How could Mythic make crafting interesting?



I think it would be much more fun if mythic made crafting into a game-within-the-game. One which takes time and skill to master.. each level it gets harder to complete and by the time you are a master crafter, you have to be bloody good at the game to get another level.

Anybody got any alternative suggestions?

Roo Stercogburn

Crafting is great fun, I don't know how you think they could possibly improve it. It's perfect. I love watching that little bar creep across the screen and the tension and excitement as it nears the end. Will I skill up or will it fail or will the crafting bug kick in and the item is never completed and the speedbar just sits and looks at you.

Spending 10 minutes staring unblinkingly at a speedbar creeping up is what good fun is all about. I think RvR should be done along these lines too. Imagine the excitement: 2 huge armies line up and square off growling and howling at each other... then sit down to craft the asses off each other.

"Ow that runie did a MEAN cross stitch"
"That cheating Hib used a bug to make his speedbar move faster"
"Harhar that Pally only has 100 in armourcrafting. OWNED YA N00B!"
"Ach bloody minstrel stealthed up and crafted me a sword when I wasn't looking"
"Ohhh nice, Shammy did area effect crafting, 5 hauberks at once"


Introduce a non UO type economical system and licensed crafting and it will reach a whole new level.
I for one am for an extensive economic system :) apart from what we already getting and have now.


I agree Svartalf, crafting is really dull, dull, dull...

Someone in an other post suggested hunting for the components needed as an added thing dimension to crafting

I don't know.. maybe it's a good thing (a bit more variety and probably turns up to be less expensive) but crafting is sooo time consuming as it is, when you are already sitting by the merchants to "refuel" in stuff to craft with, if I have to ride about as well....

So nothing springs to mind.. I personally craft about 45 mins to 1hr a day (while having breakfast) and that's it. Dont' care if it takes me 5 years to reach 999...


Spellcraft....exploding crafters........need i say more? :p


Originally posted by Eblessair
Spellcraft....exploding crafters........need i say more? :p


besies that, crafting is great it own sick, masochistic way


tell your baby sister "she can push the button now" , pop her in front of the screen and come check every 30mins to see if you have enough resources , and go do something fun :)


To make crafting worthwhile we need to make it exclusive but as it stands now anyone can become a crafter. I know this may sound silly but introduce crafter licenses of sorts that need to be obtained before you can start crafting. theres simply no other way... You can make it excellent for few, or you can leave it as it is now -- mediocre for everyone, but not excellent for all.

Orin Askhammare

Originally posted by klavrynd
tell your baby sister "she can push the button now" , pop her in front of the screen and come check every 30mins to see if you have enough resources , and go do something fun :)


OMG! Klavrynd is teh Satan!


Hahaha, thats indeed the best plan. Most saturdays i try to get a friend of mine to craft for me :D
But then again...pressin the numbers is still a hard job for him.

But for all the points he got me, i have to give him a :m00:


Originally posted by klavrynd
tell your baby sister "she can push the button now" , pop her in front of the screen and come check every 30mins to see if you have enough resources , and go do something fun :)
Can I borrow your baby sister? :p


Originally posted by Dannyn

Can I borrow your baby sister? :p

i always thought was something wrong with albs, now i know it to be true :(

(jk) :clap:

Vortigern Wolf

Carefull people...

I still remember Everquest, and everyone complaining about the downtime and boredom while you heal, rest and med.

God I still remember the hours spent staring at a spell book.

So they tried to fix this problem from all the complaints and they created......

wait for it.....


Yep, while you waited for down time, you could play an EQ version of TETRIS.

Dont think it was called Tetris but thats similiar to what it was.

Do you think Mythic will come up with a version for crafters!!!!



a) Find the materiels yourself, chop trees etc. You could also introduce quest time material hunts. Where some NPC tells you that some goblin or something has a big load of iron and you have to hunt him down and kill him for it.

b) Introduce trainers that can give you bonus points for helping them do something.


old.Ayam Ganbatte

Originally posted by Vortigern Wolf
Dont think it was called Tetris but thats similiar to what it was.
It was called 'Gems', I think. As a troll shadowknight with very little mana to regenerate I never bothered playing it, but I heard it was possible to play it forever and gain an infinite score if you used the exact sequence of logical moves over and over again. Once this was found out, the game was doubly reviled.

