how the hell to kill a minstral.. they way overpowered



Ok Im a spirit master and just came up against a minstrel again, 1v1. I have 0% chance of killing one that knows what hes doing, any player should have at least some chance of killing another player of roughly thier lvl.
They have stealth, insta mez and speed.. how dumb is that.
I cant even quickcast a spell without insta mez interupting it, which should be impossible to interupt.
Even worse they can recast mez again and again.. it becomes hits with sword, insta mez, hit with sword, insta mez etc
what chance does ANYONE have against that. :(

does patch down grade them?
I think instamez should take about 60% power minimum so can only be cast once (maybe 2 times if it fails and takes less power)
my pet is also useless as it also gets insta mezzed.

I really hope patches change ALL insta spells as they are rediculously powerful :(


Well I soloed an orange ministrel 2 days ago... and I'm "only" a druid. Okay I was only able to do this thanks to my 2 insta heals, but still, I was surprised.

I really know what you mean and I agree on it... I often get the feeling that ministrels are a little overpowered in RvR.

old.Gombur Glodson

Our insta mez only last in 6 seconds, in its eat our power like oprah at a buffet.
if we do our nukes + DD we really dont have much powerleft so no, we cant cast mez again and again.
Personally I would rather use insta first and then go for the flute and then save my power for my DD


Erhm, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you are talking about the stun spell, that's instant. Mez is done with the flute and has a cast time. And yes, there is a difference between stun and mez. :)

old.Gombur Glodson

he said insta and then only insta is the stun.
sorry if I mixed things up. and no minstrels arent uber
we cant even kill people at even con except casters and unaware hunters


just coz you aint invinable. against yellow. archers have no chance against a sheild tank and they always bugger off too with that stupid speed buff. stop whining coz casters>tank>archers>casters

every class has its weakness.


is that why the purple minstrels sneak up on me and kill me in 2 hits, and anything not purple runs away like they saw themselves in the mirror?

btw, was a pleasure killing you the other day gombur :)
well, I went down before you did, but my 2 RM companions took care of the lot of you in yggdra :) (think 1-2 albs survived)
btw, try not to stand in one group...... even though I love the fireworks of my mjolnir and the RM's spear of Odin


gah, stupid brother and his cookies....

that was me up there /\ (obelix)


Originally posted by Gombur Glodson
and no minstrels arent uber
we cant even kill people at even con except casters and unaware hunters

true. but 2 ministrels are a pain.

:clap: :clap: :clap:


Minstrels are a pain in the as, but not to overpowerd i think =)

But well played they are dedly =) Hate to meat a minstrel team up with a infil =) have done it some times and it hurts =)

old.Gombur Glodson

need I to say Coren and Giona, Froler ;)


Giona can back me up here


but a single minstrll will NEVER kill me.

Means they have excellent defence, takes me 2-3 swings to down any minstrel, they would not dare melee me.

Its a cat and mouse game, and they win cos they can always escape.

They cant get rp of me tho as that requires killign me.

Minstrels are fine as they are, a very fun class and a real pain in the ass to kill.


I could make some long nice post explaning (once again) how minstrels are not overpowered and that we don't have any insta mezz and that we cannot recast and recast and that we actualy suffer from way too many bugs as it is already so you wouldn't believe me if I told you.

But I won't, since it way past bedtime :s

Edit: And yes, Solid is pretty much correct in everything he is saying :)



I killed a purp Mistrell, but i guess i was lucky, since i got off all my spells, right and a few crit hits for 270 in damage... She fell pretty quick... But got my health down to 10%.

I meet Giona few days ago, and she mezzed me, hit, stun, hit, stun, hit, stun, hit, stun, hit, stun, hit, stun, hit...

It's not even funny to meet her...


Re: :)

Originally posted by Fafnir

I meet Giona few days ago, and she mezzed me, hit, stun, hit, stun, hit, stun, hit, stun, hit, stun, hit, stun, hit...

It's not even funny to meet her...

Ok I am gonna say this once Stun and Mezz have a timer, if you got stunned or mezzed the last minute you cannot get stunned/mezzed again. So stop saying she stun stun stun stun.
Unless she hits once in a minute.

And mezz have a a 3 sec casting time, only stun is instant.


Would you lken a bard to a minstrel then? I say this because i dont think they are overpowered. They have much similar skills although not sure they can train in wep skill but i had the misfortune to run into red con bard and although he did kill me he must of had 5% health left, this being when he caught me with speed, mezzed me , dd and melee, i didnt think was to bad. As was mentioned every class has their weakness and myself im not going to be an effecctive rvr until i get my shield to 42 for 9 sec stun, until then i have to rough it.


