"How to fix Hibernia...." thread from vn boards



Was scrolling the vn boards when this popped, found it interesting, so i paste it here. There she goes:


Author Topic: How to fix Hibernia in 15 easy steps

Posts: 1,664
Registered: Sep 01
Date Posted: 5/15 9:30am Subject: How to fix Hibernia in 15 easy steps

More and more lately I’ve been asking Mythic to ‘fix Hibernia.’ Well what does that mean exactly. That’s a rather vague demand to make. So I’ve written up a few things that I think would help out Hibernia tremendously, in the rough order of importance I put on them. I’m sure there’s a lot of stuff I’m leaving off, so hopefully people can come up with more stuff that I have omitted. Here we go.

1. Emain Macha. This is the absolute number one Hibernian fix that needs to go in next patch. Make Emain Macha an absolute hell hole with zero visibility and super aggro death mobs waiting around every turn. Leave it like this for a good month before changing it to something more reasonable. Give Hibernia a vacation before the permanent fix to balance all three frontiers.

2. Instant Stun Mez!!!! Either give every realm Instant Stun and Instant Mez or take it away from everyone!

3. The Naturalist classes. These three classes are the backbone of Hibernia. Give them healing lines even with every other healer in the game. Make their third lines worth a damn. They have lots of suggestions on their boards, read them. Use the same premise for all types of classes. IE: If Naturalists are weaker than other realms healers because Hib has more of them, then nerf all Mid tanks, and all Albion Casters and Stealthers. Or just buff up Hib naturalists to be as good as the other realm equivalents.

4. Champions and Blademasters. These two classes are a joke. They simply cannot function as tanks. Neither can Wardens. Make these classes able to function as the main tank of a group, so we don’t always have to have a Hero. Make them able to function in RvR as well. Fix the Valor Line, fix Celtic Dual

5. Quests and Drops. Go over these, even out drop rates and quests with the other realms, it’s sad the difference between the realms in this area.

6. Revamp Muire’s Tomb so that people might consider going into it. Move the Hellhag away from the entrance. Reduce the aggro radius of the monsters til it’s at least smaller than the rooms they’re in. Make fewer of the monsters social and BAF and aggro.

7. Make Treib Cail-whatever easier to get to. Yes the high twenties dungeons that has high fifties monsters outside it. That’s ridiculous. Move the dungeon entrance somewhere that people going to the dungeon can get to it without risking mass group wipeouts, or move those spawns somewhere else. Preferably move the dungeon. I have no idea which would be easier, but there’s plenty of other areas that dungeon could go and I’d hate to lose the spawns outside it.

8. Koalinth Caverns. Hmm… Have more NPCs talk about this. Add a quest that’s level appropriate that makes you go to the dungeon or something. Nobody knows this thing is here, probably because it’s way out of the way, and it was the last dungeon in the game that was itemized (I believe)

9. Bindstones: Add more Bindstones! Add them in: Innis Carthaig, Tir Urphost, and Caillte (the Empyrean town)

10. Tir Na Nog: Get rid of the entire zone and start over. Make the entire thing underground, as in, “Underhill.” Add small friendly exotic creatures that roam around the town, like Faerie Cats, Faerie Dogs, Faerie Drakes, etc. Add small streams and waterfalls and pools that meander through the town. Make distinct areas of the town. Make the town mostly Elvish and Lurikeen, with a small area that has been reluctantly given over to the Firbolgs and Celts. Make a Druidic/Bard/Warden/Filidh college / temple thing. Make it a really impressive looking deal. Add a massive and beautiful school of magic with all the casters in it. Add all sorts of little magical things inside this school, like light shows, magic guardians, quest-givers, odd magic knick-knacks, etc. make two completely separate warrior areas, one for the Champions, which would be elegant and beautiful, and one for the Heroes and Blademasters, which would be in the small Celt/Bolg area, and more spartan and functional. Add in NPCs that would talk about a little rivalry between the more refined and magickal Elvish Champions and the scruffy Celt and Bolg Heroes. Flesh out the merchants bazaar. Make it a large beautiful square, maybe with a vine covered overhang or something, and the merchants in little stalls around it. Make it look like an actual place people are doing business. Make the palace a giant, beautiful, awe inspiring wonder like Camelot Castle.

