How To Play RvR



Well I really wanted this to say for a long time , finnaly gonna say it before i start yelling to ppl and insult them for brainless stupid albs again

1)Can Anyone say me why you give buffs to a Tank in a keepdefence?
Even if he is in your group or you have a full group or whatever the f00king reason may be.
Give it to scouts and group with them.
Remove buffs if doors are almost down.

This can't be hard right?


2)Clerics that smite,Tanks that use Crossbows, theurgists that root during keepdefence..... wtf?

Play your class like you should be.
Clerics heal and insta stun Assassins
Tanks put guard on Scouts while THEY are making the rp's for YOU
Theurgists buff the NPC bowmen/scouts and bt spam while scout is shooting.
Paladins put guard on and play spirit resist chant so not a whole area is mezzed ...

but f00king stop dying


3) 80 ppl in emain and still

xxx was killed by xxxx
xxxx was killed by xx

stay together.... if some stupid albs wanna play alone to earn more rp's let them go play alone. If they die and ask for rez. tell them to release.

Or do you prefer this scenario (what happens _SO_ much):
A rez-group leaves the "zerg" some albs go with them coz they are bored, waiting for the chicken mids to get out of their Portalkeep.
Mid stealther say attack. Alb"zerg" dies b/c they are outnumbered

30 albs release. Mid zerg finds rez-group and we have another 10 releasers :)


4) To casters: Yes i know it's hard to keep alive against those sissy buffed SB's but plz dont sit. While you're standing try to look arround you. look left, right etc to avoid PA.
I've seen it alot... casters just like to sit. they arrive from apk to amg and they go sit..... wtf?? Is this some kind of habbit from your PvE life?


5) Mez/Root >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DMG
Theurs and Sorcers.... hope you know your root and mez does alot more "dmg" then your nukes. You have tanks and other ppl in your group to do dmg. Every enemy goes for casters first, if you dont mez them all... well guess you know what happens

you dont earn rp's
the tanks loose their pbt gives them less chance to survive
and a free release eventually.


6) Move in Group at caster speed. ( | = person )

| | | --- | ------ |||||||| ------- |||||||||

last 4 person.. ungrouped ppl without speed, running behind the zerg getting killed by stealthers
First 8 persons.. Front line of the zerg, ppl that move with minstrel speed that faces enemy-zerg first , hoping they have backup *cough*
2e Group of 8 persons.. Backup with casterspeed that either finishes the enemy and runs away with the rp's or also dies b/c the group didnt stay together.

Regards, Aussie


Originally posted by Aussie-

4) To casters: Yes i know it's hard to keep alive against those sissy buffed SB's but plz dont sit. While you're standing try to look arround you. look left, right etc to avoid PA.
I've seen it alot... casters just like to sit. they arrive from apk to amg and they go sit..... wtf?? Is this some kind of habbit from your PvE life?

How right you are Aussie, how so so right


yeah a BT theurg with no minstrell in grp is realy effective if he dont got any mana.

if a bt theurg stands then his mana goes away in mather of mins.
=) cant u infils just stay close to casters and reveal those pesky stealthers? instead of go around looking for some enemy casters to kill?


Can Anyone say me why you give buffs to a Tank in a keepdefence? Give it to scouts and group with them.

Tanks put guard on Scouts while THEY are making the rp's for YOU.
Theurgists buff the NPC bowmen/scouts and bt spam while scout is shooting.

Wonder what class Aussie plays ... :p

Oh and btw, clerics don't have insta-stun. We have insta-mezz thou ;)


Yeah I have stood by many casters and other classes with low health before but the problem is in the heat of battle it can prove quite difficult uncovering that stealther who just walks through the wizard sitting down One shotting him...

