Honour and Pride in the realms???



Another thread that gives the mids a chance to blame albs for attacking at lame times.....


As for honor:
I saw a lot of albs bodyjumping todnight - I find that outrageous as I myself get pissed when ppl do that to me. Very little honor there :/
Mids and hibs may be scum, but we still owe our opponents some respect.


On the topic of the original post, disregarding who took what relic at what time.

Albion tends to have the biggest number of lamers purely because it appeals to the biggest number of people. When I first read about the game, I wanted to start up in Albion as it had the most classes that I recognised, + your capital is Camelot and the legend of Arthur sounds good etc, etc. You can bet your bottom dollar that most people had the same lure. I joined Hibernia coz a freind persuaded me.

From my experience, I have witnessed the most /em's after I have been killed from Albs. I have witnessed the most ganking by albs. I have witnessed the most xp killing by albs. I have witnessed the most moaning on these boards from albs. I have witnessed the most gloating on these boards from albs. Mids tend to fight with a bit more tactics and generally don't spam the /laugh, /vic, /flex macros as much.

These are just my experiences and may not be true. All realms have their fair share of tossers. There will be pleanty of people in all realms who have to work and also pleanty of students etc who can stay up all night. Alb just has a bigger percentage of people, so they can organise these early morning raids at short notice and get a respecable turn out. From my experience of online games, there are always going to be tits, who want to try to annoy or spoil other peoples fun and gloat over you after beating you. That is the nature of immature pre-pubesant little boys, and there are a lot of them in any online game. :rolleyes:

We are all entitled to our opinions and we are entitled to post them here (lets face it without the flames, these boards would have about 3 posts on them). I like reading these flames as it gives me fuel to want to beat ppl in the other realms and that is the point of the game. Flame away you Alb and Middie scum ;) :D:clap:

Anyway, it's late and I have to get up for work at 5am. :puke: Don't go relic raiding now :mad:


Well I just came from thidranki were something completely new happened that will change the way i think about this game forever. HIBS AND MIDS WERE TEAMING OMG ! I even took screenies of it. Oh wait a minute ... they used to team in emain also, guess its not new then. Guess who are the lamers on this server, even your low levels team you all must be so proud.

As for rellic time attacks You attack during prime time ... ofcourse you ment prime time tv (worldcup England vs cant remember since im not english and during the world cup final ) Whats the difference between late night and that. As for hibs they attack at 2am GMT 3 AM CET. So stop pointing figures and look at your own realm first before you post something. "Mommy mommy albion kicked me" "sure" mommy says "and what did you do"

Arthwyr LvL 50 Paladin
Gawain LvL 24 Infiltrator
GM <Exiled>


God you really are a whiner aren't you Arthwyr?

You remind me of a kid I knew in school. Would only play football if he was on the 'best' side.

I don't think you are ideally suited for a game of this type.

Have you tried Tweenies - Ready to Play?

Sounds like more your sort of game in all honesty.


Well finally a thread that disscuss instead of flames...

/salute to the thread starter for a good thread but i see that it have become a bit off topic but...

Well anyway...first of all noone have ever succeded in taking a relic at "prime time" and no, 11.00 a sunday morning aint prime time. I would say the real prime time is about 19.00 to 22.00 or something because thats when most players are able to be on...before and after that is just a matter of what you have to do irl. So a few trys have been made at prime time, but noone have succeeded and it is probably impossible atm...maybe in a few months when albs can get an army of 100 lvl 50's...then we will see :).

And to the mids...if you dont mind me saying it: I think your scouting is a bit bad...now hibs are pretty good because they spot us in time and we albs have scouts in the frontiers most of the time. We start moving towards the frontier as soon as an enemy army leave hadrians wall...it is all a matter of organisation and i fell that the mids is a bit disorganised atm...
I know there were mids on when we got the last relic but i dont think they knew they were raided before it was to late.

Anyway i get so damn bored of all the flames on those forums...sure i agree that a certain rage against the enemy realms is necessary to keep the RvR part of the game fun but as soon as i log off i come back to the real world and leave that behind me :). I think the forums should be for discussions of what really happened congratulations etc. I would very much like to know what happened on the other side in big rvr battles etc that i participated in and not just read flames about how much the other side sucked etc.

Remember that we all play the same game..the only difference is a stupid choice we made in the beginning when we had no idea of how the server/populations etc would look like.

Ps you will have to excuse the spelling errors...it is a bit late and im a bit sleepy atm, but hay! what do you expect? Im an alb :p.


And the only thing I can say about these forums is that a few persons can make some many ppl so damn angry and stuff and blaming all ppl all the time.

And no I havnt been on any of these flamed raids, only failed ones

Just my regular morning posts that dont make any sense I know


Well, there is a truth in first message, BUT:

A lot of people i was talking to came to Europe servers because they wanted to play with others the time period they can be online, not the time period when there is noone on servers.
US servers have peack time at our mornings, 3-6 am - so if i want to play at that time i would definitely choose US, cause they have better customer support, better patching and so on.

But i want to play EUROPE time, it means normal europe evening from 17-18 to 24-1 CET.

So all those raids at 3-4 am making me think that these is not better than US server - there i wouldnt care about relics or any sort of raids - just because i know im playing the time when all sleep.

