


Well - I always considered the Cotswold entrance to be the "main gate". But fair enough - you have a point :)


Originally posted by Draylor
Well - I always considered the Cotswold entrance to be the "main gate". But fair enough - you have a point :)

I guess neither are really the "main" ones - east has the statues and the drawbridge etc.

north has the rather impressive statues and the line of columns...


What I'm finding interesting in this is the sociological part of buying plots. There is first of all the price, and with it come psychological tresholds like price dropping under 100pp then under 75, 50, 20, 10. At what point does patience run out? :)

Also who can hold their breath and cash when they see plots getting bought in the vicinity of what they had in mind? Who wants to pay to have their house next to a "famous" guildname, or charname? In other words, how important are the neighbours and your neighbourhood.

What if your 2 nextdoor neighbours have a villa, and you have a cottage. :) What if you bought a plot where one of those little wooden wharfs are near some water and you find it camped all day by German caravan tourists :scared:


Well, right now plots are around 99p. It is going painstainkingly slow, as I want to buy at around 1p :)
Ah well.
People who are using bots to abuse some bug to claim a spot are pretty lame imho and should be banned asap. But those who are just using bots to "camp" are spot are just plain stupid. Waste of time, as the person who is going to spend 50-100p on a plot of land is not going to think "Oh wait, there is a twat who really wants this spot of land, lets just leave it for him".
But if it makes them happy :)
Regards, Glottis


I don´t see the problem. If there´s somebody camping a lot so people are unable to target the lot and buy, then it´s a bug abuse, because that´s not supposed to happen and it´s spoiling the idea of the countdown auction. Contact RightNow, let them check the things. There´s nothing to defend or explain here, it´s a plain cheat. Simple.
If, however, somebody is camping a lot, simply trying to scare off other people from buying it, then it´s his good right to do that if he thinks that this behaivour has any effect (which I doubt). Nothing to complain about.


Originally posted by thorwyntf
If, however, somebody is camping a lot, simply trying to scare off other people from buying it, then it´s his good right to do that if he thinks that this behaivour has any effect (which I doubt). Nothing to complain about.

If, however, somebody is running a macro program to camp it indefinitely, then he is also breaking the rules and should be reported aswell.


If, however, somebody is running a macro program to camp it indefinitely, then he is also breaking the rules and should be reported aswell.

Of course! But at least that doesn´t spoil the mechanics of this auction and doesn´t prevent people from buying plots.


Originally posted by Javai
You missed the part where I said it appears to be a bot (ie jumping around in circles), its the not the stupid surname but the cheating part that is wrong.

And do a search of my posts, you won't find many whines.

Well I know who you were talking about and I had no problems at all to click on the marker - before or after this thread started. He's not doing anything to hurt a soul, there is alot more in life to get upset about.


Does it really matter if you cant click the marker when you can just use the bindable 'nearest items' - 'pickup' buttons for picking up the house lot marker ? (like normal loot/items)

If you do this dont you still get some sort of confirmation box asking you to confirm that you want to buy the house at xx gold when doing this ?

I tried this last nigth on a spot overcaped by "spinning bots", but didnt have then 109.5p on me to get anything other then a text warning saying I didnt have enough gold to buy it.


Aloot of ppl using or used macros in this game,more than 50% of core crafters are macroers,probably some of the ppl whining for that are macroers themself.

Ppl camping the lots using macro programs dosen't prevent you to buy the plot,and you honestly don't care at all about the plot they are camping,you simple want to get your revenge whit the life making them banned.

Ppl like Fagane and Co are the same ppl reporting you to the urban police when you place your car in a not autorised area;
The same ppl calling the taxes agents if their neightbours seem to have more cash than they should.

If someone lacks of "life" here, it's you.


But you still agree that *if* people are somehow exploiting a bug that would prevent others from targetting a lot, it´s cheating and should be treated accordingly, right?


Originally posted by thorwyntf
But you still agree that *if* people are somehow exploiting a bug that would prevent others from targetting a lot, it´s cheating and should be treated accordingly, right?

That is another thing,ofc I would complain and report them.


If you click on a lot but don't have enough money to buy it, is that what message you get? I clicked on one and was told I didn't have permissions to buy it, which I figured was a bit odd.


Originally posted by Ialkarn
Aloot of ppl using or used macros in this game,more than 50% of core crafters are macroers,/B]

and they should all have their accounts suspended imho.


Originally posted by vesania
If you click on a lot but don't have enough money to buy it, is that what message you get? I clicked on one and was told I didn't have permissions to buy it, which I figured was a bit odd.

Yes, you get this message when somebody uses the exploit.

Not sure if you also get this message if you do not have enough cash.



Originally posted by Flimgoblin
and they should all have their accounts suspended imho.

Speaking as a hard core crafter who doesn't use macros, I'd like to see people who cheat have their accounts suspended too. I find it irritating to be told by someone that they craft using a macro when they are in bed, and of course use a little illegal help during the daytime in rvr. I don't understand the way they think. If I can't successfully play a game legally, I don't want to play it.

I guess I'm inconsistent in that I don't report people for this. But I'd like to see GOA police it more.


report them - if they are macroing someone will check on them and they'll be caught out :)


Originally posted by vesania
If you click on a lot but don't have enough money to buy it, is that what message you get? I clicked on one and was told I didn't have permissions to buy it, which I figured was a bit odd.

Originally posted by Fagane
Yes, you get this message when somebody uses the exploit.

Not sure if you also get this message if you do not have enough cash.



You get the message if you click the plot whit the RIGHT
button of your mouse,when to buy the plot you have to LEFT click.

I bet you reported everyone close to a plot you couldnt properly click ,I really hope you 'll get warned for your stupid reports by someone of the staff.

You come here accusing ppl about something you can't even describe properly.

Once again you lost a good chance to keep your mouth closed.


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
and they should all have their accounts suspended imho.

Dunno if Goa gonna have enought costumers to support the game then.


Originally posted by Fagane
Yes, you get this message when somebody uses the exploit.

Not sure if you also get this message if you do not have enough cash.


There is no exploit, please nerf this guy :m00:


there was an exploit on the US servers in 1.63

we don't have it as far as we can tell.


I think is cool ppl start running around in circles blaming everyone and his dog for cheating becourse they read on BW it was possible...

Like the guy who had read about wall hacks and started blaming ppl in BG1 for killing him with pba thrugh walls... :rolleyes:

P A R A N O I A 4tehwiiiiinnnn !!!!!1


well if someone's camping a 120 plat house and you have, say 5p on you, you can't test if it's bugged.

However the exploit feared in this case is not present in the euro version.


You think some guy is breaking the rules, and your reaction is ban and ridicule on the boards without even a second thought.

Some people really need to learn to meassure their reaction to match with the severity of the problem at hand.

What is wrong with talking with the guy camping the plot? He wasnt doing anyone any harm, and maybe all he needed was a helping hand explaining what consequences his actions could have.

Why does it has to be an instant crusade against him?

Albion is a realm of stressed people full of hatred... so sad to see.


No, BW is a realm of stressed people full of hatred.

Albion is just fine.

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