Re: :)

Originally posted by Fafnir
I killed a purp Mistrell, but i guess i was lucky, since i got off all my spells, right and a few crit hits for 270 in damage... She fell pretty quick... But got my health down to 10%.

I meet Giona few days ago, and she mezzed me, hit, stun, hit, stun, hit, stun, hit, stun, hit, stun, hit, stun, hit...

It's not even funny to meet her...

Hits dont brake stun =) so there would be no use for her to stun you after each hit ( Even if she cant do it =)

Sounds more like , Stun, hit (still stuned) hit (still stuned) hit (still stuned) hot (still stuned) =) etc =)

And killing a purp minstrel =) Nice jobb =) im inpressed =D /bow


Please get your facts straight before complaining. :)


Three cheers for the Minstrels...Hip hip.....Oh ok, Maybe not then:rolleyes:


Originally posted by Baritone
Three cheers for the Minstrels...Hip hip.....Oh ok, Maybe not then:rolleyes:

yeah hip hip hip



Re: :)

Originally posted by Fafnir

I meet Giona few days ago, and she mezzed me, hit, stun, hit, stun, hit, stun, hit, stun, hit, stun, hit, stun, hit...

Quick, send this to Mythic,tell em your a caster, before friday, so they get nerfed.


well a few times i have been hit (which allows me to move/attack) then remezzed, then hit then remezzed.
And btw, im a spirit master, and archers are easy to kill (yellow or less con), they shoot me, i send pet and run away, they die :D

My main point was that every class should have a chance against every other if done right, if I saw the minstral first then I can kill, if not I have to hope I resist the mez/stun which is unlikely as +resist items dont increase this chance aparently :(
I cant even /cry when mezzed lol


Originally posted by CreepingDeath
I cant even /cry when mezzed lol

well really all we want you to do is bleed :D



So what it in the end comes down to is that a minstrel spotting you first gets to cast first, renders you unable to casts and finishes you off. Geee, that's a pretty common scenario in any RvR.

You've never faced off against your own Skalds for instance have you? It'd be pretty much the same scenario.


Originally posted by CreepingDeath
My main point was that every class should have a chance against every other if done right

Again you're thinking of this as 1 v 1 fights. RvR, like the rest of the game, is not about solo play. OK some classes can go solo and get some RP's, but almost every single class works MUCH better as part of a well-organised group with a mix of classes.

Personally I think the only chance (for instance) a class like a Healer should have against, for instance, a Hero (in a 1-v-1 situation) is the chance to run away. I'm a bard, I have practically no chance at all against an even-con of any class on my own.


imo stealthers are not overpowered for rvr, like other classes they have a few strengths and a lot of weaknesses. the reason they come over as so strong though is that they can choose their targets and usually escape, but when they get caught then normally they are done for :)


Pretty certain as a Cleric I find it easier to kill 1v1 than a Minst not really bothered what Class/Realm I'm fighting against course I can't really solo RvR though (if only I had Stealth and speed ;) )

But not having Stealth I don't get to pick and choose my targets or aviod larger groups using speed or stealth.

A Minst has almost no chance against a similar con Tank and as their Speed doesn't work while in combat it makes it very hard for them to get away if things start to go wrong.

Range on shouts is pretty crap as well.


If you can choose you're fights you're going to win a hell of a lot more than if you can't.

Stealthers and speeders get this advantage, minstrels can also stun you then mezz you and flee if things go bad.

What range is on a minstrel stun? how close to a caster do you need to get before you can stun em?

The hit and run tactic works on mages as they have crap defence... I imagine it doesn't work on tanks. It's in, hit, hrm no damage, run away!

1.50 will reduce the power of minstrels a shade (with purge being handy against all sorts of nasty stun/mezz things and stealth no longer being the be all and end all of RvR)


Originally posted by fingoniel
What range is on a minstrel stun? how close to a caster do you need to get before you can stun em?

not long enough in my opion, basically for us to get in close enough to get a shout off then we are close enough for anything back ie dd root, dot.....

The hit and run tactic works on mages as they have crap defence... I imagine it doesn't work on tanks. It's in, hit, hrm no damage, run away!
hahaha true works for mobs too if your quick enough

1.50 will reduce the power of minstrels a shade (with purge being handy against all sorts of nasty stun/mezz things and stealth no longer being the be all and end all of RvR)

long live GOA





This is what I like about DAOC - no matter how cool your own class is - you will always look at other classes and think - ooo I'd love to be able to do that! =)

Thats cool


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