How much dex is enough


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Boni said:
Oh and take a nice long look at the red bar he lists, the 4 sec AOE spell. This should reduce error wrt log timings as much as possible. Note how its ok up to 380, 390 is the last noticable improvement, but hes only testing at 10dex intervals, could have got this at 386 say... From 390+ hes flatlined with only errors left to account for the flucation. Hes not getting any improvement from 390+ on that spell, and given that its the most accurate I rest my case on his evidence :)

Aye agree.

Do another test, stand 2 casters side by side with 380 and 400 dex, you will quickly see that small lag fluctuations make the two indescernable.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Cromcruaich said:
Aye agree.

Do another test, stand 2 casters side by side with 380 and 400 dex, you will quickly see that small lag fluctuations make the two indescernable.

Yeh, however. In defence of the people who are saying there is an increase in castspd after ~386 dex, the better computer you have and the better connection, the more you will notice that little difference.

Nix said:
Quite often Mythic is the worst resource when you want to know about the game mechanics

Yah, makes you wonder why they just don't give the information. Softcap swingspd/castspd this, cap on this, no increase in dmg after 51 weapon, next patch people say there is, cause mythic changed "something". 1st resist tier, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.
Aslong as you don't have the actual information from Mythic itself, all your left with is players testing, which is dodgy at best.
Don't get me wrong though, i'm not saying people that test are per definition wrong, your "only" talking about very small differences here. However those differences do make people jump on it immidiatly and spec that way, instead of just choosing something that suites your playstyle or your group.
Aslong as you don't have the right source, all your left with is testing and guessing what it is. It's like saying; "look i can see the edge of the world, that proves the world is flat."

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