How have you speced your Mercanery?



so guys i am aproching my 50th season i am wondering how other people have specd their mercs?

my final specs will be:

50 Duel Weild
50 Slash
26 Parry

So how Have other people Speced could you please tell em what you think and whats best to your own expirencese


50 crush
50 dw
28 parry

Staying crush for a while in 1.52 i dont care the shit people say it gets nerfed its no different still from other weapon types.

At the moment i am

44 crush
41 dw
25 parry
7 shield

Generic Poster

If you drop your melee-type(slash/crush/thrust) a little and take parry to 35, you could eventually have all three lines at 50.

35 parry, +4 from RR5, +11 from spellcrafting. It will be a while before you see those results, but you don't always need your melee-type at natural 50.

P.S. I'm not a merc myself but just something to consider ;)
(also I hear the lv50 Slash style is a waste of time)

It's similar to what I'm planning for my infiltrator:
35 Stealth
35 Envenom
35 Dual Wield
40 Slash
44 Critical Strike

It will eat alot of my alloted spellcrafting points, but if I survive that long, it'll be worth it.
5-spec SBs - eat your heart out ;)

The only compromise I can make, is adding +11 Envenom to my xbow. That way I can switch between weapons, poison my blades and switch back with minimal fuss.


Although i find 44/44/44 been a good rvr template as when parry is fixed you will kick ass.



personally i decided on the following basic spec of

slash 50
dw 40
parry 41

i prefer the survive odds that this will give me in the long run when parry truelly kicks into effect, as is at level 43 i been keeping slash maxed out, and now got the dw and parry pretty even (parry slightly lower at moment) and i have found this very effective, one on one i only ever lost to a red con, previously stun/mez etc could of given orange cons the win, however with purge i wipe the floor with them. but hey that the point of a merc.

anyway that my personal preference, give some defence as the fact that we mercs cant really pick the fight as we clearly can be seen it best to be able to cope with an attack so you can get the clear offensive advantage


Originally posted by Generic Poster
P.S. I'm not a merc myself but just something to consider ;)
(also I hear the lv50 Slash style is a waste of time)
50 slash = diamond slash, chains off amethyst so easy to use, dunno what it's damage is like though.


im curious, do duel weilders parry twice as often?

Generic Poster

Originally posted by Danyan

50 slash = diamond slash, chains off amethyst so easy to use, dunno what it's damage is like though.

Aye, last I read the damage isn't worth the Endurance cost, so most people repeat Amethyst Slash. Although it was on the VN boards so make of that what you will.


Originally posted by old.Kladen
im curious, do duel weilders parry twice as often?

Not sure it seems they do,i remember people saying 2h weap parries more then a 1h and a dual welder parries about the same as a 2h if not slightly more due to not using a shield in their classes.

Although i may be wrong but thats what i have heard.


Originally posted by old.mattshanes

Not sure it seems they do,i remember people saying 2h weap parries more then a 1h and a dual welder parries about the same as a 2h if not slightly more due to not using a shield in their classes.

2handed weaps rarely parry. if i use sword sheild i parry much more often.


I have 50 slash, 44 dual wield (for the 44 - move which eventually chains off a parry) and rest (30ish) in parry. I am quite happy with that spec, although I am considering changing to 50 slash, 28 dual wield and 50 parry once the respec is available and i get internet-access at home again.


Hendrick with 28 dw you will gimp yourself maybe you should go 50 slash 39 dw 44 parry(think you can) at least you be effective more with both weaps.


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
Hendrick with 28 dw you will gimp yourself maybe you should go 50 slash 39 dw 44 parry(think you can) at least you be effective more with both weaps.

When you get to 50 the only thing you have to do is rvr,and most of your opponents will try to attack you in a way you can`t parry therefore rendering parry useless,plus if you have 1 of those rare healers (cant wait till they get nerfed no disrespect intended) who actually heal you,then,and only then will you realise the full benefit of a 50-50-28 specced Merc,ie I killed 3 yellow con hibs back to back on friday whilst I was being healed.

Also try out different combos of swords IMHO a arcanium bastard and jimbiya are awesome,slower I know, but 1 of the yellow hibs was a hero and I hit him for nearly 500 dam with a critical hit.

