How many here actually do have a life?



All of you gotta have a more social life than me!

Im a 16 year old boy living in Norway, i got my DAoC copy for about 5 months ago, after i got it my life has been this:

06.45: Wake up
07.15: Go to school
08.15 - 14.45: Dream about DAoC while on school
15.15: Eat Dinner
15.20: Play DAoC
01.00: Go to Bed

Week after week, same things every time..

IM 16 for crying out loud, shouldnt my life be of something more than DAoC? or is it just me?

Feeling kinda sad thinking of my m8's being out partying and getting drunk every weekend while im home playing my berserker :-s but i actually enjoy it very much.

so my final words is: "is my life as low as it gets?"


8.00am wake up in a mad rush for school.
9.00am school starts
numerous chatting to mates about DAoC throughout the day
3.40pm school ends
4.00pm get home
4.05pm - 11pm play DAoC non-stop also look at forums now and again and read irc
11.30pm bed

that has been my routine since hmmm May.

Cap'n Sissyfoo


10:00 Get up
10:01 Turn on computer
10:02 Read online comics
10:35 Shower
11:00 Read more comics
12:00 Study
12:01 Have lunch
13:10 Study again
13:15 Get bored...browse forums.
13:30 Start crafting and working using...2 computers.
14:30 Watch Justice League on CNX (soo kewl)
15:00 Start working and crafting again
16:30 Watch Xmen Evolution on CNX (quite kewl)
17:00 Start playing DAoC properly
18:00 Cook dinner
19:00 Play DAoC and watch T.V
03:00 Go to bed

That was a kinda nice life style for a while but it has all gone HIDEOUSLY wrong! I just got a crappy 9-5 job doing God knows what for God knows how long at the local bank and I have to study on top of that! Wah! I hate my life! I want millions and squillions of pounds so I can play games and not have to worry about work!

I don't have a social life but that suits me fine because people just get on my nerves.

~tries to go to bed so he can wake up nice and early for his *spit* new job~


My GF and I just had twin girls (they're a little over 2 months old now) and I'm pretty well off (inherited money ROCKS.) so my day usually consists of looking after my girls and playing DAoC/reading forums while they're quiet.

It's pretty easy going and I wouldn't swap it for the world.

As for those who say playing DAoC isn't a life - If you enjoy it, then it's a 'life'. :)


If work is getting you down... cheer up!



Originally posted by Dook_Pug
My GF and I just had twin girls (they're a little over 2 months old now) and I'm pretty well off (inherited money ROCKS.) so my day usually consists of looking after my girls and playing DAoC/reading forums while they're quiet.

It's pretty easy going and I wouldn't swap it for the world.

As for those who say playing DAoC isn't a life - If you enjoy it, then it's a 'life'. :)

Well i`m a house husband,i also have twin girls but mine are 5 now.

My day.
07.00 get up
07.30 get kids up sort breakfast and get them dressed
08.15 walk kids to school
09.00 put washing on run hover round and do the washing up
10.00 put comp on daoc ( how come these women say it takes them all day to do the house work?)
13.00 lunch
13.30 daoc
14.45 walk to school pick the kids up
15.30 sort out kids and dinner,talk to wife if she`s home (she`s a doctor so works funny hrs)
18.00 bath kids sit them in front of TV
19.00 daoc
20.00 kiss kids goodnight (while still playing daoc)
22.00-23.00 go to bed

repeat all week
weekends do shopping and do my duty to the wife :) getting time in the play daoc



i said it once and i'll say it again :
social life is overrated... been there done that

my days atm (for 6 horrible horrible weeks) consist of getting up at 0700 , driving to work , getting there at 0800 , work with occasional forum trolling, 1700 leave for home , arrive at 1800, get nagged at by parents, supper at 1930, get nagged at by parents ("we don't see you anymore blabla") 2000 do some quick forum trolling and read emails etc, 2100 nagging starts again ("come watch this movie,come watch this movie,come watch this movie,come watch this movie,come watch this movie,etc) 2300 play daoc till 0130


7:30, struggle to get out of bed, if I'm starting to lose the struggle my girlfriend (hi steph!) gives me a helping shove to get me out of it.
8:30, arrive at work read some forums and delay some deadlines.
12:00, grab some lunch and play some inoffice football.
12:30-16:59, dream of being RR10 and having a big lan party on the round table of camelot.
17:15, get home, cook, clean whatever.
17:30, play DAOC with my girlfriend.
23:00-01:00, drag myself from the pc and crawl into bed.

Rinse and repeat.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

[edit] Its 8:22 and I'm reading my online comics ... TWO HOURS EARLY!!

There is no milk for the tea so I am using this diabolical dried skimmed milk. Its horrible. I may commit a homicide today.


~tries to put on tie~


Get up
Go to/Work (while thinking about daoc)
Browse BW at lunch time
Work (while thinking about daoc)
Go home
Socialise with other half
Help prepare and cook dinner
Watch a film/tv/go to friends for dinner & drinks/drink 6 cans of beer and have a smoke or two ;) / pop down pub
See how late it's getting and wonder if ill get to play daoc today
Mention going on pc for a hour or so and wait for the "you spend more time on that thing than you spend with me" comments hehehe

So yeah social life and not much daoc, but i think thats the way it should be ............ although maybe a week or more off work just to blitz my characters and get them to level 50 would be nice ;)



what do you actualy mean by asking this question? everything people have described here is their life, so surely everyone does have a life, not just the same as everyone elses? this is what my day is like -

wake up at 7.10 am
goto college at 8 am
arrive at 9am
9-1.45 college time
go home
play on computer till 6pm
have food
so isnt that my life?

