How many guilds are you in ?



While chatting to a guild mate the other night, it came out that he had an alt in another guild.

Well what with being new to mmorpg's I got to thinking how common was this practice.


I am in 0 guilds. But I have seen that some are in more than one... maybe some might even hide the fact? Who knows.
Imho this is perhaps a bit wrong but I mean what can you do :)


Originally posted by SFXman
Imho this is perhaps a bit wrong but I mean what can you do :) [/B]

Nothing...unless you offer to pay the guy (or gal's) sub? :)


Did you leave your guild SFXman ? , seem to remember you were in one but had some trouble over one of your alt's names , he is now Saradin iirc .


Yeah. But none of that, sigh :rolleyes:
My loss that is for sure and I would love to have a time machine.
But hey life goes on.


Just one guild.. Personally I'm of the opinion that loyalties to two guilds (provided they're on the same server) are likely to cause problems at some point.

Then again, many people playing don't actually seem to have any form of loyalty, seeing how easily they sometimes switch guilds. I could never do that..


Eye of Odin on Prydwen
Unguilded on Hib/Excal (anyone want a level 30 Firby Warden in their Excal guild by the way?)

Uncle Sick(tm)

One guild.

I despise guild hoppers. Don't join a guild if you don't intend to be a dedicated member.


Prefer peeps to be in one guild, but as long as they aint idiots I aint bothered personally :)


Don't really get some of the attitude in this thread, and heres why...

Most people who play FPS games are in a clan. Clans are almost identical to daoc guilds, but FPS is a game of skill. The irl person behind the keyboard is in the clan, because of his/her skills. Daoc is different, a character is in a guild. A skilled player with a lvl1 char can't offer his guild anything (in game terms), an unskilled muppet with a lvl50 char can.

Like it or not, most guilds criteria for entry is character level. Not skills, or how much of a nice person you are (although many guilds recruit on these criteria) but most guilds recruit and promote based upon character level solely. Character level is the king in this game if you want to play it seriously. Look at the guild roster for the biggest/best guilds on both UK servers. Most are high level right ? And you can bet the lowbs are alts.

My point ? Characters in the game join guilds, not people. Some guilds are aggressive and have different agendas to others, no? Some guilds farm RP, some defend the realm, some roleplay, some just arse about and have a laugh. This is a roleplaying game, at some point I like to do all of those things (although I do them with diff chars), so why should I be tied to one guild ????


Just the one,

No One else would have me :D

As to spreading yourself, among guilds that is, what the hell, if you have the time why not. I don't have the time one char, one guild, one month at a time :rolleyes:


Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.chesnor

Characters in the game join guilds, not people. Some guilds are aggressive and have different agendas to others, no? Some guilds farm RP, some defend the realm, some roleplay, some just arse about and have a laugh.

I beg to differ, Chesnor. It is people joining guilds, not characters - at least in my opinion.

One joins a guild that incorporates ones ideas how to play the game best.
I am a roleplayer - I join a rp-ing guild.
I am a powerlevelling maniac - I join SotL (bahaha)
I am a phun luvin d00d - I join a 1337 speek guild etc. etc.

If I find out that someone in my guild has various alts in various guilds, I present a choice. Either 100% commitment and loyalty or out of my guild (in various degrees of friendliness).

That's why my guild had only 15ish people playing at peak times - but those were a close knit bunch.

I play this game for fun, diversion... and I want to surround myself with like minded people in-game. Everything else just creates grief -> see the Templars debate on the Alb forum ("I leave because of not enough RvR/PvP/cookies/old.pebr made faces at me etc. ...).

old.Gombur Glodson

When I started out on Mid/pryd I had one guild from the beginning.
When I started on mid/exc I had one guild to.
When I started on alb/pry I had one guild in mind to.
When I die I want my ashes to me carried around the world by Mr. Scruffles.


FPS games are nothing to do with skill, just Scripts and Aimbot players, verses Non-Scripts and Non-Aimbot players. Oh and lag verses non lag players :p j.k btw :)


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)

I beg to differ, Chesnor. It is people joining guilds, not characters - at least in my opinion.

One joins a guild that incorporates ones ideas how to play the game best.
I am a roleplayer - I join a rp-ing guild.
I am a powerlevelling maniac - I join SotL (bahaha)
I am a phun luvin d00d - I join a 1337 speek guild etc. etc.

If I find out that someone in my guild has various alts in various guilds, I present a choice. Either 100% commitment and loyalty or out of my guild (in various degrees of friendliness).

That's why my guild had only 15ish people playing at peak times - but those were a close knit bunch.

I play this game for fun, diversion... and I want to surround myself with like minded people in-game. Everything else just creates grief -> see the Templars debate on the Alb forum ("I leave because of not enough RvR/PvP/cookies/old.pebr made faces at me etc. ...).

Some guilds in this game make different demands on your characters. Play in a guild of powergamers like Nolby Pride, then play in a small RP guild. Its a different game. I have powergamed, I have roleplayed. I can't do both of those things in one guild. And powergaming and roleplaying aren't mutually exclusive ways to play the game, I can do both. Just not in the same guild (unless you compromise and join a semi-RP, semi-PG guild).

Almost every guild I have been in is different, some talks lots, some don't. Some leetspeak, some are 100% RP. Surely in an RPG the character you roll has a choice to make...Like "I want this char to be a grumpy badass, and the guild with my main is a bit too friendly, I'll join 'Slayers of All That Is Good' instead of 'Fluffy Kittens' with this char, kthx".

