the chicken mids to get out of their Portalkeep.
Mid stealther say attack. Alb"zerg" dies b/c they are outnumbered

30 albs release. Mid zerg finds rez-group and we have another 10 releasers :)

Unfortunately this is very true...but because albion has the most numbers, it's harder to organize to keep them together so they scatter.

6) Move in Group at caster speed. ( | = person )

| | | --- | ------ |||||||| ------- |||||||||

last 4 person.. ungrouped ppl without speed, running behind the zerg getting killed by stealthers
First 8 persons.. Front line of the zerg, ppl that move with minstrel speed that faces enemy-zerg first , hoping they have backup *cough*
2e Group of 8 persons.. Backup with casterspeed that either finishes the enemy and runs away with the rp's or also dies b/c the group didnt stay together.

Also very true and unfortunately a very common scenario.

However, often those organized groups of 8 are pre-arranged and are most likely having access to the usual emain chatgroup. This means they can respond to information in the chatgroup fast. if that group has to move at normal speed, the information provided in the chatgroups will be outdated once the group arrives at it's destination


Originally posted by Aussie-

i'm a stealthed alb and i have never asked a cleric to come rez me at a certain place.
smart boy :sleeping:

you do know that stealthed albs still got the ability to grp with others right?

u go around nagging that noone wanna grp u pve and then when someone wanna grp with u in rvr u go nooooo.

a scout/infil would be great in a grp with caster. because they can spot those bastards much bether than a caster=)

and you just said "if some stupid albs wanna play alone to earn more rp's let them go play alone."

not "if some none stealthened stupid albs wanna play alone to earn more rp's let them go play alone"

a stealther is even more stupid than a non stealther if u ask me=)
But i realy dont do rvr with my chars anyway=) toooooo laggy.

Well exept my stupid hib ranger that is:p and i only do that since i'm tiiired of my other chars and too lazy to make a new one.



Originally posted by Dannyn

If you don't group you get no buffs, it's that simple. Why should a cleric give you buffs and an armsman guard you when you are too selfish to group with them?

He's talking about keepdefense and he was right... scout/shield-tank/cleric can work good together in keep defense.

Or you could refuse and ignore him and let him die somewhere inside or outside the keep and have 1 man less to defend ofcourse...

People like you make me glad I quite excalibur. :puke:

K thx bye & plz don't post here anymore then..

Bleri McThrust

Originally posted by Aussie-
Ok i'm gonna quote myself coz some jealous rp albs cant read

Think i offered alot clerics to group with me in a keepdefence

I dont think people are jealous but I do think some people may be getting fed up with the way you put yourself across.

Im not disputing that you may play your character very well and have built up a good insight into how you think RvR should be played. But you are basically a solo character you play solo and want to be solo (apologies if im wrong). However there are certain occasions when you want, or at least dont mind, group help. Why should these people group with you then ? Why should people listen to your advice ? The way you put yourself across makes you look like you just want to advance your own name and ideas.

People play to have fun, they play in many different ways and I think the majority play in a manner which benefits there group, be it a group of 8 or 80, and certainly try to listen to advice from more experienced people in there groups.

Im not saying I dont agree with some of the things you said, especially about things like the Zerg leaving behind groups without speed, but imo and this post is all just my opinion you seem to be trying to tell people how they should play there class/characters. Remember some people dont have the patience to play a scout, some people want to be in the action all the time and some people are better qualified to explain how to play there class or how certain types of groups work.

What might be nice to see is "Aussie's guide to RvR (a scout's perspective)" A guide for how you feel a scout should be played and maybe include thos things that annoy you from other classes. Post it up somewhere and let people comment and add to it.


Originally posted by Aussie-

Are you trying to be funny mr I have never been in emain with the 6k rp's ?

you looked that up?
somehow that amuses me as much as it profoundly disturbs me


Originally posted by -Lonewolf-
Think ur all being a little hard on him, he was only giving his opinion on what he thought would be a good idea in RvR

But as usual no one takes it as constructive criticism, you mostly seem to think he is having a go

Does this record ever change?
His initial points were actually not bad, it was the follow up that caused the flames. Eg. saying "buff me" "scout gets RPs for you" "I only solo", kinda makes you wonder if he really cares or if he just wants to tune rvr for maximum aussie-rp farming.

K thx bye & plz don't post here anymore then..
One less to defend with though... :p


Some good points, pity is that you seem stuck up.


erm Aussie hope those rps really are worth the time beeing a prick! Not that i dont like u cuz of anything u have done to me, but all that talk makes me sick...friends are buildt with kindness not with hate...

seems that the only things u might have left in daoc is ur rps...


Originally posted by Aussie-
Ok i'm gonna quote myself coz some jealous rp albs cant read

your rp farming wont last long when next patch comes .. imo it will be mostly assasins top of rp list . and when they can no longer 1 shot kill n be stealthed it will be more tanks casters climbing the rp ladder.

as far as being jelous goes LMFAO get real, some of us dont have the time to sit in emain 24 hrs a day . if you think people are jelous of your rp's then u must be pretty lame . cos this is a game if you take it so serious that u think people get jelous of another persons rp's then maybe u should try getting a real life and not thinking about just a killing people in emain .

as for a lot of your comments about rvr some i agree with some i dont . most are common sense ,. but you shouldnt tell people how to play there chars . if somebody makes a SMITE cleric then in there eyes they are smiters not healers . sure there supossadly main role is to heal . but smiters heals suck as you know and most the time wont help u much if u being hit by an enemy for 200-300 + dmge a time .

if somebody told you how to play your scout im sure you would tell them to stfu and that you'd play your char as you like . so telling everybody else how to play there char is just being a hypocryte .

also some people prefer to EARN there own rp's and not leech them from others .not eerybody is in a rush for rp's and get more than everybody else .


