how many pure smiters we got?



My speccs are 50 smite and 14/14 enh and reju.
I was just wondering how many PURE smiters we got on alb, and how many semi pure?
thats all =)


i wouldclass myself as pure smite "well i will be by time i hit 50" i had to put some points into rejuve/ench for lvling but now im saving mini ding pts to put into smite to bring my smite into contextwith my lvl . from what i seenonline i'd say prolly 75%? of clerics on excal seem to spec big time in smite .notv many rejuve clerics running around .


pure smiters are a waste of space clerics are there to heal smites secondary....pure smites are a bloody waste in rvr


pure smite clerics prolly got more rp's than you hence if we are useless then what that make you ? :p .


Well must agree with Tren there, pure smite sux in my opinion, 23 in rejuv atleast, then u survive, 44 is max u need in smite (well u can go all the way to 50 smite cause respec comes before nerfing)

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Rhuric
Well must agree with Tren there, pure smite sux in my opinion, 23 in rejuv atleast, then u survive, 44 is max u need in smite (well u can go all the way to 50 smite cause respec comes before nerfing)

Full smite doesn't suck; it's just a dumb spec path for grouping. Pure smiters are basically nothing but RP farmers with their AE, but that goes for most rogues as well :p 44 gives you a mez which lasts 5 seconds longer; if you don't go for the 48 spec smite might as well stay below 40. And no, skill respec does not come before the nerf; that's the RA respecs.


I am 14/14/50 and loving it...but I only changed from my original 48/23/9 template once I knew that respec was coming in. At least I get a few months to enjoy Heavenly Detonation (and it was great fun at last nites Relic Raid).

To those idiots that think a cleric should only heal...go play AD&D for a bit. Clerics there are far more lethal than DAOC smiters. (Or better still go and roll a rejuv cleric)


Didnt we have this discussion like a few weeks back? :rolleyes:

Smite clerics are wizard wannabe's :p

Nah seriously, I dont mind smite clerics, but let them state that before they press accept to the join... When (in PvE and PvP) you invite a cleric, currently in DAoC, you expect that cleric to heal instead of dd...

You die too many times because they have no mana / to busy smiting to heal... A smite cleric == A solo cleric... (unless the group agreed that the cleric in question will only smite)

This is not towards the people that know how to play their class...

But when I'm in a group with 6 ppl and one of them is a cleric... 2 tanks are below 30% health and I hear another smite instead of a heal... And I 'ask', you know you have a heal button right? I get "I'm a smiter" :rolleyes: (ok, this was an incident in keltoi, so he wasnt playing his smiter very long yet, but still)

Oohwell, keep on smiting dudes, at 1.51 it'll all be 'over' ...


But, getting off track with the real question of this thread... How many 'pure' smiters do we have... ;)

Well, our guild has one smiter (Loccon, 48 atm), dont know how he's specced though...



Spot the paradox...

"Grrr. All clerics seem to be smiters" <insert wailing and gnashing teeth>

"Grrr. I invite a cleric and I'm *surprised* when they aren't rejuv"


In my experience (as a rejuv cleric) most smiters are quite capable of healing (at least in a normal xping PvE situation). Player ability seems to be bring much more variance into the equation than any type of speccing.

Rejuvs aren't all that awful when it comes to smite either.

As for all the crap about overpowering...

75% of a nuker DPS + shorter range + no crits + no quickcast + high typical spirit resist + higher than typical power cost = not overpowered

And as for the alledged super-nerf...

Smite - 20% + RA = no real change for smiters + an annoying (and bizarre) but hardly earth-shattering dd reduction for rejuv or balanced clerics.


Originally posted by -Wedge-

Oohwell, keep on smiting dudes, at 1.51 it'll all be 'over' ...

As will the majority of heals in Albion.

My Cleric dies then (if I'm still playing), cause it get changed into a char I didn't start it up to play.

Mine isn't 50 smite but I think 50,14,14 is a crap template. Getting a bit more to ur AE smite and self damage buff at the expense of a grp insta seems a bit pointles.

48 smite , 23 rej , 9 enh is the way to go until 1.51 if u want to be a smiter. 44, 23, 21 or 42, 25, 22 if u want to be a cleric that can smite and whose buffs are of any use.