This is a game, you wear your guild colours when you play the game, in the game you are loyal and follow your guild rules and ethics. If you walk around irl wearing your guild colours then your life is seriously lacking. Remember, irl you are probably (like me) an ordinary Joe going about life trying to do the right thing. You are not a spell casting badass troll/firbolg/elf with 300 STR and a Giant Ice Encrusted Hammer of Infinite Pain that procs a 300dmg Heat DD that kills your mortal enemies on sight. At least, I hope not.


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
If I find out that someone in my guild has various alts in various guilds, I present a choice. Either 100% commitment and loyalty or out of my guild (in various degrees of friendliness).

I fully agree. We don't force people out of other guilds but anyone who wants to join is made aware that they have to guild all their alts on the server with us and also not have characters on other servers that require any attention. If you are a significant member of a guild even cross server then that is just as much of a problem.

When I see peoples signatures showing 4 or more characters all in different guilds on the same server it does make me feel a bit sorry for all those guilds that aren't getting your complete loyalty. The person joins the guild in my opinion, not the character.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Hehe... no, Chesnor, no worries - I prefer complete different colors than emerald green and white in real life(tm).

Loyalty and cohesion in-game is important, though. If a guild member turns down a fellow guildie because he wants to pl with some uber-1337's... then fine - I'll tell that someone to join uber-1337 guild for good. *shrug*
That's my policy (at the extreme - it's normally peace and harmony;)).

And stop badmouthing "Fluffy Kittens"! You are going to start a flamewar ;)


All this talk about complete loyalty and stuff is making me sick. At the end of the day, this is a game. As long as someone in the same guild as me is friendly, and groups with people in the guild from time to time, it's fine with me, they don't need to be loyal to me. Why the hell should the guild hold total and complete control over this person?? maybe the officers in the guild or other high ranking members need to be loyal and commited, and members should adhere to the guild rules etc. but thats about it.

That said, its up to the guild in general, and the person joining, how they play the game.

I am here for fun, and as long as I aint hurting anyone, I will play the way I want, where I want, with whom I want and for whatever guild that I want. (the one i am in now will do tho ;)


1 guild on pryd, 1 on excal. Multi-guilding sucks.


Aren't you multi-guilding anyway? :p

Seriously though, if I was 100% completely loyal to my guild in Hib/Excal, theres no way I would join a guild on another server, and honestly say to both, I am completely loyal and commited to your guild sir-GM :rolleyes:

edit: I dont know how to spell committed :p


I Lub my guild!

We're civilised people, most of the time, weith very little leet speak.

Wouldn't want to be in any other guild.


My main is in one guild and my alt is in another.
MY Main recently changed guilds to a different guild again. I did this coz it was a new guild and was started by some ppl who were friends I made in DAOC.
I don't see the big deal wqith being in different guilds
It ahas caused no problems for me.

old.Max Payne

In 2.

Eye of Odin on Midgard/Prydwen EU.
Flemish Mayhem on Albion/Lancelot US.


Since im leaning more towards roleplaying, I tend to treat my characters as individuals, therfore they can join any seperate guilds they want really... the only drawside is, theres like 2 roleplaying guilds on Prydwen/hib... so I most often end up in the same place anyway.

Perhaps guilds function different for people who dont roleplay? I dont know, what do you guys do in guilds?

Nishar Sunee

You mean i cant wear my purple and yellow cloak in real life ????

i'm gonna go off and be alone for a bit


Seriously though, i tried being in a guild and running another guild at the same time, baaaaad news, i had no time whatsoever to actually play my charactor. I've found sticking to one guild is much easier to cope with.


Im in 4 guilds at same time..........

Bite me

or at least everytime i log my other char people round me seem to have changed the topic of discussion :p

PL all the way babe :)


Originally posted by old.Biffsmash
Aren't you multi-guilding anyway? :p

Seriously though, if I was 100% completely loyal to my guild in Hib/Excal, theres no way I would join a guild on another server, and honestly say to both, I am completely loyal and commited to your guild sir-GM :rolleyes:

edit: I dont know how to spell committed :p
Not really, I don't see different servers as multi-guilding.

Originally posted by Aeternus
Perhaps guilds function different for people who dont roleplay? I dont know, what do you guys do in guilds?
Kill stuff. ;)
Chat, raid mobs, do rvr (guild groups rock for rvr), sometimes set up xp groups (though not much in the guilds I'm in). Much what roleplayers do without the roleplaying really... :p


Im in 3 guilds atm.

1 with my main and 2 alts on Hib/Prydwen
1 with my alt on Mid/excal
and the last alt on Hib/prydwen in a guild with some rl friends (also an intresting project, but thats a secret :))

I dont have much problem with ppl joining multiple guilds, aslong as they are fair and devoted and not join just to get good drops at guildraids.


Well only in 1 "Ilfirin-Arda".But thats the way i like it, for us in IA it is important about the person thats behind the comp. We are a small guild atm i think we are 27 members 54 chars. But even with that few members we have managed to spread them on many different levels and classes. Ofcourse we have some black sheeps in the guild, but we do our best to get these out of discussion before they join. Allways grouping or having a long chat before letting anyone join is an important part if you want a guild where all embers are nice. And when it comes to our, when allmost all our members have their alt in the same guild it shows that we have done a good job. Besides, we are all a bunch of comedians...funniest guild around.........

And to you who looked for a guild in exc/hib, msg me alnd we will have a chat!!

Shivadur - Founder, and now RvR commander of Ilfirin-Arda
humble servant to my leader Elricstormbringer Glorindel GM of IA

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