How many ppl to kill the dragon



Text taken from Dragon Knights forum (posted by Bloodbath)


I kid you not

8 tanks
4 clerics
4 cabalists
4 theurgists
4 necromancers

On the US servers

Although it is as yet unconfirmed there are attempts at even lowering that number. Pulled this info from VN boards but not sure if its just rumour or fact yet.
Ok picked up another cpl of posts in another forum talking about it.

23 people on iseult and tonight we are doing the same again. Its more a matter of everyone paying attention. All those rules that belth origanly posted are BS. Healing does not set off the ae.. we are able to heal just fine. If people used their brains about it they would find out the easy way to kill golestandt, It does take 2-3 hours to kill him with 23, but the rewards are well worth the hastle.

Alb Perc just did it an hour earlier with 24:p thanks to alb palo and alb iseult to do this first so we know it's possible(and I love the small tips:p)

Here I will throw in more tips:

Heal, heal a LOT. Don't heal in dragon raid is one of the biggest BS there can be, get it out of your system.

Have a bunch of pallies guarding each other and twist the entire fight. They will have the aggro and take moderate melee damage after passives defenses and biggest AF in game. Also request heal in chat from other group when your cleric is lop.

Dragon AE: It doesn't happen often with only 24 and when that happens the person who gets aed run away. It's plain and simple. Also use top friar heat buff on all times, 3 out of 4 times I took a direct hit and lived with 5% hp left because of my 50% heat resist. and if he only AE one person each time because you read the warning message(pull out your chat box) it's not really an AE anymore:)

Oh damage add(earthen and pally chant) on at all times. Use RAs when you are near wipe.

I will leave the rest for you guys to find out:) have fun slaying him.
ooo blimey i dont know

The pets used i guess would be the non casting ones though.

Ive been looking trawling my way through the US boards tonight and it all seems genuine.

In fact 17 seems to be the answer Quote:
I'm from the guild on Palomides that has killed the dragon numerous times with less then 3 groups, I believe the lowest amount we have done it with is 17.

It is not an exploit. The Guy at Mythic responsible for the dragon was made aware of our technique and gave us props on the stratagy.

However it isn't in our best interest to share the tactics.

All I will tell you is, 99% of the myths surounding the dragon as to what he does and why are total BS


3 hours and 23 people. Poor dragon, you were once so mighty. :p


And to the morons on tonight's raid moaning like bitches about myths of what sets off the AOE:

Q: My question is about the dragon. I have seen some say that the dragon AOE is purely random, nothing in particular triggering them. I have seen too other said that it is random BUT is triggered by (choose some or all of the following things) casting, debuffing, healing, running a healing chant, using a proc weapons, buffing...

A: Fear not – none of the above listed items will cause the dragon (in any realm) to breathe.

Porting and AoE are basically random events with the frequency largely determined by the number of people you have there.


Tbh Pin i was always under impression that ranged attack could contribute to the aoe and that was why its advisable not to use it.
I'm not saying u can't use ranged attack but from wot i've read from many different sources they all insist on removing ranged attack from the picture totally. And as far as i was aware this was said before raid started and afaik the one leading the raid is the only one that sets the rules out before the attack. So whether range causes the aoe or contribute to it the fact is and was the ppl where asked not to use ranged.


Originally posted by mallan
Tbh Pin i was always under impression that ranged attack could contribute to the aoe and that was why its advisable not to use it.
I'm not saying u can't use ranged attack but from wot i've read from many different sources they all insist on removing ranged attack from the picture totally.

Any attacks, heals and rezzes generate aggro. This aggro doesn't drop if you move away, or die after it's generated (unless the whole of your group has been dead for more than ~10 seconds, just like all mob aggro).

The AoE will be fired randomly on whoever is at the top of the dragon's aggro list whether the aggro was generated with the person at 0 or 2k range of the dragon.

In actual fact, if you are closer to the dragon you generate more aggro with your action than if you are far away, so if anything, being further away while healing/rezzing/nuking will make you less of a target. It still won't stop the dragon randomly AoEing whoever is at the top of his list.

All these 'don't use ranged' theories have basically stemmed from random VN threads over the past year on various server boards for what to do and have never really had any weight behind them. It's a random event. People just want to see patterns to it.


Originally posted by Pin
In actual fact, if you are closer to the dragon you generate more aggro with your action than if you are far away, so if anything, being further away while healing/rezzing/nuking will make you less of a target. It still won't stop the dragon randomly AoEing whoever is at the top of his list.
Range does not reduce the aggro you generate through healing or nuking. It only effects whether a mob decides to beat on the guys in front of him or switch to ppl in the background.
Should you move closer after building aggro from range, you'll be the target very soon.
Try an animist and you'll see plenty of aggro switching from your pets to you if you move closer to the action.



3 hours? Ouch

They can claim its not a bug exploit all they want - but the only reason the necros and cabalists are there is for the endless supply of power from /duel.

