How do you


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
Gamah said:
I know for example when the enemy MA sees rejecta he knows its a Bainshee (When in dog mode) and wont get the fuck off me :)

lol, really, rejecta is a bainshee? thought it was just another dead luri in the opposing grp ,sorry , ops

Ethild said:
Due to my complete lack of proper resists, I go on IRC and look up all their names before mezz runs out.

wtf, was wondering why tiwazbot + frip lag on incomings when i lookup names myself! but it takes me more to type "/msg frip !who Ethilds" than hear on ventrilo "im grappled need heals"



One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Learn all the spells in daoc, how they look, what they do for effect, and how fast the cast.

Learn player names and remember what class they are.

See what weapons/armor they got, to spot them.

Learn what group setups certan groups are useing.

And when it comes to targeting its often not a specific class you are looking for but opportunitys. (however you have "prefered" targets, but depending how groups and fights go down you have to change)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Jjuraa said:
I dunno, Nolby Pride have been here since dinosaurs created DAOC but they still dont know how to target properly xD (apologies if its not genuine NP people playing last night etc)

What were you refering just out of curiousity?


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
Ging said:
tis easy, most caster are convokers and will have brittle guards up, check for pets following closely, alb casters are normally saracen, inconnu or avalonian - u also get some briton theurgs. Mid - kobolds and Frostalfs are the dex/int based classes and Hib Elf and luri's. U will ofc get some tanks taking those forms (luri heros are teh funny).

Cue little moose!! makes me wanna :fluffle: or put it in my pocket to take back to mid.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Matmardigan said:
like he said.

and if it fails, just target the smallest first :)

I like this advice too :>

Also I've found it's good to sometimes just look around and try and take in what is going on, who is near/far, who is trailing a little behind the group/zerg, who is a low RR, who is holding a staff. You basically prioritize taking down healers/casters first, Ideally mezzing or killing off the healer first, so that when you attack others, their health goes down as opposed to going up :>

But yeah, slowly but surely it comes to you. A lot of the time,if you get killed and think what the hell was that I attacked? You can use something like the duskwave website to find out what class it was.

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
i remember back when i started and like u would see an opponent and not know what it was. It takes some time to learn what all the classes look like, but after you been playing for like a few years, u kind of instantly know what class it is just by a very quick eyeball. this is cool. knowning all the classes is boring. enjoy this.

Couple of very basic rules that i hope helps.

a) If it holds a stick wears a dress and has balls (not the squidgey kind) floating above its head its a GM. Do not attack it. GM's do not like being attacked so the developers gave them the ability to insta kill anything. Most GM's are also retards and tend to attack anything with no particular motivation.

b) If it has like 3 pets that wave their hands around, this is another in game carnation of a gamesmaster. Again do not attack this class is damage immune, and damage done to the class is healed back instantly (while the pets slowly tickle you too death) Again most gamemasters are retards and could therefore attack you for no particular reason at any time but usually when you are fighting another "player" controlled opponent.

c) If it has a stick in its hand and a see through white pet stuck to it, then this is also a gamemaster. Again do not attack this class as it cannot actually be hit as the white pet steals all damage done to the GM. (note someone once reported there is a finite amount of damage the pet can steal, but we have yet been unable to verifiy this through extensive testing). Like the other 2 GM incarnations this class will randomly attack you at any moment.

d) Any other class with a stick and a dress.


If its not one of those 4 descriptions above, then attack it, have fun and enjoy the game. Otherwise just leave it, its some fuckwit worthless caster.

and welcome to DAOC!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
eventually roll a class with any ae, target something in the back and just spam ae :D


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
J'adore le Fromage !

Oh and if u see a cute little luwi lady with winged helm on a big white Unicorn , /hug /cheer to debuff and /bang to kill it ! <3

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