

Molten Lava

I have been playing Daoc for 3,5 months now and every now and then I hear something about Mythic thinking of implementing Housing. I personally think one of the things that makes a MMORPG (or a game in general) interesting is to ability to personalize you char and world. Ok we can choose different outfits etc but the game-world is static. I know you can't have 100's of players building houses anywhere in the game, but it should be really nice (and bind people to the game) if you can achieve fame in the realm by have a small castle or something.

This is my first MMORPG but what I've heard its possible to own your house in UO (and other games?) so I wonder...what would the price of a simple starters house....will it be like 1p or more in the directio of 1mithril? and what will a giant castle cost? 1000 mithril? What are cost of maintainance? Will you house degenerate if you dont have enough money to keep it in shape?and how are things arranged in UO, can you build whereever you want or are there specific places where you can build...I also heard that Shadowbane will have housing, with shops and even guards defending your house etc...is this also in the future of Daoc?

I personally would love to have a cottage in Emain...somewhere in the middle of the valley :) Own flag, some guards around it (which will be ganked continously :) and some merchants to sell my drops/crafted items

- Pathfinder -

Houses are for Guilds, not characters. I detested that UO let people build hosues virtually anywhere; no secluded sppot without some ugly house :(

Most likely there will be severe restrictions on where you can put these houses.


Guildhalls are set to be introduced shortly I believe. I know where you are coming from with this idea, but if that was introduced we'd have even more people walking around with multiple platinums in their pocket whilst the relic keep doors need repairing.

There are a few homes in Camelot as it is, why not move into one of those --- rent free! :)


A guildhall with some sort of merchant I could dump all of our spare stuff onto and let other players buy from him at preset prices would be utterly awesome. In fact a Bazaar zone like EQ has *hint*hint* would be good too :)


Housing..... /emote Starts drooling

Im big house interior manic IRL i wonder how thats gonna affect my gameplay when this feature is introduced. Gimme Gimme Gimme


I loved decorating my house with rares and stuff in Ultima Online. Working on my blacksmithing in there with a mine nearby etc... added to the atmosphere. Plus our guild owned a huge part of the area.


I heard that players could get their own houses, to sell their crafted stuff from etc. As far as placement goes, apparently there will be spaces available near to all the major villages in each realm, and there will also be a new district in each capital city which will be purely for player housing.


Originally posted by Garris-
and there will also be a new district in each capital city which will be purely for player housing.

I always wondered if those big closed doors near the round table in Camelot would be used to add a new area to Camelot :)


The Camelot Herald, 12-7-2001, "In January we will be turning our attention to housing."
The Camelot Herald, 2-8-2002, "Housing, This is arguably the biggest item in the list. Implementing a full housing system that goes beyond what is available in any of today's games is our number one goal."
The Camelot Herald, 3-22-2002, "Mark announced that Guild Housing would be available to you all by now; obviously it isn't."
The Camelot Herald, 4-29-2002, "And, all of the items being addressed by the Strike Team are in addition to other features we've announced that are still in the works - features such as the PvP Server, Player Housing"
The Camelot Herald, 5-3-2002, "Short column today - we're still working diligently on fixing annoying things, adding new goodies, working on player housing"

And it's 8-18-2002 today.


Originally posted by Garris-
I heard that players could get their own houses, to sell their crafted stuff from etc. As far as placement goes, apparently there will be spaces available near to all the major villages in each realm, and there will also be a new district in each capital city which will be purely for player housing.

There are also big closed doors in Jordheim. But from what I have read and heard it will only be guilds that can afford houses. If you think about it a emblem costs 300 gold for a guild to have now that is alot of money (well to me it is ). So looking at that I would say a house of basic stature would cost like 50 mithril or so. (pure guess going on in game rates of bought items).


50 mithril! :(

isnt that a bit much?

i would expect more like 100-150P

i also heard you could buy things like bind stones, forges and crafter merchants, but that might just be speculation


I thought the player houses were going to be the empty ones that are in all towns ATM.


looks like there gonna set up a new zone (or maye more) for the houses


i wanna live with hrodelbert in a nice pink mansion!!

