how the hell to kill a minstral.. they way overpowered



Minstrels are no probs to kill, you just hit them with your axes till the desired result is achieved :p


Out of interest I've been comparing Minstrels to Bards, and I really can't see why people think Minstrels are overpowered.

Pros of minstrel:
- Chain armour (compared to studded)
- Stealth (with none of the abilities that come with it and can't use songs while stealthed)
- Charm (broken so badly it's laughable)
- 2 DD shouts (compared to 1 but very high power cost)
- Stun shout (useful for getting those mezzes in)
- Enough skill points to get most lines up pretty high
- Can cast mez while moving

Pros of bard:
- AE Mezz
- Healing / Rezzing
- Don't need to get instrument out to mezz
- Endurance regen song
- Buffs (Armour, Con, Str, Dex)
- Amnesia (powerful if used correctly, though deadly if you muck it up :))
- Resistance enhance chants (in 1.48)

1 on 1, a minstrel would probably beat a bard, but as part of a group, bards are so much better (correct me if I'm wrong :flame: ). Personally I don't use stealth much, so maybe that's where I'm going wrong with the minstrel.....

[EDIT: missed one]


I didn't use stealth much at lvl 13 either :)


After next patch....:)

- The Minstrel Charm does not require an instrument in hand while it is being used. Thus, a Minstrel can now have a controlled pet and melee at the same time.

- Even when the target is switched, the spell will continue to pulse on the original monster you had targeted. This means you can have two targets engaged at once.


1 on 1 I have killed orange bards... so yes a minstrel would beat a bard ;)


Oh my ... did you just compare a minstrel and a bard?

bad boy! bad boy! go stand in the corner.

- Chain armour (compared to studded)
Chain armor makes up (imho) for the lower hitpoints they have for being on the rogue hp table.
Whereas Bards are on the Naturalist hp table and they get buffs to make up for this. (not necessarily but still ...)

- Stealth (with none of the abilities that come with it and can't use songs while stealthed)

That would give them the few advantages infils have over minstrels (eg safe fall, detect hidden and climbing)

And mach 5 stealthing through emain , well , ehm , cmon :)
(whats the use of being less visible when people can find you because you're singing a song)

- Charm (broken so badly it's laughable)

No comment. the interface is indeed a pain in the ass but perm pets would make you a sorc with stealth , insta dd , chain and a normal mez instead of ae

2 DD shouts (compared to 1 but very high power cost)

Which does alot more dmg then the bard one at same level.

Stun shout (useful for getting those mezzes in)
NERFFFFFF! :flame:

Enough skill points to get most lines up pretty high
not too mention all songs and shouts are in the same spec line whereas bards need 3 lines (nurture for speed and mana, regrowth for hp regen and music for mezz/dd)

- Can cast mez while moving

not too mention the horrible tune :) :)

Pros of bard:

you don't need to get instrument out to mezz
but you cant do it whilst moving either

- Amnesia (powerful if used correctly, though deadly if you muck it up )

Even though really nice in pve , there's slim to no use in pvp

All it does is break speed on a running minstrel :) and warp pets back to their owner , and since its on a timer it's not too good vs. theurgs

- Resistance enhance chants (in 1.48)

after reading ign and various bard boards it seems 5% of the bards is gonna use it. End song or hell maybe even hp regen song is better in rvr (imho again)

Bottomline: you cant really compare minstrels and bards since they have different purposes. Admitted , there is a "battlebard" template but after some testing it seemed rather useless since weapondamage is ridiculous and so is the dd line.
Bards are support oriented , and like most supportclasses end up in rvr as taxi, rezzer and buffer.

ps : the only way to defeat a minstrel is don't go rvr'ing until every possible minstrel cons yellow or lower to you and they'll leave you alone since they might die then :p :flame:


Minstrel charm is broken all the way up to 1.50, since it resists hideously often against yellows and higher (blue con pet? can we say useless?) and on top of that pulses. So even if it doesnt' resist straight away, chances are it will in the middle of your next fight. At which point it aggros the minstrel btw.... Btw, you think having a pet makes us a sorc with chain, insta DD's and stealth? Pet = pulsing charm = no stealth. Not to mention sorc charm doesn't randomly resist in the middle of fights..... Taking a pet to RvR as minstrel is BEGGING for an exp death.