I would be interested to know what you higher parry specced mercs hit for.:)


Originally posted by maxgirth
,plus if you have 1 of those rare healers (cant wait till they get nerfed no disrespect intended) who actually heal you,then,and only then will you realise the full benefit of a 50-50-28 specced Merc,


It's attitudes like this amongst our OWN realm that have caused the current shortage of Clerics in the US. Now groups there are having to learn to level without healers since there's so few around. Most of the high level clerics (40+) have become buffbots or re-rolled other characters. Most of the ones still playing only do so because they feel a responsibility to their guild.

Clerics are also according to recent figures now 33rd i.e. LAST in terms of RP's earned. That shows you what a dramatic decline there has been considering how they used to be one of the more popular classes.


Originally posted by old.Vae


It's attitudes like this amongst our OWN realm that have caused the current shortage of Clerics in the US. Now groups there are having to learn to level without healers since there's so few around. Most of the high level clerics (40+) have become buffbots or re-rolled other characters. Most of the ones still playing only do so because they feel a responsibility to their guild.

Clerics are also according to recent figures now 33rd i.e. LAST in terms of RP's earned. That shows you what a dramatic decline there has been considering how they used to be one of the more popular classes.

IMHO rvr is a whole group unity exercise where everyone has their own job to undertake,there is nothing that rattles my cage more than hearing OOM cant heal you,sorry used it all smiting.

I promise to not heal in rvr if clerics dont tank,if clerics when in groups stick to healing and cover the tanks asses they will find that the rp`s will come rolling in,we need each other,and the whole point of this game is to work together,if everyone does what their class entails rvr becomes a lot more fun and profitable (rp wise).

Sorry for turning this thread into an air your view one,but this is something I feel strongly about.


Originally posted by maxgirth

IMHO rvr is a whole group unity exercise

And unity is clearly shown when ones own realm calls for you to be nerfed - often without knowing all the facts!
where everyone has their own job to undertake,there is nothing that rattles my cage more than hearing OOM cant heal you,sorry used it all smiting.

So you are saying that all clerics should be forced to spec in rejuv because a cleric HAS to heal - It's his role. Sorry but I beg to differ. Smite spec was a viable spec pre nerf and popular since it gave utility without only having the fun of playing virtual whack a mole on the group menu with heals.

Mythic did get it right however by boosting the healing range because there are so many times in RvR that I've been out of range and with the cast times on heals it's very difficult to keep a group alive unless you are in a very small combat.

I promise to not heal in rvr if clerics dont tank,if clerics when in groups stick to healing and cover the tanks asses they will find that the rp`s will come rolling in,we need each other,and the whole point of this game is to work together,if everyone does what their class entails rvr becomes a lot more fun and profitable (rp wise).

And the clerics other abilities don't matter then? Those well timed stuns or messes? I dislike being effectively forced to go into one efficient spec since Mythic have nerfed the alternative into oblivion. Oh and also post nerf comparisons with the other healer classes show that the healer is FAR ahead of Druid and Cleric and that Cleric is probably the bottom of the three.
Sorry for turning this thread into an air your view one,but this is something I feel strongly about.

And I feel strongly that the calls for nerfs from both our enemies and our own realms have dealt Smite specced clerics a huge blow. The spec line has become so weak that in order to be halfway effective you have to have a lot of realm abilities. The mes is so short range and so weak already that it is usually resisted already without the upcoming nerf to messes overall and the putting it on a 5 min timer is ridiculous.

If you read the IGN boards most of the sensible views posted there are that some reduction in the smite damage would have been ok. However any nerf to the mes was uncalled for and the nerf to smite damage was too severe.

What should have happened was the boost to rejuv to counter the problems of not being able to heal in RvR and making higher rejuv spec more efficient as well as reducing the smite damage a bit - Not to the extent that it will be.

It has in effect been double nerfed as well since it is not uncommon to get a large number of resists either and the high level of spirit resists has further reduced damage too.

IMO this whole attitude of calling for nerfs has harmed/will harm Albion far more than expected since Clerics will become far more rare.


Guys the way I saw it was after the nurf a 50 smite cleric would still be able to hit for about 350 to 450 instead of 800 to 900. Which would mean 3 or 4 smites to kill a target instead of 1 or 2.

What is sad now is that I look to group with Paladins instead of clerics in RvR for their ability to heal you (not heal chant pfft..) with HL (think that is the right ra).