But yeah u have a good point however we are then torn between sitting defending or attacking mezzers and other wizzie classes at the enemy

My speciality is Bards, preventing them mezzing is a must!


forgive me, I forgot to inform you Aussie will be standing in for Karaam in his absence :p

couple of good points tho, I got to hand it to you


Originally posted by Aussie-

Paladins put guard on and play spirit resist chant so not a whole area is mezzed ...

Spirit resist does sweet fa...

and will continue to do so even in patch 1.52

Body resist will be useful after the next patch though.

Oh and I take it we're all meant to stand in the keep, healing the scouts yeah?
We're all here to help you get RPs. Not to have fun. That's right.

Some of what you said was good, and common sense. Some of it is just letting people play how they want to. You could have phrased it a bit nicer ;) then people might listen. As it is most people will read this then ignore it out of spite.
Also some reasons behind why to do these things would be a good start... 'do X' 'why?' 'because'

One thing that I did agree with: Roots are superb... wizards - if you see someone turn to run - root em... or even if they're just standing there... root em - then lob some bolts :) not the other way round...
That way they can't run from your first bolt and get out of range... so that the second one hits.


Originally posted by Aussie-
Paladins put guard on and play spirit resist chant so not a whole area is mezzed ...

only clerics mez is spirit afaik.


about the sitting of casters:

when i got killed and rezzed from lets say a paladin who got his rez spell off a second before the cleric who would give me maybe 1/3 of my mana back at least (okok, im happy i to get a rez anyway so i dont wanna moan about rezzing palas:) ), i start with 0 mana and have to SIT for 5 minutes or more to have enough pwr back to be able to get a spell off again.

if i keep standing during this time it takes ages! so the temptation is quite hugh just to sit down hoping no enemy stealther is around...and usually its ok, i get rez killed not THAT often...

ok i know a solution for this, im gonna buy me one of these charged mana giving stones now. hope i get the right one (the last i bought gave me back endurance...damn im such a foolish noob:m00: ...



Good points, but it's hardly fair for me to sit there buffing and healing stealthers that don't group and are only there to farm rp for themselves during a keep defense. Clerics aren't there as your personal buff/heal bot. Just a thought.


Ok i'm gonna quote myself coz some jealous rp albs cant read

1)Can Anyone say me why you give buffs to a Tank in a keepdefence?
Even if he is in your group or you have a full group or whatever the f00king reason may be.
Give it to scouts and group with them.
Remove buffs if doors are almost down.

Think i offered alot clerics to group with me in a keepdefence


Oh another thing.... if you want to attack during keepdefence

make some kindof siege weapon
Seen that alot the last week.

Maybe it wont kill a guy but you'll see the rp's coming when Scouts finish them.

btw Kate, did you just say you prefer rp's then holding a keep?


aussie i'll grp ya=)

gonna do so may bt's on that it would take ages to break trough:p

just wich bt worked on keep doors too hehe.

problem is that noone wanna grp with me anyway:p i end up in a grp with lowbies that usualy dies or charges the nmy long before they even get to the doors:p


Originally posted by Soulcatcher
forgive me, I forgot to inform you Aussie will be standing in for Karaam in his absence :p

Are you trying to be funny mr I have never been in emain with the 6k rp's ?


Ok, I wont start about the pala-rezzes (again) either ;)

But if you get rezzed with 0 power, you tend to sit... It's an urge... But I only sit (as my wizard) when I'm rezzed with almost no power... (less then 50%)

If I'm 'just regenning' power after a battle, I never sit down... Not that it really helps (even without PA, a SB kills me :rolleyes: )... (Almost never OOP in battle anyhow, I'm either dead before that time, or the enemies are dead)

I think the 'sitting problem' is going to be less after 1.5 though, since you cant be 1-shotted without the SB/NS unstealthing...

But no. 6 happens all too often, you have 30+ peeps that zone into Emain and 75% leaves on some sort of speed... And all of a sudden you left the PK with 30 peeps, and end up running with 4-8 peeps...


