How has DAoC affected your social life?



Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
I reckon it's kind of difficult to get out of the insane asylum?
Tihihiaahahaha.... Uncle Sick is just too goddamn funny. *slaaaapp*


Originally posted by rure
wow thanks a bunch for the all the replys guys!! feel free to continue the discussion :)

Soulcatcher, sorry to disappoint you but I prolly wont translate it. It just takes too much time. It is like writing 2 papers. Although I can post my conclusions or some form of summary of it.

I don't know about ther rest, but I'd be interested reading it, at least.


interesting read, those links
(tho I only touched them lightly)
all I can see tho, is that they say too much isn't good.
ain't that true for everything?


dont effect my social life too much; im at uni so go out a lot, occassionaly stay in if theres a guild event but when i was still exping it took up more of my spare time


ok Rure a little more serious repy, and a bit for Fonz too.

I don´t use DAoC as an escape, I do play from I get up til bedtime more or less, not because life is horrid (or I´m locked in at an insane asylum) simply because I enjoy the diversity of the people I meet,

example, joining B&Q they had this good humoured cleric named pbaz, a really funny guy, and as we got to know eachother I kinda imagined what he would be like (musician and factory employed tbh ;)) and then one day I find out he´s a freakin' bio chemist (or something like that), our guildmaster is a computergame programmer/designer guy, and I´m unemployed ;) my point being in "Real Life" what would the odds be of us being friends....

of course you meet the occational arses too ( I didn´t say your name coax :p ) I enjoy my time in daoc and have been babling for far too long now ;)

oh and fonz, I'm not handsome, I don´t make a fortune, I´m not dating a supermodel and I don´t have any kids, I do however have lots of friends, problem is they all work and I don´t :)


daoc is just a game, nothing more, nothing less and shouldn't be treated any other way. It's quite easy to put down as long as you have something more interesting to put it down for... this is the challenge for all you gamers out there, get out, meet some real people, enjoy life, it ends soon.

Uncle Sick(tm)

I socialize at work.

*runs off, laughing*


Originally posted by Omniscieous
daoc is just a game, nothing more, nothing less and shouldn't be treated any other way. It's quite easy to put down as long as you have something more interesting to put it down for... this is the challenge for all you gamers out there, get out, meet some real people, enjoy life, it ends soon.

Isn't life just a game though? You play it and try to do good for yourself, sometimes bad things happen, sometimes you get nerfed, sometimes you get ph4t l00t. Swings and roundabouts.

I always hate the phrase "real people", who the hell is real after all, people who act like sheep and do everything everyone else does because its "cool"? Pish..

Sarum TheBlack

Interestingly, the definition of "game" we used in our artificial intelligence course was something along with lines of "a situation with one or more entities that compete against each other or their environment to achieve a goal"... which can pretty much be applied to anything, RL or otherwise.

Life is a game in that sense... but most people would be horrified if you said so, because "games" are silly things that don't really matter, and life is a hell of a lot more serious than that.... isn't it?

I'm yet to be convinced of either point.


I play it, my wife hates me playing it. She shows no interest in wanting to play it.
So I have slowly eased off on playing it so much.
My wife is more important than you lot in MMORPG land.

Besides, she offers me more than you lot can...:)


I was caning it for while in the bad malmo 40's but have majorly cut back now. It was majorly pissing my gf off for me to get up early for a place on the list and now I only play when she is out or there is nothing on tv or I have done some jobs around the house and am rewarded with a few hours of uninterrupted playtime. She gets majorly annoyed when events online impinge on IRL time.
TBH though, rvr was a bit of a disappointment when mad got to lvl 50 and playing my alts I am finding it much more difficult to get into groups than the good old days and have a good bit of banter whilst getting some nice xp so I have naturally cut back anyway. If people were more sociable online I'd probably pine after Midgard more than I do now (much to the annoyance of my gf no doubt :)
Just my 2c...


Oi Trebz!!

What you doing rezzing this tread, Are you some kind of support class like a healer or cleric.

Did you get Realm points for doing it cause I've heard its still bugged.


Originally posted by Tenko
Oi Trebz!!

What you doing rezzing this tread, Are you some kind of support class like a healer or cleric.

Did you get Realm points for doing it cause I've heard its still bugged.

take a look at his title

he needs no excuse


Originally posted by Belsameth

the forming of my guild, The Black Grail.

the first time I took Rauthott (one of my guildies) out to Emain, boy did she turn out to be blood thirsty)

Lol I remember that like it was yesterday :)
Rauthott's still kicking around, though has been stuck at lvl 32 for 10 months since i went on to mainly play Hib, the blood lust you instilled in me is still there Soul ;)

As for my social life, well having young kid's I never had much of one before I started playing DAoC, main difference to me now is its me all night on the comp instead of my bf...

I have found myself getting out of other things I should have been doing in order to play, probably the worst was phoning my kid's school to say they were sick so I didnt have to leave an xp group to run them to/from school the day I got Eld to 50... played for 17 or 18 hours solid that day and bribed the kids to be good with a pizza delivery


it affected me for a great while, however it lessened up asi had more time to myself.

i was a midlands rugby player, and spent my time either at school, occassionally up town, doing rugby related things and daoc.

i then bust up my cruciate ligament and started to play less, and want friends more,

seems i don't want it when i haven't got a life, yet do want it when my lifes going fine

still my main char has 24days played on it, and my alts must have had similer between them.