Just read this post based on the title. What I thought was some general info on RvR fighting (and yes, a young PvE concentrated pally like me needs that kind of stuff :p ) turns out to be a somewhat personal and single minded view on it, combined with a lot of finger-pointing at how wrong other classes are.

It's like Fin said, you can't chance anything going round telling people they are wrong and crappy players. We already got loads of that crap to swallow (to many, the mere word 'paladin' equals weak :eek: ). Just say what they did wrong, why and give possible improvements. From personal experiences, I know I listen to peeps explaining things and giving tips but rarely pay any attention to the ones flaming away and yelling stuff.

Your post has good points Aussie but writing it the way you did will never get the message over to anyone else.


"quote everthing aussie said..."

Mr. superscout, most you said was right, BUT, it all sounded like. "protect the scout at all cost and i am the greatest dick in the world". and about caster siting. they need mana and will NEVER gain it standing up without a minstrel and will loose there life before they gain back enough mana. i personaly don't go without a minstrel or tell someone or i am going out to kill 1-2 enemys then get killed and release instaid of rez and wait 1 hour for mana standing up. Do not tell everyone what to do, do your job and i do mine. you are turning to be a un.-nice person after some time in emain.... =/


Some good points, some bad, as for the crossbow/tank thing, I agree most of the time the tank would be better of using Guard on the scouts, heck even though im a polearm dedicated tank I have specced shield just enough to get Guard, however it is a bit off putting going all out to defend the same people who wont even consider grouping with you at any other time in RvR except when it suites their needs, and by coincidence, the needs of the keep. And personally I have killed quite a few unfortunate enemies that wandered into crossbow range.

Theres some very good points in your post and some very good advice, but if scouts want to be guarded they have a much better chance of being guarded if they are grouped with tanks all the time in RvR, not just when defending keeps.


Well let me explain it a last time.
I never said anything about my rp's, don't know who started it but i guess if you see my name you think about my rp farming.

I think i wrote that clerics have to group with scouts for buffs and heals, paladings for chants an protect , theurs for EB and bub etc etc etc.

Since Scouts are 1 of the only chars that can defend keeps... yeah .. protect the scout if you want rp's.

I explained how everyone in the group during keepdefence can be usefull, all my other points dont go about farming but things to avoid enemies that farm us.

don't see any rp greed of me in my post. I must be blind again.


Originally posted by Aussie-
i'll still solo till my days are over.
So you often group and aren't RP hungry Aussie? Doesn't look like it to me. As Kagato says, if you want group at keep defence, try grouping in normal rvr too.


protect the scout at all cost and i am the greatest dick in the world

LOL - kinda hard, but actually not entirely untrue.


K, i admit i root in keep defense: Why?
Well , i do root on one enemy so that i can use that rooted enemy as an "anchor" for my mez , so everytime a group runs by the rooted one i can mez em easier.

and PS: Korv hit me for 1520 ( !) dmg while sitting ( had no power) and a few moments later while standing for 1020 or something.

My reaction was: :eek6:


You don't wanne know howmany ppl i rez that aren't in a grp , i see allot of stealther's that aren't grped , maybe aussie doesn't grp allot , but don't know mutch stealthers that wanne grp tho.

You'r all flaming aussie , but atleast he want to try something , all the other stealther's that are soloing just don't reply and hope that there name doesn't get mentioned


Re: ...

Originally posted by [BF]kate
Good points, but it's hardly fair for me to sit there buffing and healing stealthers that don't group and are only there to farm rp for themselves during a keep defense. Clerics aren't there as your personal buff/heal bot. Just a thought.

As much as aussie can get on everyone tits, he did actually say to group with the scouts and then do it, that way you will earn the RP's from them (and before people comment on scouts not grouping, dont flame aussie, as he DOES group in rvr, esepcially in keepdefence and wall standoffs)


After reading some more of the thread i have decided to post again :)

If you read what aussie wrote and try to get past his mannerisms you'll see that he isn't trying to create an uber-aussie. He is simply stating facts that if you help the scouts in keep defence you WILL earn major realm points.

Give him a break ffs, he can farm enough realm points in normal rvr and keepdefence, he doesn't NEED your help, he is offering his (albeit a little abrubtly) help to you to help you get the best amount of realm points and the most effective way of defending keeps.

And believe it or not, practice DOES make perfect, so those that spend 24/7 in RvR do tend to know what they are talking about, and have gained a measure of skill in all their experience.


Don't care what anyone thinks as usual.

I'll play the game how I want to.

Hit ^_^

im a smite cleric i made my char to smite. and heal a bit but that not why i play my char so i dont.
and i whis that clerics get instant stunn some day.


im sure someone has posted this already but i really cant be bothered tralling though 3 pages of flames and whines..

"I pay my £6 every month to play a game i want to play how i want to play it"

No more need be said.


Originally posted by Tranquil-

--Believe me, alot of tanks prefer using xbow over the hassle of putting guard and stand by that scout/caster.

Trouble is in order to guard the caster/scout has to be in your group. This shield specced paladin doesn't get too many group invites from Scouts....

Ckiller ofDust

Wouldnt RVR be alot more fun without

realm points????

Then it would just be fun and no rp-farmin and shit like that :)
Just my 2 cents

Btw in 1.52 they finaly put bind stones at telekeeps so no more runnin from cots or pryd bridge

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