Originally posted by old.Second
aussie i'll grp ya=)

i'll still solo till my days are over.
Just when there is a keep to defend and not much defenders inside i want to make the best of it.

with 50 albs inside everyone is jumping and smiting anyway =)


About the sitting problem at keepdefences

I always go sit at Lord.
Lord has See Hidden, starts shooting every Assassin that comes in his range, makes it impossible to get killed there.
And return when i'm full hp.

I suggest all Casters/scouts/assasins (ppl with little hp) do that
so the clerics dont run out of mana


Regen is compounded by minstrels not really liking standing about running powersong unless inside a keep. The reasons for this are:
1. You're a blatent sniper target, no shield, nice glow-in-the-dark blue swirly etc. We have low hp and no BT... :p
2. Minstrels like to have speed on in case they need to move quickly.
3. If they aren't running speed they like to stealth to avoid being sniped.
Just so you know why you don't have PS. ;)


Originally posted by Aussie-
btw Kate, did you just say you prefer rp's then holding a keep?

Don't pretend like you give a toss about defending keeps for the sake of holding them please, thanks.

And you have never asked me to group with you once, but I think you have ask me for buffs/heals/rezzes quite a few times.

I give all my buffs to the people in my group who need them and then to whoever around me needs them (I usually go with minimum buffs for me) and then I and heal/rez whoever needs it - which I don't get a single damn rp for. I think anyone in Albion rvr could confirm that so don't get all high and mighty with me.


Holding a keep lets other people get XP and loot in DF :)
And lets our scouts get lots of RPs.

Gets that cleric nowt unless they're grouped ;)
And fyi... getting RPs is a good thing come the next patch - lots of new toys to buy with realm ranks.


Can Anyone say me why you give buffs to a Tank in a keepdefence?
Even if he is in your group or you have a full group or whatever the f00king reason may be.
Give it to scouts and group with them.
Remove buffs if doors are almost down.

This can't be hard right?


Ever tried to buff people in rvr? It's a right royal pain in the ass. Between people running out of range, getting caught with no LoS (due to walls and hills around keeps), and the fact that tanks still need str buffs to hit the door with (and whoever is carrying those siege parts needs them just to move), rearranging in mid combat is rarely practical. Plus the fact that to recast all 20 buffs takes well over a minute (if you had the whole group in front of you at once - which you never do), any significant fraction of this time is not an acceptable period to be out of the game when I could be healing, rezzing, stunning, and yes, smiting.

In RvR, buffs go up, buffs stay up. If you die and get back in range I'll rebuff if possible, but it's simply not practical to be changing buffs around every time we deploy in a different scenario.

2)Clerics that smite,Tanks that use Crossbows, theurgists that root during keepdefence..... wtf?

Tanks that use crossbows? I'd rather think that depends on their spec, they are almost certainly in a better position to judge whether xbowing or guarding will be more effective, it's also going to depend a lot on how many archers the enemy have.

Clerics heal and insta stun Assassins

I have insta stun? great? which spell line do I find it in, because I must have missed it these past 48 levels. :p

4) To casters: Yes i know it's hard to keep alive against those sissy buffed SB's but plz dont sit. While you're standing try to look arround you. look left, right etc to avoid PA.
I've seen it alot... casters just like to sit. they arrive from apk to amg and they go sit..... wtf?? Is this some kind of habbit from your PvE life?

And the point of standing about with no mana would be?

Sure sitting is a big risk, but casters, like every other RvRing class have had up to 50 levels, 3 battlegrounds, and who knows how much RvR to practice making these decisions; it's fair to say casters should be careful choosing where and when to sit - but at the end of the day the player has to make the call.

Effectiveness of a caster with no mana due to not having been medding when possible, is the same as the effectiveness of a dead caster.

And besides which, if an assassin destealths in front a caster, the caster is going to die anyway - standing up won't stop that.