Vortigern Wolf

Yep, that was the name.


<Bbbrrrrrrrrrr shiver> :)

Think I left to play DAoC before the infinate loop came in.

Still EQ had its good moments.



Gems /shiver

Just the existence of Gems annoyed me when I played EQ. I can't conceive what idiot thought it was worth the programming time. It should be obvious - if you have to implement a sub-game to keep people busy then your game has too much downtime /boggle.

I'm loving the faster HP/mana regen in DAoC, but tradeskills are getting tiresome as I approach 400 skill. Mythic have a great system - but I don't understand why they ruined it by increasing creation time as you skill up - watching that green bar crawl along is not fun - surely as you get more skilled you should get faster (ie slow creation times for orange/red cons, but this shortens as they go yellow, blue, green then grey). Also I can't see why you don't get a chance at skill-ups on failures - surely you learn more from your mistakes :)

Someone in an other post suggested hunting for the components needed as an added thing dimension to crafting
EQ had that - it was even more mind numbingly dull than the tradeskilling itself. Searching zones for hours for groundspawns, sitting in zones for hours clicking "forage," "farming" no-xp monsters for components - then you fail the final combines and probably don't even get a skill-up - frustration isn't a strong enough word for it.

I guess the problem is me - I wanted to tradeskill for perhaps an hour a night, after 3-4 hours hunting, and be able to make adequate equipment for my friends and I - atm I'm spending 75% of the time tradeskilling to keep up with our levelling rate - and its much less fun than the hunting - I know levelling slows down past L20, but I bet tradeskill time/skill-up rate does as well.


Originally posted by ivan_tribbiani
To make crafting worthwhile we need to make it exclusive but as it stands now anyone can become a crafter. I know this may sound silly but introduce crafter licenses of sorts that need to be obtained before you can start crafting. theres simply no other way... You can make it excellent for few, or you can leave it as it is now -- mediocre for everyone, but not excellent for all.

Personally I think everyone should be able to craft if they want to. Why should it depend on something else?
I craft, I craft for my guild mostly. We are a small guild and we have only one high level person to help us raise the funds for crafting.
At the moment I am just 12 points off my 500 in armour crafting, that has cost around 300 gold so being a crafter is not something everyone would be able to do - the money has to be available.

I like crafting, I don't actually care that it takes a while to raise my skill points - it does get harder and harder the higher you craft, but like whatisface (sorry forget who said it) I will perserveer until I get the magic 999.

As for it being mediocre for everyone - try finding a high level crafter out there, the guys who were high level have disappeared (at least that's how it seems on Excalibur/Midgard). We need new people crafting to replace those who hit lvl 50 or 600 craft points and then disappear.

So, personally, I don't there is anything wrong with crafting except how bloody expensive it is.


cd camelot-source
rm -r crafting

That should do the trick.

Crafting in daoc is a joke. A time and money sink of the worse kind. Boring and expensive. 90% of players don't use crafterd items and use drops. Also most crafters are funded by, and sell exclusively to, their guilds. Show me an unguilded 1000+ crafter who did it without twinkage and I will show the most patient and dedicated (read; masochistic) human being on the planet.

Msg to all the 1000+ crafters, you need to get out more or stop using those macros ;)


Spellcrafting should do the trick; Don't know that it will be any more interesting to actually raise your craft-kill, but at least when you get to the top, people will be coming to you instead of using teh_leet flamesword of h4x

edit: I'm not flaming you here Svartalf (shocking innit) but i didn't understand the original post. Did you actually have a clear idea or were you asking for one? :)


I think they should place a machine, a time machine at the crafting place. Every time you start crafting, you can play the "greatest" game alive "Anarchy online!" while waiting....


