Hopes and dreams for RA overhaul


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
so what you hoping to see changed when mythic deside to fix that hug bug that is RAs. Personally i think Armsmen should get everysingle RA they could buy for free, to bring them back up to stratch.

I can see all three main healers having PR, and Bards, Sklads getting SOS, but what about the rest.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
Something needs to be done about determination to bring hybrids back into RvR more. atm, it seems to be det tank groups all the time, with a caster group now and again. Not really bothered about anything else.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Get rid of Det altogether, and nerf the hell out of CC in RvR.

Get rid of overpowered battle-altering RAs like BOF/SOS etc.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Givf Volley as a L45 or L50 skill to all archer classes instead of an RA


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Give Albs second healer the friar some group utility

If Ra's are much the same for all realms nerf insta-cc big time

RA review without class review is a bit lame imho (unless you let us get 10 man grps so we can cover all the bases lol)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I would like it to be so that RAs are not the be all and end all of RvR groups. So many fights are decided on whether the cleric's BoF is up, or how many det tanks there are in a group. RAs should augment RvR, not be an "I win" button.

I would like them to be toned down so they are more like the passive RAs than the things that will decide the way of a fight. Obviously that would require some further realm balancing so I doubt my dreams will be realised ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Thrunge said:
Give Albs second healer the friar some group utility

If Ra's are much the same for all realms nerf insta-cc big time

RA review without class review is a bit lame imho (unless you let us get 10 man grps so we can cover all the bases lol)
Did you think about what you were going to say before you typed, or just get a monkey to rub its butt on the keyboard?

Friar = healing class, didnt you notice that? Try playing one instead of a "have big pokey stick will poke" player :touch: Healers in mid have no weapon styles, cant spec in parry or sheild and got similar boofs to a friar, so which one looks gimped, oh sorry, healers have a defensive spell......insta CC, phew!

Why nerf insta-cc, ok, then sorc mezz down to 1500 range same as everyone else......oh you dont like that idea? Ok, lets take away mezz for a stealther class like say....Minstrels... ahh you dont want that either.

Sorry, but once again an alb claims hes nerfed, and his realm has been gimped in general. IMO 80% of the classes better balanced now than ever before. The last few (mainly hybrid classes) still need that little extra lurv from either boosted stats or RAs.

Your attitude is like most whinging about nerfs and imbalance, you dont look at the realm as a whole.

The RA review will bring balance to the farce young padawan.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Frist of all, a friar is no healing class at all. He never has been able to be a main healer nor he ever will be able to. A friar is a hybrid fighter being able to support the main healer (cleric, and only a cleric is a real healing class in albion) when he is unable to heal for a short time while under attack.

A friar will be a bit better in healing if people spec into reju that might be right. But people would be dumb to go for a high reju skill which never can reach on the cleric ones because for that they have to drop other speclines like staff and enhancement. But that discussion took place several times on thousends other threads and is offtopic at all :D

To come back to the topic....

Remove CC especially Insta-CC from the trainable speclines. Introduce it as a RA on a timer, give it all realms and counter that ability with a passive expensive RA to neglect it ;)

Oh and yes, turn Volley and Longshot into specbased Abilities and not RAs


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
IMO just give hybrids DET for a higher points cost than normal tanks? :)


Dec 26, 2003
Why not remove all realm abilities then sit back n listen to the screams - ahhh carnage :)

Or if not - make true sight a free for all ability automatically gained at 50...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Get rid of "all or nothing" RAs like BOAD, BOF, SOS, whatever...

More passives (maybe different costs for different classes) and make all of them usefull so that there won't be a best RA setup (I know won't happen...)
All active RAs should start cheap with a low effectiveness and higher levels either have a shorter timer or higher benefit (and maybe make that playerselectable, some want the big omfg every 15 minutes, others are fine with a small help every two minutes).

Basically each single RP spend should help equal, not like now where no RR3/1 can beat a RR3/5, but after RR3/5 there is not much difference (exaggerated).



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Balbor said:
I can see all three main healers having PR.

Not very biased(sp?) Mr. alb?! only cleric(and druid) should gain?(not thinkin about SoS) how bout what theyre actually doin and givin all primary healers PR, BoF, GP...jeeze :p



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
id like to see Friars have their Rejuv line upped to be more inline with other secondary healers from other realms.


Reduce Resists OVERALL to give casters a bigger role to play, reduce PBAOE Radius to 200, decrease timers on Mezz for Hybrids give them a 15% reduction over other classes if they dont remove DET
also like to see clerics get better melee ability /solo ability without having to spec Smite, cos Clerics suck


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Cyviel said:

With ToA inc....no thx...If u do this..mezz durations have to be seriously knocked down...remember the time b4 RAs...caster heaven etc, add to that ToA and tanks are dead.


Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
You'll probably find that most Mids don't care what the ultimate outcome of the RA review is: Mids can't lose as it can only get better for Mid as a whole.

With Mythic already having stated on their Frontiers page that opposing classes in the same category (Healers, Clerics, Druids for example) will have access to the same RAs, you're going to find that the so called I-Win buttons of each realm become available to all and the playing field will get a lot more level and interesting with each realm benefitting from having a more varied set of RAs at their disposal.

Its going to rock :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
>Friar = healing class, didnt you notice that? Try playing one instead of a "have big pokey stick will poke" player Healers in mid have no weapon styles, cant spec in parry or sheild and got similar boofs to a friar, so which one looks gimped, oh sorry, healers have a defensive spell......insta CC, phew!