Post 1.51 if u want to be a smiter forget it and play a Minst.


Ah, getting off track from the real thread ;)

But, as I said, my remarks werent towards a smiter that knows how to play his class (meaning he knows that he has a heal button too ;))...

Imho, smiters shouldnt smite all the time... They should heal every now and then too :p

Though I think (as Congo says), the 44,23,21 or 42,25,22 is one of the better templates...

And I think pretty much all of our clerics (in the guild) are going for the 44,23,21 template(Except I think Loccon)... Not 100% sure about that though... (Abelardus is a Rejuv cleric, dont know his specs though)

(And Ramas, its not that Smite clerics arent able to heal, some just refuse to 'waist' precious smite mana on heals)


Well a smitecleric with 50 smite is infact uber.
dealing 4-500 damage pr. smite in rvr, the AE smite deals same damage as wizards AE, BUT has an additional 4½ foot range over his. have instant heal, chain, mace with a 11.6 dps selfbuff plus he really can do a desent healing...all in all imo he is uber =)


If ur smite is so good u don't need the xtra self damage buff :p
And who uses their AE smite accept in keep/relic defences/attacks ? And if u do use it I bet the Sorcs of Alb really like it when ur around ;)

I'm sure any groups ur in will thank you for that tiny bit of extra damage you do in melee when you could have saved the whole grp with a grp insta instead of a targeted single insta which saves just one person and prevents you from doing anything else while you target/retarget.


Wow, a (smite) cleric that kinda agree's :clap:

Imho, if you wanted to be a group-damage dealer (e.g. not solo :p) you should have become a wizard... The damage per 'mana' is much higher... Their bolts, DD's and AE's hit harder and have a faster cast time(except the AE, which is the same)... (post 1.51, but I think this was the same pre 1.51)

One downside, they die faster... But if he/she is in a good group, that shouldnt happen that often...

Oohwell, as said I have nothing against smite clerics, but if you only plan on smiting in a group, tell the group that before you head out...


Clerics are perfectly entitled to go smite, just as theurgists are entitled not to get the pulsing blade turn the second they can...

If you want to get groups and not get 'a reputation' then you'll probably have to heal a little (most smiters can still heal, well unless they left rejuv at 1), or point out in no uncertain terms that you're a smiter. You'll still be expected to heal if things go wrong.

The same way as I'd expect a body specced cabalist to life transfer/life drain combo to help out a bad situation..

Smite on its own isn't too great... it's a short-ranged nuke spec with slightly less damage and a couple of get out of jail free cards...

However given the fact you can have instaheals, far far more armour factor (if a monster turns on a smite cleric it's not going to two-shot him... unlike your poor wizard) it's a bit good.

Hence the 20% or so drop in effectiveness in 1.51.


Fingoniel of course everyone is entitled to spec however they choose but a Cleric that goes 50 smite, 14 enh, 14 rej gets only 1 targeted insta which is truely sucky.

Next single insta is 21, and the grp one is 23 which is why 48 smite, 9 enh, 23 rej is the way most clerics that claim to be smiters go. 14 enh does give you some ok buffs though I spose.


Originally posted by Treniel
pure smiters are a waste of space clerics are there to heal smites secondary....pure smites are a bloody waste in rvr
Smite own in RvR, but dont forget to heal, or afetr your tank dies, you will be the next...


Anyway.. who the hell could spec 50 in smite? 50 in smite is a gimp cleric, a celric must have 2 insta heals.. at least to cast on himself, the lvl 50 buff isnt worth the 50 point in it... well, 49 AE DD is nice.. but... youwill have to chose.

I'm 48 smite / 23 rej / 9 enh btw


I've played alongside Cadwallon.

He certainly isn't gimped.

And besides - the top end AoE smite uses the fire graphic effect - for a smiter I imagine that's worth the points alone :)

Arindra Ramas - 47 levels of rejuv fun


He would be even better if he had 2 instas instead of one.

Any rejuv spec under 23 is by definition a "gimped" template as it doesn't make full use of a clerics capabilities.


