How many RPs am I worth? :>


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Just wondering as most people I kill, I get between 600->1030ish, depending on RR, or whether someone hits them.

When a soloer kills me - (happens pretty often) is it simply your RR vs my RR = RP value?

And when I have stupid moments and decide that I WILL kill that Bainshee in that group :p am I worth much RP to the group on every one of my suicidal missions? :>

What is the most RP you have got for a kill recently?

Looking forward to the RP boost in DR. I just want my dream spec at RR11 NOW with dream RAs NOW :> Probably another 3 years (eeeek) till I get there. Hope they make an SB's life a bit more interesting than roaming drop offs, bridges etc.

Maybe there should be some nice RP incentive doing other stuff, maybe helping people do encounters that you already have, or crafting, or something different. Maybe they should have academy's where people can go talk and train with appropriate classes and you get RPs helping people when you "teach" or duel with them.

Or maybe there should be some RP bonuses for ridiculous kills or ballsy kills or text-book kills, or no-health loss kills, or rampage kills (killing a few in a row), or staying alive bonuses.

There should also be RP bonuses for getting different titles. Getting Bane of Albion and things like that should be worth something apart from just a title.

Work is going slow today :>

Oli - Illu


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
your worth 0 rp.. though... :D when ur higher rr. people often get 1024rp when ur same about 900, when ur lower... 700-800 and if ur touched be4.. then it drains


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 5, 2004
Highest I ever got was just over 2000rp. That was on Camlan though...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
highest i got was 1700 when i killed an afk wizard with my lvl 3x eld in OF :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
You do get RP's for achieving titles like "Bane of.." and "Enforcer".

Think about it. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 13, 2005
h0h00h, we g0t 12millions rp's each and guild got 120millions rp's at camlann when we killed teh bugged dude ::D

highest otherwise was 1375~~ of alpha.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
When was running about with theurg at 2x-3x pet dumping never got more than 12xx for a 50th. iirc highest i ever get on mael is 1100 for another rr11.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Stallion said:
Think I got about ~800 from you yesterday

Hehe - damn you Staj! :> I'll get you soon :> 2 recent failed attempts, nerf your Speedwarp instacast!

Oli - Illu

PS I think someone mentioned Alpha, where is Alpha?
In fact where are some of these players?
Alpha, Poppamies, Afternoon, Mallus, Blow, Cyclodia, Sheph (did he reach RR12 and retire?), Serzik, Stubbe, Hnoss, Powerslave, Mumin, Warhead, Bulwye......
not seen any death/killspam from them for a while :/


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
illu said:
Alpha, Poppamies, Afternoon, Mallus, Blow, Cyclodia, Sheph (did he reach RR12 and retire?), Serzik, Stubbe, Hnoss, Powerslave, Mumin, Warhead, Bulwye......
not seen any death/killspam from them for a while :/

Havent spent much time on him lately as ive been playing cabby/merc alot, i keep meaning to get the last few hundred k to get him Unipron but i never seam to get round to it.

Mind u logged him in the other week and with 3 (yes THREE) str relics i got my ass handed to me by not 1 but 2 (yes TWO) RR3 NS's one after the other.

Prolly bad luck but i was just unable to hit the little bastards. I was perma evaded. So since that pride destroying 10 mins hes been shelved till i get the gutz to go back out :)

nearly got in a fight with VF except Cuici decided to start beating on me at exactly the same time.

Btw VF i hope that rude was for him even though it was aimed at me.

He is templated and ready to rox with my ewul LGM's just need to get the "desire" back to want to play him.
Dec 31, 2003
illu said:
Hehe - damn you Staj! :> I'll get you soon :> 2 recent failed attempts, nerf your Speedwarp instacast!

Oli - Illu

PS I think someone mentioned Alpha, where is Alpha?
In fact where are some of these players?
Alpha, Poppamies, Afternoon, Mallus, Blow, Cyclodia, Sheph (did he reach RR12 and retire?), Serzik, Stubbe, Hnoss, Powerslave, Mumin, Warhead, Bulwye......
not seen any death/killspam from them for a while :/

Cyclo is twating about, pops in here n there to say hello, think his gf got him on a short leesh ;)


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
i dont remember :p

such a fibber, if u remember when u both piled in at the same time i sat down - outside on Crim when albs had insta port. In fact it was the same day i believe when u fought xrostpher(sp) and my cabby was in the background watching as seen in your lastest wankfest :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Gogge^^ said:
didnt get shit for you, cause u vanished :>

Hehehe :p I tend to only use vanish on casters, only to come back when their MoC has finished, or when I see an incoming zerg or addfest that I will get destroyed by. The rest of the time I will fight to the death, with the sometimes great evade rate or last hit pulling me out of the fire :>

It would be so nice if vanish worked 100%, at best I reckon maybe 40% of the time you actually get away, the rest of the time you get knocked/popped out of stealth for one reason or another and are disarmed for 30 seconds, so /sit :>

Oli - Illu


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Ging said:
Havent spent much time on him lately as ive been playing cabby/merc alot, i keep meaning to get the last few hundred k to get him Unipron but i never seam to get round to it.

Mind u logged him in the other week and with 3 (yes THREE) str relics i got my ass handed to me by not 1 but 2 (yes TWO) RR3 NS's one after the other.

Prolly bad luck but i was just unable to hit the little bastards. I was perma evaded. So since that pride destroying 10 mins hes been shelved till i get the gutz to go back out :)

nearly got in a fight with VF except Cuici decided to start beating on me at exactly the same time.

Btw VF i hope that rude was for him even though it was aimed at me.

He is templated and ready to rox with my ewul LGM's just need to get the "desire" back to want to play him.

Ouch! I have lots of trouble with NS's, and quite regularly get beaten up by RR3's :/ I've recently respecced to MoP3 to try and get a bit more damage on them, but they are little gits :> Aurauddry destroyed me last night, I think, hitting 400+ on the mainhand a few times which made me cry. I haven't killed Draakje(?) NS for as long as I can remember and Hobbit is still on my hit list :> And Cweep keeps on killing me grrrrr, revenge will be mine.......!

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Lookdaddy said:
Think the highest i ever got was 1250 off stajj :)

to bad you had to add that time when I was already fighting xrystoffer, im glad atleast he has the balls to face me solo mr.longrunner


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 12, 2004
LOL i was solo and you wasnt fighting anyone! i Mr. i can cast 2 SW's within the space of 30 secs..... :eek6:


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Muldini said:
How about testing a link b4 posting it?
works for me :S, ill re-upload it



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 9, 2004
1097 last week at bled drop off twice of same rr9 bm with my rr 5 zerker........

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