my point is everyone has one, its just not the same as everyone elses.


can somebody give me the a link to see the standards of a "life", looking at this post there seems to be some sort of standard you need to follow or something...


here come's mine

alarm goes off at 7am
wondering if i would get up, try to, i fail (girlfriend doesn't fail, yipiee whole bed for me) and stay in bed till 9am
really trying to get out of bed now
9.05am take a shower
9.30 head to work
9.35 arrive at work(advantage of living close to the office, can also see when it burns down from my house, never happened yet tho)
9.40 - 12 drink coffee, browse forums, read daoc info on the web, try to do some work
12-14 eat, and browse some more, read some more
14-18 do work; browse forum from time to time
18.05 arrive at home, launch pc and DAoC, nuke some food
20.00 - 23.00girlfriend taking my time
23.00-1.00 daoc (she sleeps now)


ok maybe I do play Daoc too much, but I do have a life... and I just think its sad that you people have come to a point where you have accepted your sybaritical lifestyle and are actually boasting about how little you do during your day. Maybe you should open your curtains a little more and get some sun on your pastey white faces, go into town maybe, make some friends go out and meet people, have a joke and a few laughs, meet some women not just a bunch of pixels on your screen that you cant even touch.

You guys need to seriously think about changing your attitude as it wont get you happiness, just a sad lonely life when your lying alone in bed at the age of 85 thinking... why?


Originally posted by old.Docwolfe
ok maybe I do play Daoc too much, but I do have a life... and I just think its sad that you people have come to a point where you have accepted your sybaritical lifestyle and are actually boasting about how little you do during your day. Maybe you should open your curtains a little more and get some sun on your pastey white faces, go into town maybe, make some friends go out and meet people, have a joke and a few laughs, meet some women not just a bunch of pixels on your screen that you cant even touch.

You guys need to seriously think about changing your attitude as it wont get you happiness, just a sad lonely life when your lying alone in bed at the age of 85 thinking... why?

Why didn't I "hang out" in the streets, kicking trash-cans around, throwing bricks through windows and mugging old pensioners? Instead I wasted my life indoors with a computer... god WHY??!!1111 :p


whats throwing dustbins through windows got to do with anything? Are you suggesting that the only alternative you see to spending time on your computer is being violent and anti-social?


Originally posted by old.Docwolfe
whats throwing dustbins through windows got to do with anything? Are you suggesting that the only alternative you see to spending time on your computer is being violent and anti-social?

That's what the rest of the world seems to want to do...


Anyone in Aberdeen,

Ashgrove Lounge, 9:30, pints are on me.



0745 Wake up
0830 Drive to work
0900 Arrive at work
0900 - 1700 Work (No Forums/DAOC)
1730 Arrive home

From here on it differs. I either go out with the missus, watch telly, go to the pub, browse the forums, or play DAOC. Or go on the computer, watch telly, and talk to the missus (While she plays Q3 on comp2) all at the same time. MmMmMmMm.

I would say I have a 'semi-Life'.


all you guys that posted your daily schedule are shit outta luck if some professional killer-stalker-person reads these boards :D

anyways, heres mine the last past days:

20:00-21:00 wake up
21:00-22:00 browse forums/read news etc
22:00-06:00 play misc games, watch movies etc
06:00-07:00 meditate on things such as the temperature of the snow that lies on top of mount everest... you know, shit like that.
07:00-12:00 play some more misc games, watch movies, misc series etc
12:00-13:00 eat something or go shopping to buy food

then i usually sleep some...

fear :)


Originally posted by starblade

With a rl-view like that, it IS time you got out a bit :p

depends where you live i suppose. people keep shouting about going out, but do what? there is shit all to do in some places -

goto the cinema , there is only so many times you can go per week before youve seen everything / spent 200 quid on tickets.

goto the pub - cant do that all day unless your an alcoholic or like sitting in a smokey bar all day

goto town - i dont see the point going to shops unless there is a reason, goto look around? couldnt think of anything more boring if i tryed.

the streets - fair enough if you wanna walk around aimlesly doing shit all.

the only good things you can do are at home - rent films and get mates over and have fun, play on computer with mates and anyother general shit you can think of u can do at home with mates. why is it standard that you must go out all day 24/7, dont you all realise most people have to go out all day to school/college/work and maybe want to stay in doors for a while?


Originally posted by old.Xarr
all you guys that posted your daily schedule are shit outta luck if some professional killer-stalker-person reads these boards :D

Shhh... you'll blow my cover :p

Teh Fonz!!1


Wake up and go for a swim in pool.


After a quick shower and some breakfast I maybe go down into town and buy some CD's and games. Depends what I see really. Clothes as well.


Have some dinner/tea and then do a quick workout in my private gym.


Two models come around from the local agency. We do a few lines of coke and shag for two hours. Well they do, I just watch most of the time.


Play DAoC for a few hours to wind down. Sometimes some friends come over to play on my private LAN and we might watch the latest DVD's.


Go to bed but that's after 1000 sit ups and an extensive face scrub.

Basically I'm a lieing fuck...


Originally posted by Teh Fonz!!1

Wake up and go for a swim in pool.


After a quick shower and some breakfast I maybe go down into town and buy some CD's and games. Depends what I see really. Clothes as well.


Have some dinner/tea and then do a quick workout in my private gym.


Two models come around from the local agency. We do a few lines of coke and shag for two hours. Well they do, I just watch most of the time.


Play DAoC for a few hours to wind down. Sometimes some friends come over to play on my private LAN and we might watch the latest DVD's.


Go to bed but that's after 1000 sit ups and an extensive face scrub.

Basically I'm a lieing fuck...


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