And thats an exploit no matter which way they try to make it sound otherwise.


Originally posted by Aussie-
doesnt he port ppl ? -_-

he only ports if the numbers are high in order to make it a harder fight for a bigger zerg.


So a more effective tactic would be to let scouts shoot from range, as we do much more damage not needing to chase the dragon and stop under him to shoot. Same goes for the casters ofc. Maybe also volley can come to use :p.

Last night, when our alliance tried the dragon he aoed once every minute basically, even when there was only tanks ganking him.


What the poster deliberately fails to mention is whether the dragon AE's at all against that number of players. The rules on my raids won't be changing any time soon because quite simply; they work. They work well, they work fast, and they minimise potential for problems. With over a hundred players in the area the dragon is probably very likely to use his AE on anyone that pisses him off. The strategy of my raids is to ensure that there's absoloutely no way this aggro can be attributed to anyone other than the tanks in the middle of the lair. Why stop scouts from attacking en masse with bows from the north side of the lair? Simple - the dragon will either just plain AE them from range leaving a bunch of corpses a long way from the ressers, or it'll fly off after them, trailing tanks everywhere (he moves faster than we do so that just means time where we're effectively not hitting him).

For small raids I have no doubt that all classes can participate fully without worrying about setting him off. It is my belief that his AE is triggered simply by the number of people nearby. The rules and tactics for each are very different, however.


Looking at the chars and numbers being used I'm guessing this is how its done.

Total Chars 24

8 Paladins
4 clerics
4 cabalists
4 theurgists
4 necromancers

2 Groups Consisiting of:
4 Paladins
2 Clerics
2 theurgists

Necro's and cabbies are all ungrouped but paired off with each other.

Paladins Role:
Melle Dragon
Twist chants
Guard each other
Protect on clerics

Clerics Role:
Heal Paladins

Theugists Role:
BT Paladin who has agro
Pet Spam when mana greater than 50% ( Corordinate with other theurgs if possible in CG
EB + Haste Palaidins as needed(more important than pet spam)

Necro + Cabbie Role:
Necro and Cabbie Duel out of group as follows:
1)Cabbie Summons pet as needed
2)Necro Powertaps pet till full power
3)Necro Power transfers to a Designated target
4)Goto 2)

Necro's will be given 1 theurg and 1 cleric to keep at full power and should only change in emergancy's

Think this is how its done looking at the classes used.

If anyone want to have a go at this I'd love a chance to try it.

Can use either 50 theurg or 50 necro whichever is needed


I'll use this post to remind that the parry/block code fix also "screwed" up PvE - you need those clerics healing, casters nuking to gain to-hit bonus from them.

Kurik BHM

:D i would love to try this out too.... i can come with theurg or necro :D


Originally posted by belth
I'll use this post to remind that the parry/block code fix also "screwed" up PvE - you need those clerics healing, casters nuking to gain to-hit bonus from them.
Well yes, but theurgs pet-spamming will get you that to-hit bonus far more effectively than by nuking.

If I understand the workings of the new code correctly theres a timer of a few mins on whether a char is actively in combat with mob or not - so the necros/cabbies casting 1 debuff each every few mins will keep their to-hit bonus active for everyone else.

We'll see how Sidi goes today with the cleric-only mob, but I suspect exploiting this to-hit bonus timer will be the only sensible way to kill it. (ie everyone attack, all non-clerics back off, kill fast before to-hit bonuses disappear)


Originally posted by stinkie
Looking at the chars and numbers being used I'm guessing this is how its done.

Total Chars 24

8 Paladins
4 clerics
4 cabalists
4 theurgists
4 necromancers

2 Groups Consisiting of:
4 Paladins
2 Clerics
2 theurgists

Necro's and cabbies are all ungrouped but paired off with each other.

Paladins Role:
Melle Dragon
Twist chants
Guard each other
Protect on clerics

Clerics Role:
Heal Paladins

Theugists Role:
BT Paladin who has agro
Pet Spam when mana greater than 50% ( Corordinate with other theurgs if possible in CG
EB + Haste Palaidins as needed(more important than pet spam)

Necro + Cabbie Role:
Necro and Cabbie Duel out of group as follows:
1)Cabbie Summons pet as needed
2)Necro Powertaps pet till full power
3)Necro Power transfers to a Designated target
4)Goto 2)

Necro's will be given 1 theurg and 1 cleric to keep at full power and should only change in emergancy's

Think this is how its done looking at the classes used.

If anyone want to have a go at this I'd love a chance to try it.

Can use either 50 theurg or 50 necro whichever is needed

with 24 people there i can safely say that 99.9% of the time the necro will not land a powertap, if at all.


Powertap on a cabalist pet(not dragon) where the cabalist recycles his pet for full mana when it dies in /duel with necro.. necro full on mana, ready for powertransfer to clerics.