80 ppl in emain and still

xxx was killed by xxxx
xxxx was killed by xx

stay together.... if some stupid albs wanna play alone to earn more rp's let them go play alone. If they die and ask for rez. tell them to release.

The irony in this passage not being directed at any particular class in the context of the rest of the post and of who wrote it amuses me.


Beneath a lot of what you say, there is, of course, a lot that makes sense (particularly about camping the bloody tk, which I've never understood either), but if you really want to change peoples behaviour, you won't do it by telling in entire classes that they don't know how to play.


casters should always find a in-the-middle-of-the-crowd place to sit and regen.


Ramas, some ppl really don't know how to use their classes potential for the good of the REALM, and not for just their own good. Everyone has a tiny twinch of greedyness, some more than others and that also reflects the entire community, not just single classes.

"Tanks that use crossbows? I'd rather think that depends on their spec, they are almost certainly in a better position to judge whether xbowing or guarding will be more effective, it's also going to depend a lot on how many archers the enemy have."

--Believe me, alot of tanks prefer using xbow over the hassle of putting guard and stand by that scout/caster.



80 ppl in emain and still

xxx was killed by xxxx
xxxx was killed by xx

stay together.... if some stupid albs wanna play alone to earn more rp's let them go play alone. If they die and ask for rez. tell them to release.



i'll still solo till my days are over.
Just when there is a keep to defend and not much defenders inside i want to make the best of it.

with 50 albs inside everyone is jumping and smiting anyway =)

:m00: :m00: :m00:

so ur saying ur a stupid alb?:p


Originally posted by old.Ramas

And besides which, if an assassin destealths in front a caster, the caster is going to die anyway - standing up won't stop that.

I think a buffed Caster has a bit more then 1k rp's right?
The assassin with the highest cap is Korv , she PA's for 999
You'll die but she will unstealth and die too and you prevent that alot other casters die.

But hey, keep crying that Assassins are overpowered while you're showing them you're AFK by sitting , giving them +900rp's every time :)
And i was talking about the casters that come from apk to amg and go sit, not the ones with rez illness that need hp and mana

read before you whine

Originally posted by [BF]Kate
And you have never asked me to group with you once, but I think you have ask me for buffs/heals/rezzes quite a few times.

maybe not you but alot others
I have never asked you for a heal or a rez outside a keep.
And i asked you that time(s) for SPARE buffs not to be fully buffed.


Originally posted by old.Second

so ur saying ur a stupid alb?:p

i'm a stealthed alb and i have never asked a cleric to come rez me at a certain place.
smart boy :sleeping:


not gonna reply to this thread anymore.

just tried to help you but i get some flaming back.
tnx and goodluck.

Regards, Aussie


Originally posted by Aussie-
btw Kate, did you just say you prefer rp's then holding a keep?
Mr. "I only solo" RP farmer critises someone else for wanting RPs? pot, kettle, black anyone? :p

If you don't group you get no buffs, it's that simple. Why should a cleric give you buffs and an armsman guard you when you are too selfish to group with them? When it comes down to it you only want a keep to farm RPs, which is fair enough, but at least admit it rather than lying to try and take the moral high ground. People like you make me glad I quite excalibur. :puke:


Think ur all being a little hard on him, he was only giving his opinion on what he thought would be a good idea in RvR

But as usual no one takes it as constructive criticism, you mostly seem to think he is having a go

Does this record ever change?


pla pla pla plaaaaa

RVR is simple as fook, if u play it right

as in Group of 8

RULE #1: Listen ( not chat shit on 7 different channels)
RULE #2: Stay together ( /stick invented, Stick to person who is in top of the list, if he dont lead the group, he sticks to the 1 who leads)

as in whole Alb

Rule #1: Listen ( not chat shit on 20 different channels)
Rule #2: Stay together ( so u can c the other group, NOT so close u can smell when they fart, Group leaders in CG to gice info to others )

And help others = heal if u can , Rezz if u can, AND u can always

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