So that's why i call this raids lame.

Also, as i have already stipulated once - TRY to take a relick at main time, TRY it and show averyone that you not just talking "bah, we can take it any time we want" but you REALLY can do it.
And i do not belive that Albion can do ANYTHING during main time. It was smashed and it WILL be. That's the story.


I give up, these forums are a waste of time and effort.

Fangrim started this thread with a well thought out dialouge, and it has digraded back into the night time raid bullshit! The imginatively nambe "albionsux" has missed the point completley.

I do not wish to spend another 20 minutes writing a long and tedious passage because it has all been said before. so to summarize

A: alb/hib/mid we are all the same, we all have our share of nightowls, 9-5ers and so on. The fact that we have a larger population than the other realms means that we obvioulsly will have more per catergory.

B: night raid? if u read my earlier post u will learn that mids had the time/numbers/warnings to stop us but they chose not 2 bother, that is why u lost the relic. so dont blame us for your lack of iterest in defence

There is probably a few points i missed and if someone would like to carry on in a sensible fashion then feel free. but if albs read this and decide to start flaming then ffs think what you are doing. all that does is reinforce the belif that albion is filled with spotty tennagers (probably is mind u) So plz can we atleast treat each other with some respect.

P.S i realize this was meant to be a short post. apologies if i made people think
Radghast <lvl 50 wiz>
"If a battle cant be won, then dont fight it" <sun tzu>


They can't even leave one thread unflamed... /me sighs

Nobody cares anymore for relics when the next patch arrives. It's all about keeps then to gain access to Darkness Falls. Shame that I payed for another 3 months. But I'm seriously thinking about stopping after that.

/me hopes to find a game (rpg) where people help each other more and have more respect for players.

/me wonders if there is any game online without cheaters.

P.S. AlbionSux (talking about some people...) not every day on U.S. is relic raiding day and therefore when you go online in U.S. it's late for them and therefore not many people will be online to play with. That's why a lot of people in Europe decided to play here. To play with people that are online at our times. I have a friend playing on U.S. servers. He had the game a month before me and still hasn't reached 50 due to the fact he can find hardly groups to XP with at that time.


Well, i'll admit i haven't read all the posts, but what seems to stand out is that Albion is getting a pounding for nicking these relics in the middle of the night, and being told it is a dirty trick/cowardice cause everyone is asleep etc...

OK, first things first... war is 24/7, if you are asleep when a raid happens, thats just hard luck, live with it.

If the Alb's are willing to stay up till 3/4/5 am , whatever (i really don't care for details, this is not a flame etc...) then fairplay to em, they got more stamina than i have.

Also, 1 last thing... in Real Life, when a war happens, most action takes place AT NIGHT - ok the obvious reasons are such things as stealth and the like, and that doesn't really matter in game (with a 24 hour period being about an hour real time) but the point is, if the time of least resistance is 3am, then use it your advantage (and i mean ANY realm, not just Albion)

Instead of flaming us Alb's for being lame and attacking at 3am, why not organise a force and do the same??

If no-one is willing, then try another time.

The point is to learn... and if someone using something against you...maybe it would also work against them... or even... someone else...

Just an idea...



God you really are a whiner aren't you Arthwyr?

You remind me of a kid I knew in school. Would only play football if he was on the 'best' side.

I don't think you are ideally suited for a game of this type.

Have you tried Tweenies - Ready to Play?

Sounds like more your sort of game in all honesty.

LOL - No I will not lower myself to your level, no I will not direct flames at people directly unlike some others who's names again I won't mention. I did once here on these boards and that was my mistake. Fact is you are completely missing the point of my post CJ cake. Read the toppic of the forum, then reread my post and most other posts under it, maybe try reading the toppic title again, read my post once more, and if you dont get it then ... uhm well nm then - nice day to you to.


Actually I was referring to the fact that you started a thread already about thidranki, and then decided to post in another thread the same thing.

If I've flamed you in the past I apologise, these forums seem to bring out the worst in everyone, myself included.

I'm sick to death of all the nerf this, whine, moan, albs/hibs/mids are lame crap that is being posted every single day and worse than that I'm sick of some of the nonsensical defenses put up by others.

And the worst thing is that sometimes I allow myself to be sucked into doing the same old shit too. :( :(


Read the initial post and loved it, good points there and a keen mind :)
People should 'respect' the game and other players for their achievements. Personally, I respect the ones dinging 50 for the hard work they put into it. So when I run round RvR and see a big shiny 50, I think 'he, that dude/dudette did it :) ' and one day, that middie / hibbie / albie will be yellow to me.

Secondly, I think every relic raid is a congratz, for organising it, leading the army / armies, taking the keep(s) ... Don't care about the hours since I have a rather busy job and RL (like a lot of us do) and could only go on one so far :(.
It gives you a feeling of 'yes, I was part of it'. Losing one on the other hand gives you a feeling that you must do something 'as a realm'. Might be a strange way of thinking but I must say that it saves me from a lot of the frustrations I read on this forum once in a while.

So without reading the rest of the posts, I thank Fangrim for a well-written and enjoyable post and hope he will continue to enjoy this game for a long, long time ;)

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