Would give the players a good view to what DaoC MIGHT a totally negative way. Then they would come out of "AO" and see DAoC and start singing "It's a wonderful world", sit down and be happy with their crafting while watching the wall that has more then 4 pixel map in it :D


I rather liked AO, actualy thinking about renewing my subscribtion

anyway, an NPC whom you pay 60 or 70 plat which instantly transports you to 1100 would be nice :)
costs the same, and takes away the annoying downtime


I'm happy. Yes, it took me a while to get really good in skill, but I'm happy still. And I can't say that nobody wants my stuff. I have a list of 40 people waiting for things, and every day I get about 10 requests, from level 10 to level 50 customers. It's getting so much that I just can't keep up with it, as I'd like to level up too.


Originally posted by cadiva

At the moment I am just 12 points off my 500 in armour crafting, that has cost around 300 gold so being a crafter is not something everyone would be able to do - the money has to be available.

Actually upto level 550 I crafted via craft-tasks in Jordheim (ask me if I know that city well :D ) and made money doing it. (At char. level 18 I had 300g in cash due to my 400 in craft and craft tasks, so eveybody can do it.)

From there on and to where I am now (690) I have funded myself and powercrafted.

It is boring and it is slow, but gives me a chance to catch up on reading :D



Aye, you are right, there is also the consignment method, I was meaning rather most people are guild funded to some extend - consignments help out with that, but you need some basic cash to start with in the first place.


yeah - I started with about 1g. (at character level 6-7)



I started with newbie money from mobs I killed for level 2-5 and then did consignments all the way. Taken approx 20 hours to get past 400 skill and I have just over 20 gold, although some of that is donations for helping to form guilds nearby at the registrar hehe - but I've also spent cash giving armour to newbies and making armour for my friends characters and mine. I can now make armour thats orange to me at level 15. Only had one player order - made 2 full suits of steel and iron svarskodd, but I didn't know what to charge so just asked them to buy me the ingredients and I kept the surplus (although 15 mins later I was past getting skill-ups on steel).

Getting a bit discouraged by the speed of the crafting bar - its a bit of a kick in the teeth after the time sacrifice to get this far :( All I wanted to be able to do was make armour for my friends, myself and all the people who constantly shout for a crafter in Jordheim and get no answers. And all I hear is its gonna get a hundred times worse after 650.

Fletching was a lot easier for my hunter - a very kind little kobold (forget her name /cry) saw me running consignments with arrows and, taking pity on my n00bness, gave me 10 gold - that got me to 375 just powerskilling on arrows.

At heart DAoC crafting is still a lot better than the crafting system in EQ which drove me mad with all the ctrl-clicking, and consulting spoiler sites for recipes, plus only grandmasters could really make stuff people wanted (and drops were still superior) - just wish DAoC's create bar wasn't so slow.

Anyway I've had a slew of ideas this week re tradeskills (typed up between consignments ;) ) and this thread has prompted me to post what I have so far - its over at this link:

Give me the benefit of your greater knowledge :)



Btw I know Jordheim really well now, so consignments can be great for a newbie learning where things are in a city, as well as for making cash and skilling-up.

Found a crappy Jordheim map on the net (think it was from beta) and have adapted and redrawn it so much that it bears no resemblance to the original - re-labelled it and have an alphabetical list of all NPCs in town which makes consignments a lot easier. I'd post it if I had any web-space :(

I really don't relish doing consignments on my Albion server though - Camelot is too big and messy ;)


Originally posted by svartalf
I think it would be much more fun if mythic made crafting into a game-within-the-game. One which takes time and skill to master.. each level it gets harder to complete and by the time you are a master crafter, you have to be bloody good at the game to get another level.

Anybody got any alternative suggestions?

well I know there is alot of IDIOTS in midgård using their fucking scripts to craft automaticly. good bloody hell I hate daox making this shit available. anyway, so they dont have to worry but making crafting funny since they sit near merch, go afk all night and let the script do the rest.

<walks away in anger>

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