11. Towns: Dear god this is an embarrassment. Hib towns are dreadful and Mythic should be ashamed for leaving them like they are for so long. Shame on Mythic! Fix them, make the towns stop sucking! Give Hib more unique building models. Albion has seven, most huge multistory buildings. Hibernia has one that’s basically a large box. Add multiple building models for each race. Make a distinct Firbolg, Celt, Elf and Lurikeen architecture and have different races control different zones of the realm. Make Caille, the Empyrean town in Bri Leith, very odd and beautiful, maybe with transparent crystal buildings or something equally bizarre. Tir Urphost, the town in Cliffs of Moher, could have a giant old Fomorian tower build right onto the cliff and extending a bit out from it, with the other buildings sort of near it. It could be filled with eccentric wizards and things like that.

12. Make Hibernia more magical. Add Mushroom trees, more trees in general. Give more zones mists of odd colors, like a faint green or white haze in Lough Derg. Add magic light shows here and there like the one in Albion Lyonesse at that roman villa. Make more interesting structures for NPC camps like Albion and Midgard have. Make the horses of the realms odd animals like cats or wolves or spiders or all of the above. If that’s too much work, give the Hib horses unusual brightly colored skins or something. Put in glowing crystals around in places. Break up the zones, make the hills higher or something. Make Hib stop being a giant mostly flat golf course.

13. Add more lore. Explain what the hell Spraggons are. Maybe explain what more of the other weird little creatures running around are. Show the lore don’t tell it. Make it not so obvious as in the exposition block quests. Add elements of the other realms like Albion has. Add Missionaries that are converting the youths away from the Old Ways. Add Albion and Middie bandit gangs here and there. Add a menacing Troll Shamaness modeled after Baba Yaga as a big boss mob somewhere, and add quests that involve her harrassments of the locals to further Midgard’s aims. Add more mentions of the other realms in general. Have quests where you learn lore of the other realms like exist in Albion, where you have to research the Druids. Maybe add a quest where you have to somehow aid Morgan Le Fay in some way, and portray her as sympathetic to Hibernia. Hire a writer to focus on sexing up Hibernia and Midgard. Explain more about the differences between Elves and Lurikeens

14. Break up the spraggon model using things in the realm. Add an air elemental model, a new generic humanoid model, maybe a bigger, different looking spraggon model, I don’t know. There’s a whole lot of Spraggony things.

15. Ruins! In Celtic Myth, there were a long series of invader races. First the Fomorians, then the Nemedians, then the FirBolgs, then the Tuatha De Danu (Elves), then finally the Celts. Add some ruins, again with their own architectures, here and there for some of these races. Add some NPCs that have lore about it. Maybe make a mini dungeon / big camp that’s based on the glass tower of the Fomorian Kings Conann and Morc. It can have spectral Fomorians or have been taken over by Curmudgeons or something. Who knows.

There we go, there are some thoughts. As you get into the bottom few, it’s a lot more subjective, and just some examples of what I might do if I were in charge of Hibernia. I'd love to hear any other suggestions people have on things they'd like to see fixed. This list is by no means comprehensive, especially in the class balancing part, which is the most important.


I agree with many ideas, mainly with graph boosts over hibland. Reply here or http://vnboards.ign.com/message.asp?topic=29705145&replies=109 in the original topic.


@2: only mid classes have it, could as well say that alb needs those (which they do actually :rolleyes: ) and no, pbaoe mezz doens't count! :sleeping:


Yeah and give our healer and shamans repeatable dmg , blade turn weapon specc , and qucik cast.. Ohh you dontt hnik so..then you dont get insta mezz/stun.. feking only thing healers have.. shamans have insta-death by anyone who get in range


Healer and shamans.... you mean give only ONE healer all that and all the shammies the same? That's kind of unfair.


is this revenge for tohtori's spree onto the VN boards? cutting and pasting 5 month old rants?

old news, half of it's been dealt with :)


Originally posted by Dorin

then nerf all Mid tanks


HIB has by far the best tanks in the game. Hero is hovering on 'overpowered' if he has moose and IP up. Champ, whilst hurting some time back, are a very powerful hybrid with the srt/con self-buff. Blademaster is the only HIB tank that could vaguely qualify as needing some attention.

