How many guilds are you in ?



1 guild, and 1 only.

Interesting point raised, and I fall well into the 'the player joins the guild, not the character' category. We do expect players who join Phoenix Legion to be keen/comitted enough that they would want all of their characters in the guild. We don't recruit based on level, and to say a level 1 character doesn't have anything to offer is, I think, very dubious. Take our master tailor, for example, the wielder of the Mighty Glove of Thwacking, Osmosis. If Osmo had a level 1 character only, I would pay his bloody subs for him to keep playing and be a part of PL. In guild chat he regularly has us rolling with laughter, and it really is a part of what I feel a good guild is all about. (Osmo... don't get any ideas.. I was making a point ;))

However, I was recently asked whether it would be ok for one of our members who is quite keen on roleplaying to guild an alt in a roleplaying guild. Now, we are a partially roleplay guild in that we have a real mixture of those who will and those who won't (watch out for Jup's little niece around the place... she's cute as can be, but quite young, and Jup would be pretty damned angry if he had to explain to his brother if anything 'untoward' were to happen to her ;)). That isn't really a pure RP environment for a true roleplayer, so I made an exception for that purpose only.

Seems fair to me, but that is the only kind of circumstances I can see for making the exception.




Originally posted by Danyan
1 guild on pryd, 1 on excal. Multi-guilding sucks.

Hmm .. thought your GM did not like chars on other servers :p

TBH: its a game , played for the fun of it. If you have fun with 10 chars then so what.

So many people get hung up on the game - it invades their personal lives. A guild should be a set of like minded souls that enhance your gameplay (PL, RP etc). Once the guild stops doing this for you, leave.

Personally, I enjoy the environment provided by the Templars. the fact there is a fuss if people leave just shows that members are cared about and not just invisible bodies hanging around for a free lunch.

Would I have time to get that involved in another guild - probably not. This, above all else, would restrict me to one guild per server.


Speaking personally, I have characters in two guilds for two reasons.

My main and normal characters are in Lords of England, one of the stronger RvR guilds out there. But I do have one alt in the Order of the Knights Templar, because I do enjoy the role-playing side too.
I play which character depending upon my mood at the time.
As for divided loyalties, as far it's not a problem. If there is an organised event by LoE, I'll turn up to most of them, and that is all they can ask of anyone. No one person can be expected to turn up for every single event.
If there is no event, then who cares what I play.
I just enjoy the different environements and styles of play.

Elric IA

All my alts are in Ilfirin Arda as I am happy there. As a founder member and now GM I think I must lead by example and do that.

However, my 3 characters on Alb/Prydwen are guilded (all to the same guild the 4th is unguilded but his future is also uncertain as well). The reason for this is that one of our guild plays his main characters there and additionally it allows me to meet new people, get advice etc. about a realm I have little idea about. The other thing is that it is the other end of the spectrum when it comes to guild responsibility. In Hib/Excal I am a GM whereas on Alb/prydwen I am a rank 9.

As I currently do not intend seeking any type of guild responsibility (other than the general helping people and advice) with my albion guild, I do not see this as a problem at all.


Coz I hate the GM I decided to torment him by making all my alts join HG :)

Myself I'm not too bothered if people join other guilds with their alts, I'd prefer if they had them in HG, nice to group with the little-uns occasionally, get away from the level 40 grind to wipe out Mithra or whatever :) (or get wiped out in mithra ala last night ;))

But I'm not going to go psycho on them because they're in another guild.

That said I invite one fellow (who has some chars in our guild, some in another) along to random hunts with whatever character he has on... so his alts are effectively in the guild but without the guildline ;) (or you could read that as I'll stalk you to your grave, muahuah, instead)

As for demanding all your members play in your guild and your guild only, not play on any other servers etc. that's just laughable :)
I'd like it if Second, for example, spent longer at the twees powerlevelling me ;) instead of playing his silly Ranger on Prydwen, but it's his subscription, his life.

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