48days out of 365 is still alot


Not much has changed for me since I started playing daoc, I still have the same friends and all that. I see them at school, we talk over the phone and we go out saturday evening sometimes..

In the evenings I play a few hours and in the weekends its more like a choice: family or DAoC. It's good my dad made this restriction though -- if I could play whenever I wanted to I would drop out of school in no-time. It's a weird addiction :/

There's a big difference between me and (most) others though, as I'm only 16. Can't avoid school, like you can avoid a job or try to get it but have bad luck! Don't have my own house either, so I can't do whatever I want.

At the moment - that's for the best.

-edit- Though DAoC is a nice way to kill time. Playing daoc is never really boring, it's better than having nothing to do so you start cleaning (just an example) out of boredom.


Originally posted by VodkaFairy

-edit- Though DAoC is a nice way to kill time. Playing daoc is never really boring, it's better than having nothing to do so you start cleaning (just an example) out of boredom.

I agree with this Vodka,
though being almost twice your age and the (supposedly) responsible parent in my house (my son hates me as he says he rarely gets to go on the comp as I'm always playing!) I have had to force myself to get on with things like cleaning and washing dishes just so the kids have clean plates to eat off, when I'd have preferred to stay in game a bit longer.

I'm not so bad now but when I was going through the lvl 40 -50 part it was a nightmare,
like you have the restrictions placed on you by your father, I've had to restrict myself - not always easy.
I can see myself being horribly strict with my kids when they get the gaming addiction, my eldest is 10 and wants to play DAoC now but I say he's too young for an online game

Then again I just admitted to being nearly twice the age of Vodkafairy :scared:

But thats one of the things I like about the game, I've met some really good people in the year I've been playing and I like that there's such a mix and that its easy to make lots of friends with people that you probably normally would have nothing to do with. Belsameth said something about how half the people you're friends with in game you wouldnt even speak to if you met them in the pub and thats very true.

Online gaming is still a relatively new form of socialisation and as such is not widely accepted as a valid 'adult' form of entertainment, but over time things should change. It is very different as it's so much easier with the anonimity to open yourself up to others and reveal more and different aspects of yourself than you maybe would to friends who are with you in the same room

/edit Belsameth: I blew up my old comp a few months back and lost everything including your email address - thats why I hadn't got back to you again


I don't have a social life, so no probs for me.


Personally I think I can say that playing Daoc has completely changed my life. Joining the Templars gave me a whole new creative outlet, and I found I could combine my three biggest interests in one thing. I'm a writer by heart, a people person second, and a gamer third.

Most people who have met me irl are surprised at how different I am in some respects to Shaeffer. I'm not a confident person irl, and if I'm honest I dont have much of a life in terms of friends and stuff. PLaying Daoc, where I dont have to worry so much about how I am and how I seem has given me the confidence to meet new people and be comfortable around friends. I consider myself a member of Albions community now, <for good reasons heh> and I take great pride in that most people there know of me.

I find myself able to talk to people a lot easier in game, and its safe to say that I've made some very good friends irl from camelot. I've had events in my past that have left me very depressed at times, and for the first time in my life I've had people who care about me and have helped enormously. Although people see the Templars <or any rp guild for that matter> as people who want full on escapism, for me its been different. Shaeffer is the me without the worries, the me who doesnt let his own insecurities get in the way of things.

The most important person in my life I met through camelot, and thats something that I cant imagine not having now. Meeting someone who thinks like me, likes me for who i am and has helped me enormously has been the happiest and best thing thats ever happened to me. The bonds I've formed in game are not as a result of being known as having a lvl 50 saracen inf, or as being known as being a good player, but its from being a good person. People know how overloaded I get with /send spam sometimes, and even though i bitch about it, it makes me more proud than anything I've ever done.

Daoc has never been about the game, but about the community, and I like tothink that I have my part in that. People know they can rely on me for help, advice, and a laugh, and thats really great to know.

Daoc has not detracted from my social life; its given me one. I have more friends in there that I consider as friends in real life, than I've ever had before.


Originally posted by Tenko
Oi Trebz!!

What you doing rezzing this tread, Are you some kind of support class like a healer or cleric.

Did you get Realm points for doing it cause I've heard its still bugged.

Blame belsameth, she posted a link on IRC and i clicked it. Felt the need to post on it, but didnt check the date of the last post :)


Originally posted by Trebz
Blame belsameth, she posted a link on IRC and i clicked it. Felt the need to post on it, but didnt check the date of the last post :)

sure...blame Belsameth...
you're all acting as if I'm out to destroy the world or something...even Derric doesn't get that much blame :(


Originally posted by Belsameth
sure...blame Belsameth...
you're all acting as if I'm out to destroy the world or something...even Derric doesn't get that much blame :(

:fluffle: :bazbeer: :kiss2: :cheers: :wub: :spin:

I really do :wub: you ;)


Originally posted by Belsameth
sure...blame Belsameth...
you're all acting as if I'm out to destroy the world or something...even Derric doesn't get that much blame :(

but you are! :)

but I blame Derric for this one

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