And for those cheering 1.50, get over it. 1.50 is bullshit; the way to make RvR slightly fairer was not to make it possible for a lvl 5 nightshade to uncover a level 50 minstrel with 50 stealth spec AT MAX CLIP DISTANCE. Or a scout for that matter. See hidden is completely stupid.
Purge on the other hand is a good thing, bit of a nerf to minstrels since it also knocks away stun and imho for such a crap duration effect (6s at lvl 40, less on high cons) stun should NOT be 'breakable'.



Those who get supriced by minstrels alot:
Be extra carefull at MG's and other bottle neck places. Pan your camera around and you will spot
the minstrels unstealthing and running to catch you.

And ffs do not try to run from them.
If they have spotted you and are running towards you just do every dd and ranged you can and
try to melee them down instead of trying to hide in bushes and allowing the coming minstrel to
stun/whack you.

Oh and IMHO minstrels are annoying as hell but not overpowered.


@ cordain :

If they have spotted you and are running towards you just do every dd and ranged you can and try to melee them down instead of trying to hide in bushes and allowing the coming minstrel to stun/whack you

a) not all classes have insta's and casting a 2-3s casting time dd/root/stun/whatever takes too long since by then (s)he allready next to you
b)not all classes have magic/ranged means of offence and need to wait until his/her enemy is in melee range (throwing weapons are not a viable range weapon imho)
c) if you see the minstrel unstealthing , the next time you usually hear is that really annoying mez song , which is able to "cast" while running towards you so you'll be immobilized if you didnt interrupt him/her


Originally posted by LegoPirate

This is what I like about DAOC - no matter how cool your own class is - you will always look at other classes and think - ooo I'd love to be able to do that! =)

Thats cool

Really is quite amusing isn't it :)


Originally posted by LandShark
Minstrel charm is broken all the way up to 1.50, since it resists hideously often against yellows and higher (blue con pet? can we say useless?) and on top of that pulses. So even if it doesnt' resist straight away, chances are it will in the middle of your next fight. At which point it aggros the minstrel btw.... Btw, you think having a pet makes us a sorc with chain, insta DD's and stealth? Pet = pulsing charm = no stealth. Not to mention sorc charm doesn't randomly resist in the middle of fights..... Taking a pet to RvR as minstrel is BEGGING for an exp death.

I've never had a pet yellow con or lower resist charm before.. Yo need better instruments maybe?


Originally posted by Gombur Glodson
we cant even kill people at even con except casters and unaware hunters
Then you really, really have to learn how to play your class.


Originally posted by Gombur Glodson
finally someone who gets it

Hey I resent that

I postedon page 1 and I got it, pfft :D


Originally posted by klavrynd
@ cordain :

a) not all classes have insta's and casting a 2-3s casting time dd/root/stun/whatever takes too long since by then (s)he allready next to you
b)not all classes have magic/ranged means of offence and need to wait until his/her enemy is in melee range (throwing weapons are not a viable range weapon imho)
c) if you see the minstrel unstealthing , the next time you usually hear is that really annoying mez song , which is able to "cast" while running towards you so you'll be immobilized if you didnt interrupt him/her

Then just apply the first tactic. Be very carefull.

Anyway the RvR in DAoC is really like the game rock, paper, scissors.
That means that there will always be a class that can easily kill you. Instead of trying to get the "popular"
classes nerfed why dont you all just consentrade on thinking how to balance the really gimped classes.

Oh and no the gimbed classes are not assasins, archers etc. classes that totally dominate Top10 rp lists.

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