MID tanks, with the possible exception of Berserker are far inferior. Skalds are 'ok' now, (no longer the uber solo killers they once were but by no means gimped) but will definetly need some attention soon once increased defence etc are implemented. Warriors and Thanes need alot of attention.

ALB tanks are holding their own with the exception of the Paladin. The pally gets help but a 2H pally is still gimped. Armsman is inferior to Hero purely because of moose.

If anything MID/ALB tanks need to brought up to HIB levels...or Hero/Champ brought down.


Originally posted by Fingoniel
is this revenge for tohtori's spree onto the VN boards? cutting and pasting 5 month old rants?

old news, half of it's been dealt with :)
I'm known to start huge things into motion...but this is scary...


Let's face it, that post must've been made by someone who has only ever played Hibernia.

At most of the issues in the post could've been rewritten with midgard/albion locations and char types in them.

All in all: :sleeping:


Look at the Seel, cute Seel...ain't it just cudly and cute and wheee! :p


1. needs fixing, people have emain tunnel vision.
2. bleh, it's fine, maybe give albs insta ae mez
3. dunno really, don't play a naturalist...
4. champs are good, bms need a bit more tweaking
5. hib has the best drops... 10% melee resist rings, omfg.
6. that was done. ;)
7. bit of an issue, but it;s not much of a problem if you're careful getting there. main issue is it's miles from anywhere. :p
8. koalinth is ok, but it and spraggon den have a very similar (and small) level range, kinda makes it pointless as everyone goes to spragg.
9. Caille maybe, urphost and innis don't need them.
10. would be nice, the capitals of all realms could use a bit of a makeover. :)
11. Guess this person never left mag mell, there are celt towns and elf towns and they look distinctly different (howth vs mag mell for instance).
12. Again... There are mushroom trees and far too many trees in general, maybe use a few different colours to green though. ;)


That guy has some cracking ideas there, I guess he thinks a bit like me, he's trying to turn the realm into a magical place to be, where as most player I guess from the replies are more interested in fighting/winning, maybe some of these guys would like just a grey background to improve framerates.

The entrance tunnel into Tir Nog is the most boring I could imagine, the textures are so poor it looks worse than an N64 game, and it still stutters slightly on my GFORCE2.
There must be about 100 polygons in the whole thing.

What would be nice 'dreaming hat on now' is in the future when DOAC is getting a bit out of date, if enough people were playing to pay for the servers. Players themselves could use an online terrain builder to create areas for the game, utilising the power of future GFX cards, DOAC could live for a long time.


That post was made WAY back in May, all the realms have had massive changes since then in the US (and coming here soon) to help balance them.

Sorry what was the point of posting a six months out of date rant ? :rolleyes:


Re: Re: "How to fix Hibernia...." thread from vn boards

Originally posted by dakeyras

ALB tanks are holding their own with the exception of the Paladin. The pally gets help but a 2H pally is still gimped. Armsman is inferior to Hero purely because of moose.

=> Guess you never played a paladin, have you? Ever duelled vs a paladin? (thats what you are talking about isnt it?)
Dont take things for granted when people make sucky characters and then whine all over the place.
Paladin is a very hard class to play and master, but once people get the grip of it...


Re: Re: Re: "How to fix Hibernia...." thread from vn boards

Originally posted by raven3

=> Guess you never played a paladin, have you? Ever duelled vs a paladin? (thats what you are talking about isnt it?)
Dont take things for granted when people make sucky characters and then whine all over the place.
Paladin is a very hard class to play and master, but once people get the grip of it...

Cabalists were TEH gimp!!!111 two months ago ...

they're "uber of the month" now ;)

what's changed? precisely nothing ;)

(next patch DoTs improve a bit admittedly :) but they got nothing specific... matter sorcs are still regarded as gimp despite the stacking DoTs, but the same improvement makes cabalists teh uber)

Some of his things about the scenery/etc. I agree with completely :) be nice to have more ruins in hibernia.