Molten Lava


Cool I did not make that post....on that post is made 6 months ago? strange....


Just posted on the Herald :-

Player Housing Enters Closed Beta
from Matt Firor
2003-04-15 16:10:25

The Dark Age of Camelot player housing system is entering closed beta on Pendragon this afternoon, which explains the downtime and Pendragon patch earlier today.

In a week or so we'll expand the beta test to a larger pool of testers, but still a closed community. After that, depending on how testing and bug fixing goes, we'll open it up to anyone who wants to try it out on Pendragon. Those testers who have been selected have already been notified. I'll keep you all updated on Housing's progress on a regular basis.

Please note that housing resides in new zones on Pendragon (several zones for each Realm), and you'll probably see temporary portal NPCs that teleport testers into these new zones. If you are not a beta tester, the NPC will tell you that you are not authorized to port.


I said it on the other housing thread...i'll say it here.

Goddamnit i want my hermit hut on that tall and magnificant hill!!

I want my training grounds with mobs varying from green to purple so i can exp alone without people asking "grp plzplz" all the time!

I want to put screenshots on the walls of my home! It's my adventure, i want to be proud and materialistic about it!

So...i want solo housing as well! :D


I'm quit sure if I look around a bit , I can find a solo sack to stuff you into.. how's that ???


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
I'm quit sure if I look around a bit , I can find a solo sack to stuff you into.. how's that ???

Something i'd expect from a Nordic Fury.

I make a point, go piss on someone elses lawn.


so much talk of mithral and 50 mithral. what guild alliance do u know with that much dosh

Plantinums are much more likely


thought u pay them with Bounty Points...

ugrades like on vault/crafting equipment etc costs some extra BPs...

might be wrong here, but think thats what i read some monhs ago


Hehe, 50 mithril. Don't be so gullible ;)
50 thousand platinum? Hell, 50plat is an enormous amount for even an ALLIANCE to raid. 50 thousand plat? Don't help spread such BS rumors ;)


Q: How will I (or my guild/alliance) be able to buy a house? With gold, or with bounty points, or both?

A: Gold. There will be upkeep fees, as well. More detail, I cannot give. There will be a whole feature on the Herald about all the various options and prices. The range of options is, well, astounding. There are options available for individuals as well as for groups, by the way.
I think the original plan was to use bounty points, but housing is so late that it would be penalizing those people who spent all their bounty points on crystals, or their guild bounty points holding upgraded keeps.

Oh, and as far as I know, nobody has ever even had one mithril piece on any server, let alone 50. :p


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Something i'd expect from a Nordic Fury.

I make a point, go piss on someone elses lawn.

Hmm will that be the lawn that comes with YOUR house on the hill ??

BTW I like ther hermit part of your post.. that way we avoid being around you..If you cant take my post as the piss is it..then im sure its not safe for you to be around peopel..now sod off..


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
Hmm will that be the lawn that comes with YOUR house on the hill ??

BTW I like ther hermit part of your post.. that way we avoid being around you..If you cant take my post as the piss is it..then im sure its not safe for you to be around peopel..now sod off..

You just want to hog everything don't you? You couldn't imagine someone having something you can't have?

If you took my post seriously then maybe saying "if you can't take my post as the piss is it" isn't the way to go.

Now cool down, have a twinkie and stop pissing on my goddamn lawn allready you hobo!


Bahhh will cost ya atleast two twinkies to stop my messing up ya lawn... and remember im a troll we have big blatters....Actuayl I'm looking forward to housing..Had my own small village in UO


If they let people buy individual houses..not just some guild meeting/drinking places.


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
I detested that UO let people build hosues virtually anywhere; no secluded sppot without some ugly house :(

Bah humbug! I had 3 luvverly houses in UO, one with a view, one on a trade route and one in a hunting spot. What I'd give for the same in DAOC :D

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