But to be fair.. there are some clerics that do try to heal you, one of them being Ronnoc from my own guild, god that guys works wonders.


Originally posted by Gimly
Guys the way I saw it was after the nurf a 50 smite cleric would still be able to hit for about 350 to 450 instead of 800 to 900. Which would mean 3 or 4 smites to kill a target instead of 1 or 2.

<Mouth agape>

800-900 Damage!!!!!!!!!
You must be confusing clerics with casters. A smite cleric has NEVER hit for that high. The highest ones Pre-nerf will hit for about 500 cap I believe (Haven't got any figures to hand for this).
This is on a low con with the best items.

On equal con you would be lucky to get 400 with the best items and the spec smite at 48 smite - See Blaen - or ask Solid how much Blaen hits him for :) More common would be 350-450 before resists on a 4 second spell. I have 43 smite and use the base smite hitting for 300 base on a 3 sec smite(would be 330 with spec smite but I never have chance to cast these - 4 secs). However this is before resists and my after resist damage has been as low as 147 (-151)!


Originally posted by old.Vae

And unity is clearly shown when ones own realm calls for you to be nerfed - often without knowing all the facts!

So you are saying that all clerics should be forced to spec in rejuv because a cleric HAS to heal - It's his role. Sorry but I beg to differ. Smite spec was a viable spec pre nerf and popular since it gave utility without only having the fun of playing virtual whack a mole on the group menu with heals.

You have missed my point completely,I haven`t called or posted on any boards that I want clerics nerfed,I stated simply that now they can concentrate on the job of keeping group members alive,a rather important issue in rvr or pve.

Mythic did get it right however by boosting the healing range because there are so many times in RvR that I've been out of range and with the cast times on heals it's very difficult to keep a group alive unless you are in a very small combat.

And the clerics other abilities don't matter then? Those well timed stuns or messes?

When did I mention anything else about their other abilities??

And I feel strongly that the calls for nerfs from both our enemies and our own realms have dealt Smite specced clerics a huge blow. The spec line has become so weak that in order to be halfway effective you have to have a lot of realm abilities. The mes is so short range and so weak already that it is usually resisted already without the upcoming nerf to messes overall and the putting it on a 5 min timer is ridiculous.

I agree 100%

If you read the IGN boards most of the sensible views posted there are that some reduction in the smite damage would have been ok. However any nerf to the mes was uncalled for and the nerf to smite damage was too severe.

What should have happened was the boost to rejuv to counter the problems of not being able to heal in RvR and making higher rejuv spec more efficient as well as reducing the smite damage a bit - Not to the extent that it will be.

I have been in groups with rejuv enhance clerics only(ie Imijo)and the call for them to join groups is awesome,they turn you into a superman,so I doubt clerics will be less wanted because of the smite reduction,you have to ask yourself this question why do peeps ask clerics to join them in rvr or pve???

It has in effect been double nerfed as well since it is not uncommon to get a large number of resists either and the high level of spirit resists has further reduced damage too.

I`m sorry clerics are being nerfed,all my comments were based on incidents that I have experienced 1st hand,I have been grouped with clerics who have been fantastic Shanara,Redb,
Tattersail,to name but a few,but i`ve been with ones who smite instead of heal then the group dies,I made a comment which you seem to have blown all out of proportion,it isn`t me that has nerfed you,moan to GoA not me bud,and like I said earlier I have never called for clerics on any boards to be nerfed either.

IMO this whole attitude of calling for nerfs has harmed/will harm Albion far more than expected since Clerics will become far more rare.

Dont tar me with the call for clerics to be nerfed brush,as to wether Albion will be harmed only time will tell.


Well guys i think that all clerics should be imbrased although rejuve/enhance clerics are more favoured to smite/enhance smite/rejuve clerics.

I belive that all clerics have the right to spec and play the way they want Mythic gave them the smite ability to be able to defend themselves in RvR and PvE.

I agree all cleric do have a role as healers as long as they save enough mana to heal a little bit Fighters should have no problem in a cleric using their attacks. and if you have two clerics in group 1 rejuve/buffs and the 2nd Smite/buffs then you ahve all the benifits of a cleric their and we should learn to use them to their full advantage.

