omfg i live in hartlepoolDeadOnArrival said:oi when yah comin to guisborough for a night out?
am 15 btw
omfg i live in hartlepoolDeadOnArrival said:oi when yah comin to guisborough for a night out?
Jai13 said:omfg i live in hartlepool
am 15 btw
MKJ said:Told you I gotta stange ed on my shoulders that has a mind of it's own well look wot it came up with. 11 months playing the guitar and now I can shut my eyes and let my ed take over. This is pure melancholy.
Not really off the subject cos I tried to make you happy in this post so now I gonna make you sad to be old.
This is weird shit from my ed cos I got no idea wot the hell I doing music wise.
File size 1 mb.
Sadness of age.
Stop crying godamn it!
Vladamir said:Come to Essex!. Where the booze is cheap and the birds are cheaper![]()
Chimaira said:you dont have the age to drink chav![]()
danmrman said:Not all of ppl are from essex are chavs u know, mebbie u should come and see rather that just using a Sterotype that u may have heard.![]()
Stormf said:omg a long thread...anyways, good to be back from wow where the avg. age is about 15
oh ye Im 25 =)
Stormf said:been around for 2 years or so =) never had GG after me but I did roam mid frontier solo a lot in OF, emain was simply not the place for a solo non-stealther =)
Gahn said:Pfft frigging lowbies 33 here xD