how many pure smiters we got?



I'm 'powerleveing' her with my tank :p

Works pretty well... But solo'ing sucks (she's level 15)... It's kinda funny, I sometimes get her into a guild party and I actually have to say to some clerics, please remove your spec buffs... :cool:

She needs more levels to be of some real use (because we all know why you have an (pure) enhance cleric, and its not because she's so much fun to play :p )...

Oohwell, I'm playing my wizzie a lot now, and made the 'mistake' of having him on the same account as my enhance cleric... Not that you really need an enhance cleric with a wizzie...


i only got a parry/song minstrell and a buff cleric on my 2nd acount=) would have been fun to have 3 accounts hehe.


i will take herbal or serra ( to name two rejuv clerics ) over a lvl 50 smiter any day...seeing as there heals are like 600+ hps, clerics good in rvr for instants, there quick mess thingy and possbily smite...but AOE smite is rather pointless as it destroys mess which lets face it wins rvr.

Hit ^_^

more then 23 in reju give to much aggro anyway ;)
and smite rocks.(dunno of 49-50 in smite is worth it tho.)

reju23 enha 9 smite 48 =nice dmg(before nerf) and 2 instants.

ps.(if you read this line your stupid.) :)


Without reading all other posts, my cleric is:

9 enh (2 dex, buffs), 23 rej (2 instants, im healing for 350 or something), x smite...

Rest is in smite.. probably around 40+.

I don't mind they nerf smite, it's tooooooo hardcore for a 2x instant-person with chain, stun, aoe mez and instant-smite :)

I can do 500+ dmg on undead, with my gear :).

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