This isn't an exploit. It isn't a bug that you can powertap pets in duels, now is it? And given that cabalists kill their pets for power from level 3 upwards, I'd hardly say doing this doesn't fit into the world of DAoC...


Cabalists probably have a different purpose, I dont see why you'd need to power-tap the cabalist pet... Power tapping a level 10 gives as much power back as power tapping a level 50 (or pet)... So just kill the person and repeat :p

Done it a milion times while PL'ing after a bad-pull... Sry Mr. PL-Toon ;)


Then why do I power tap the average Underhill for 100 power a go.


Originally posted by -Wedge-
Cabalists probably have a different purpose, I dont see why you'd need to power-tap the cabalist pet... Power tapping a level 10 gives as much power back as power tapping a level 50 (or pet)... So just kill the person and repeat :p

Done it a milion times while PL'ing after a bad-pull... Sry Mr. PL-Toon ;)

Dunno what the other use could be.

I can tell you no cabby will land any dot or lifedrian on the dragon. We couldnt before 1.62 and now we certainly cant.

Focus pull doesnt work on the dragon.

pets in combat with dragon, dont think so, you would be better off with some extra theurgs in that case

spirit debuff on dragon ? not much chance of it landing, and then you would still need the necro's to land their dd (and roumor has it spirit debuff is bugged for necro and smite dmg)

stat debuffs arent worth the effort

nearsight wont do much either since tanks will be having the aggro and be in range for aoe anyway.

just maybe the necros and cabbys could take care of the guard pops aswell as beeing an unlimted supply of power


Originally posted by Sibanac
spirit debuff on dragon ? not much chance of it landing, and then you would still need the necro's to land their dd (and roumor has it spirit debuff is bugged for necro and smite dmg)

Not a rumor :( Tested with spirit cabby, damage remained exactly the same.

Bleri McThrust

Originally posted by Tiarta
Text taken from Dragon Knights forum (posted by Bloodbath)

Hmmmm. And where did he get that from I wonder :(

Blood m8 credit your sources please :) Pulled word for word from CoA forums.

Oh and btw your all making it to complicated and there are much more efficient groupings that have been proved on US servers :p



As you may have read I have killed the dragon many many many times. Including 18 this week. The dragon is a very funny mob. It seams with the less people you bring the easier he gets. The ideal amount is 24 people. In this group you need a minium of 9 rezers and 1 person with crack. Damage add and haste help shorten the battle but are not essential to the success of the raid. Tanks should idealy be the highest defensive tanks for that realm. Ie savages for midgard, sword and shield paladins for albion, and sword and board heros for hib. all 3 dragons react in an almost Identical manor. Ive attended small group raids in all realms and they all succeed because everyone is on the same page.

This raid Is incredibly tough on the raid leader. You have to choose out 23 other people you know that will be attentive and have fast reaction times. This isn't allways the best people in your realm. The best example is the first time i did this small group raid it was mainly the highest RR people on the server for my realm. we killed golestandt once then failed 3 times after that. It wasn't because the people wern't good. It was that 1 to 3 people weren't paying attention or they weren't reacting when told to. RR has nothing to do with success either. Most raids im the only one over rr5 and most are rr1-3. MCL and RP usualy cause glares so be carefull when using them.

When on the dragon there is 1 thing and 1 thing alone you need to rember.

If you get glared at you run away from everyone else on the raid but ABSOLUTELY do not leave the lair! Allways kill adds first is another minor detail that you need to rember. When adds pop everyone needs to assist and take them down completely ignoring the dragon. It does no good having just 1 person on the dragon, as it will regen faster then he can hurt it. Its better to have that 1 person helping take down those pops fast. Pets are also not allowed on the raids for the sole fact that they are raid wipers. If the pet gets glared at the master and the pet can both be AOEd or the pet or the master. So it is incredibly hard to do. I never let necros come because of this. IF their shade is targeted bad things happen.

(taken from the vn thread ^^)

you can find stats on the new dragon items and some more ideas on the tactics also in the thread.

seems it only takes 30-40 min to kill the dragon with 24 ppl - the lesser ppl the easier the dragon gets.

go read :)


QUOTE]Originally posted by AramusM
if any ppl with pets see their pets name come up in the dragons ae warning put pet on passive and run away from everyone fighting the dragon but stay in the lair. Need to run fast when you see the Glare msg to get as much distance between you and those fighting the dragon so only you get ae'd. The only problem i see is if he glare's at a thrug pet after a bit of pet spam, everyone should get away from him a bit then.

Also, once your in the lair, stay in the lair till the dragon is dead or you are, acording to vn posts if you on his agro list and you leave the lair it really pisses him off and nasty things start to happen.

Molten Lava


Humberton Guard tried it 2 times now...roughly 3fg but not balanced enough it seemed :) got him to 80% health last time before we ran out of rezzes :)

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