Well this is my veiw


I am playing a smite cleric atm, and I get told about twice a day that 'you know smite gets nerfed in 1.52, right?'....Of course I know, I havn't been living on Mars for the last 3 months...

Smite gets nerfed, but it will be by no means gimped. I am still speccing Smite, and will after 1.52. After having played a Healer in Middy for ages, any kind of offense on a healing/buffing class is a massive bonus. After the nerf, the dmg output on a smite specced cleric is still v.good, after all it is a healing class. What annoys me though is peoples attitude to me in a group. I am a smiter who heals, not a healer who smites. I have never and (hopefully) will never smite when I should be healing, and always smite sensibly to reserve power for emergencies. But smiting is what I do, its where I spent my points, and in groups I will do, no matter how many people moan. In fact, so many people moan and expect me to play whackamole while they have fun, I solo mostly, that way I can play my char how I want.

And back OT, I have a mercenary on the go atm as well. It is great fun playing him. He is crush specced and does really well PvE. In fact I like the class so much I will try a thrust specced saracen merc after my fatass Highlander (who evades about once a week) gets through Thidranki....


He may not evade much but he does insane damage:p


800-900 with smite is impossible. Smite doesn't crit. Even Blaen was lucky to break 500 with smite (with 3 power relics and several damage boosting RAs) and I believe his cap is 6xx.

People calling for smite to be nerfed are shooting the realm in the foot. You think clerics will suddenly start healing more? Like hell, they will reroll to buffbot or quit. All you do is reduce the number of ressers available.

Also maxgirth you are one hell of a hypocrit...
"(cant wait till they get nerfed no disrespect intended)"
"Dont tar me with the call for clerics to be nerfed brush"
Why not tar you when you ARE calling for them to be nerfed.


and remember that 1h/sword gets an penalty of 50% on blocking vs dualwielding chars (LA/DW/CD) just as you have an 50% penalty on parry when a 2h is chopping at you.... (atleast in p1.53)


Originally posted by Danyan
Also maxgirth you are one hell of a hypocrit...
"(cant wait till they get nerfed no disrespect intended)"
"Dont tar me with the call for clerics to be nerfed brush"
Why not tar you when you ARE calling for them to be nerfed.

Jesus fecking christ,screech, scream,yell, stop press!!!! maxgirth is responsible for single handedly bringing about the nerfing of clerics,through nothing more than stating the blatantly obvious.

Read into it what you will i`m getting bored of it now, WHERE IN MY POST HAVE I CALLED FOR THEM TO GET NERFED???????


Ok boys and girls play nice now :D
with all those mercs about i think its a good time to ask what dual wield is for, now i know its got something to do with chances to hit with offhand weapons.
But what with attack speed increases and dmg increases? And what would a 50 thrust 50 dw infil be worth? ;)


Originally posted by ignore
Ok boys and girls play nice now :D
with all those mercs about i think its a good time to ask what dual wield is for, now i know its got something to do with chances to hit with offhand weapons.
Aye it is,you still get styles for it though,most are only usable in group melee,as they are positional etc and nigh on impossible to use soloing,but the more you train in DW the harder you hit with your left hander,plus if you have pbt etc you get the additional hits for both weapons,I guess the left hander hits on average for about 30% dam of the right,I had my personal best in RvR the other night on a yellow con Hero:- right 285 left 105 crit 100 plus the pbt extra of 45 made for overall 535 dam.:)


Well in my opinion 44DW or 50DW IS A MUST for a mercenary without it i would think you are silly,as for inf i don't know though but ghosted has high DW and hits dam hard with it.Maybe ask him in game next time hes on.


I personally see the merc as an offensive class. Sure you can go the shield route, or spec parry over DW. But I think you give up the strength of the merc (DW) just for survivability in RvR. A merc with dmg add, crits, procs on both weapons with high DW is surely a formidable opponent 1on1 in RvR. Why give up that almost unparalleled offense for high parry. Real tanks are a better choice for defensive RvR chars, seems odd to role a high dmg dealing light tank, only to spec it defensively. Also the mercs unique 30min power Dirty Tricks is another offensive power. What good is the ability to parry lots when Dirty Tricks will already make your opponent miss/fumble anyway, surely the idea is to kill as quickly as possible while dirty tricks does its stuff?

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