Briefine just ain't scary - Pennines scares the bejeesus out of me - I expect to find a high purple monster ready to grind my bones to make his bread. But Briefine just seems wrong when there's something nasty there :)


LOL what a joke thread. Why do people even bother reading VNBoards when they're much worse than BW (which is already pretty crappy).


doh :) lag ownz. Well i just found it now, it wasnt meant to be a rant or a flame, so strange mids whining about it thou :). I just thought it has some good ideas and there has been some changes yes (maybe some ppl didnt read it yet), but did you play hibernia? Couse tir na nog looks the same from the start, and it sux big time. About towns looking different: are you mad ? :) Towns different in albion and in midgard (Vasudheim, Fort Atla Cotswold, Archibards retreat) now these things are towns, mag mell and tir na mbeo is not.


Well having recently ventured into Camelot in Albion after spending all my daoc 'life' in Hibernia theres a 'bit' of disparity in the attention given to each when they were built.
Complex interlinked detailed multistorey buildings, tunnels, fountains, other fluff scenery. Two huge detailed statues at the entrance, rows of pillars along the path. TNN - a whole what 3 polys sticking out the hill, a simple circular layout and poor textures.
Thats just the capital city, ALL the other little towns and buildings are far more detailed than the hibbby boxes.

Wadda ya mean Innis doesnt need a bindstone???

Oh and I preferred fury sprites with the spraggon model because you could actually SEE THEM IN THE DARK :)

I find its fun reading the VN boards to see how far the Americans overreact and blow things out of proportion in some vain attempt to get their own way. Something gets slightly reduced in effectiveness and suddenly its "useless" and "i'm cancelling/rerolling because of it".


Originally posted by PJS
Wadda ya mean Innis doesnt need a bindstone???
Cornwall and Gna don't have one... The whole point of that area of the realms is that it's not that easy to get there, makes dying a bit more of an issue. ;)


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Healer and shamans.... you mean give only ONE healer all that and all the shammies the same? That's kind of unfair.

Well sometimes it seems we only have one healer playing.. maybe cause they been nerfed.. nerfed and then nerfed some more


Originally posted by razorboy
@2: only mid classes have it, could as well say that alb needs those (which they do actually :rolleyes: ) and no, pbaoe mezz doens't count! :sleeping:


Actually, at some times, I would much prefer to just press a single key instead of targeting someone and then firering the mes. I'd trade both my single and ae instastun for one 200 radius pbaemez on a 600 sec timer (clerics timer is 300).


Actually, at some times, I would much prefer to just press a single key instead of targeting someone and then firering the mes. I'd trade both my single and ae instastun for one 200 radius pbaemez on a 600 sec timer (clerics timer is 300).

Assuming u have used ur insta mezz why not just use the insta stun on the player who is near u, this stuns all the ppl near u, then just use castable mezz on top.

Healer + 2 insta ae cc's + Mastery of concentration + purge = overpoweerd im afraid :/ (compared to sorc anyway).


Hehehe - love these threads.

Regarding CC the grass is always greener ... I know many that would kill(well not literally) for the QC stun that is hib. mage baseline :) Talk about overpowered :rolleyes:

I always see whining about CC from one realm towards others realms, and I must say I usually find myself being messed, stunned and rooted an mass regardless of wich realm I play against.


Originally posted by hotrat
Assuming u have used ur insta mezz why not just use the insta stun on the player who is near u, this stuns all the ppl near u, then just use castable mezz on top.

I was just saying id prefer to not have to target somebody. Not having to reach for F8 would have saved my life a couple of times. And its also kickass against stealthers and thru doors etc. Ok, i might be silly for having target-nearest-enemy on f8 :)
I changed it yesterday so FEAR ME NOW! ;p

Healer + 2 insta ae cc's + Mastery of concentration + purge = overpoweerd im afraid :/ (compared to sorc anyway).

Yeah, thats 313225 rps. At the moment there are 6 healers on prydwen with that amount of realmpoints. Then you only need 580k more if you want perfect recovery. Fyi no healer has 580k let alone 580k+313k. But yes, i might respec to moc+purge (have neither of them) when i hit 313. I have thought about it many times. <grin> Otoh, my realmmates would kill me for taking away their perfect rez.

One more thing, lets not forget the half-hour timer on moc and purge. Thats a pretty long time. Think about it, what are the chances that you will meet me when i actually have it available?


Pretty high, it seems to me most battles in RvR happen with about a 15-30 minute frequency so there's a pretty good chance your 30 min timer stuff will be up.

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