I love Smite clerics, it means there's a place in the group for a Cabbie as a secondary healer ;)

Also I don't think the smite is *that* badly damaged in 1.51 (in some ways it's good for smiters as you can get the best spec smite at a lower level leaving more points with which to get dex buffs :clap: ). Biggest problem is that stupid five min timer on the PB mes.

Smyte Pee

Well before i knew about the patch i was going the 48Sm 23Rej 9Enh route as the most common.

Since i read about the changes ive semi retired Smyte Me at 41 and started a Wizard.

I dont agree Smiters are wannabe wizards otherwise we would start a wizard :)

I just like the fact i could take a few shots before hitting the dirt. Currentley playing my Wizz whoose at 37 and i swear try getting in a grp with a wiz imo is very hard but oh say your a cleric and ur soo welcome.

6 Months into this game'ish and i say roll on SWG ...



The reason that i chose smite-cleric were the simple reason: Lightning... (had to make a character that would fit my name).

I were going for S:48, E:22, R:11 'till I saw the bad news about the killing the smite clerics in 1.51
- cursed be the balance.

Think that i will go do my Thane a bit :´(


23 is enough...

Woho! finnaly logged in at forums ;-))

As far as i se it, 23 in reju is far enough for healing PvE (going for 48/23/9) ive never had anyone say to me that my heals are bad or "lousy-smiter". (Then smite in PvE groups are rare =P )
In PvE its easy at 23 reju to keep a ordinary treegroup with pbt and pwrsong alive. I dont wanna dedicate my "life" to all the time look at a freakning minibar...

Once dmg get nerfed, alb wil loose alot of semihealers. I choosed cleric for its a good hybrid with decent dmg. The nerfing will for sure not get albs more healers.

Clerics perform at their best when forced into a rage. Some of the most powerful Clerics have been know to invoke divine thunderbolts when faced with the infidel.

one more thing, ive must been lucky, cause ive hardly ever met a cleric that saves his mana for smite instead of healing...just a couple of times, and those who do that... wont get into my groups...

thats about it for now...


A so called smite cleric (that means leaving points for 23 i rejuv) is worthless in PVE, it is just some stoopid smite clerics that ALWAYS smite give us others a bad rep, I know when to heal and when to smite, if I am smiting at all (tend to only use stun in PVE)

Current spec at 46 is 23 14 40 and I say its working well (the most times I miss heals is in dartmoor when on the run, Target is not visible, and tend to be casters, very sorry all casters that been with me in those times, thou not all my fault (group getting scattered))

- Pathfinder -

One of the main reasons people do spec smite is that rejuv is a rather pointless spec - post 23 (2nd insta), you basically add variance. Sure, the better rezzes might be useful, but paladins tend to rez the dead before you can even cast it. As the base heals are enough for most anything (having been the sole healer in tree groups as a smiter, I can't see why you'd really want more for pvE); Epic mobs certianly don't require more; good old heal cycle will be enough any day.

As for going 50 smite; I really can't see how the last damage buff (albeit powerful) is going to help you alot; you'll still die against the classes who can take you down. The AE is supposedly powerful (the center should cap for quite abit more than the 39 AE), but it's not an everyday spell (unless you're one of those wannabee thanes who breaks mez and gets everyone killed trying to farm RP). Defending keeps etc it's quite lovely, but it's really a RP farmers tool.


i'm working on my new cleric=) hes gonna be a pure enchant cleric. its exelent for soloing. can do yellows with ease=)

hes just bigbadbuff=)


Must be that my enchant cleric sucks, cause she cant even kill blue's with ease :p


Enhance was nice

I had a enhance/heal Cleric for a while. No smite at all. He had buffs a lvl 40 Cleric didnt have. Teamed with two tanks was the best option. They could both be buffed to oblivion and almost didn't need any healing. Shield block rates and hits were huge.

Soloing was pretty hard though which is a pain if you just lost some bubbs in Mithra thanks to a gungho kiddie group and want to solo for a change.

I must say that I really LIKED to rezz people :) Feels so satisfying, and it is sad that you find Clerics saying they dont rez cos it doesnt give them XP or RP's.


wedge nah its just the person playing it that matters=)

but bigbadbuff is only lvl 13 so it may be that it will get harder l8r=) but then i'll just powerlvl it with my theurg hehe.

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