This made me laugh out very loud. Was the first time I seen friars being compared to the main healer of another realm :D I think you slipped on something there. The real comparison is with the shammy in mid. Lets see, dots, desease, no weaponspec...friar got weaponspec, no ranged harm possibility....ye the friar is very overpowered... :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
I would like all RA effects to be toned down significantly to reduce the realm rank difference to make it possible for casual players to stand up against high realm rank fps players in a FGvsFG battle without bringing several groups along. A small difference should be there but not the kind of rift we got today.


Dec 25, 2003
Iceflower said:
I would like all RA effects to be toned down significantly to reduce the realm rank difference to make it possible for casual players to stand up against high realm rank fps players in a FGvsFG battle without bringing several groups along. A small difference should be there but not the kind of rift we got today.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Iceflower said:
I would like all RA effects to be toned down significantly to reduce the realm rank difference to make it possible for casual players to stand up against high realm rank fps players in a FGvsFG battle without bringing several groups along. A small difference should be there but not the kind of rift we got today.

I was actually going to post almost exactly the same thing....then i read the above post. ;)

Totally agree. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Iceflower has the correct idea IMO.

Midgard cant really lose much on the RA review if you consider each realm over all. However I hope it doesn't tip the balance to mids either (or any other way).

Determination is the RA that needs the nerf most. It has basically rendered hybrid classes and mages to 2nd tier classes while healers and tanks dominate in Rvr (save few exceptions like skalds). The idea of giving det to hybrids at an increased cost isnt good either. Hybrids already pay more for things like IP.

I think archers will recieve volley and long shot based on RR (or maybe other based on lvl or spec). For example, long shot at RR3 and volley at RR5. Tanks should recieve things like FA for free at some easy RR like 3 or 2. Hybrids could get these at RR4, for example. An option to purchase those abilities earlier would be great, you'd just be refunded in points when you reach the required RR... Atleast for FA.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
I agree with the post above somewhere that said it's pretty pointless to have a RA review w/o having a class review. I for one (as i'm playing a champ) don't like the policy of mythic when they decided to balance out the classes with RAs. Balance out the classes via specs etc first. Then give us somewhat more equal RAs. I earn my specpoints like every other tank does .. (well ... i solo more often then not tho...) that shouldn't mean mine are worth less (since that's exactly what higher cost for RAs implies).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
Did you think about what you were going to say before you typed, or just get a monkey to rub its butt on the keyboard?

Friar = healing class, didnt you notice that? Try playing one instead of a "have big pokey stick will poke" player :touch: Healers in mid have no weapon styles, cant spec in parry or sheild and got similar boofs to a friar, so which one looks gimped, oh sorry, healers have a defensive spell......insta CC, phew!

Why nerf insta-cc, ok, then sorc mezz down to 1500 range same as everyone else......oh you dont like that idea? Ok, lets take away mezz for a stealther class like say....Minstrels... ahh you dont want that either.

Sorry, but once again an alb claims hes nerfed, and his realm has been gimped in general. IMO 80% of the classes better balanced now than ever before. The last few (mainly hybrid classes) still need that little extra lurv from either boosted stats or RAs.

Your attitude is like most whinging about nerfs and imbalance, you dont look at the realm as a whole.

The RA review will bring balance to the farce young padawan.

maybe u should think b4 u type???
for the first u compare a hybrid tank in alb with the main healer class mid.
For the 2nd u should maybe try to learn abit more bout friars? does u think all the whines from friars bout not getting grp etc. is for fun???
yea friar can spec in weapon and so what?? atm we got merc to do the dmg.
and i also bet that if a healer sream lfg at mtk he will get an instant invite, a friar shall even be lucky to get a grp so he can join the alb zerg :D
next get a clue b4 typing shit ;D

edit: ohh btw why in hell r u talking bout mincers and ohh we got nerfed?? it have nothing with his post to do :D

and u also pretty much say it u self that all hybrid need some love and im sorry to tell u but friars count as hybrid in this case :D


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Cyviel said:
id like to see Friars have their Rejuv line upped to be more inline with other secondary healers from other realms.

you mean like shaman mending line?

oh and about friars only supporting clerics in rvr..... think a shaman with 7 mending does a much better job? :p

(and shamans cant just take out weapon and whack away
:cheers: )


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
One thing I do hope doesn't happen, but one that I've a feeling will, is Mythic taking the easy route with what class form each realm gets the 'special' RAs like BoF, BAoD, GP, and just give them to the nearest similar class.
Why do I say this? Well, at the moment, RvR is pretty exclusive, depending on what RAs and abilities your class gets. If they simply give Healers/Druids/Clerics BoF, GP and PR, give Skalds/Bards/Minstrels SOS/AM/FotG (yes, the skald RA isn't fabulous, but included here anyway :) ) and so forth, this gap would get wider and in fact move these classes, who can already easily get groups, to an absolute must-have status. But why group a Thane, who can get a WotC/ST/UToS? There still would be nothing there that helps this and any other class currently out in the cold.

This RA review would be a great chance to improve the RvR groupability of some of the so-called ungroupable classes. Lets hope it doesn't go to waste!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I hope mids get something fluffy so they can stop whining about how useless they are.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
What the casual players would like to see is a system where their pick-up groups have a chance 1fg vs. 1fg in every fight. What the high RR players want is to make sure they don't so they have a reward for all the time and effort put into their high RRs.

Question is can there be a compromise to please both sides? Don't see it myself but I'm open to suggestions. :)

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