I've been looking at Barrysworld posts for the last weeks, and I'm amazed at how much energy people are willing to put into promoting their own realms as being all made up of fair, good, and brave players, while in the same breath trying to degrade the other realms as consisting of a bunch of lame, prideless, and cowardly players.
I'm an Albion Player, and rightly proud of it. The last relic raid made by Albion gave us 3 relics. Along with those 3 relics came innumerable posts here on BarrysWorld about the tactics used in the raid.
The most common quotes are something like:
This made me think: According to the accusations made by the other realms, the different realms consists of diffent types of people:
I wonder why that is? When I bought this game, I knew nothing about it. I chose Albion because I recognised some of the classes from RL roleplaying. I never regretted that choice. But I'm not a teenager though... I have a job that requires me to get up at 5:30 in the morning every day... I do believe I have a good Sense of Fairness, Pride, and Honour... So I guess I shouldn't be playing in Albion, or???
The only knowledge I have of Hibs/Mids are some few days of exploring your realms on the Prydwen Server, and the numerous encounters I've had with you in Emain. I remember my first explorations in Emain as a lot of paranoia, a lot of running, and a lot of death screams (my own that is...). To top all these things off, a lot of the enemy players who ganked me, sent me a bunch of /emotes, ranging from pretty neutral and humorous to the "pissing on your grave and takes a dump on your head"-kinda thingy.
That was 30 lvls ago... Today, my memories are pretty much the same I'm not a good RvR player, and I probably never will be, but seeing emotes like that kinda makes me wonder... With players like that in Hibernia and Midgard, how dare you accusing others of playing unfair? And another thing: Where's the pride in coming woth your 8-man large groups, all conning purple to someone, and ganking him? Or mezzing him for 10+ minutes, while running aroung him, sending /emotes?
I can't see much pride in that, my dear Mids and Hibs. I know that a lot of Albs do these things too, but that's just the thing that will
lead me to my point:
There is no difference in the age/matureness/pridefulness etc. in the realms. Of course some people migrate to other realms because they find the realm they are in to be boring or whatever, but that migration goes both ways. In effect all the realms are alike, when you look at the composition of the players. What differs is the planning of attacks and the execution of them.
We are all the same people playing the same game! I think that the real problem here is the fact that some realms are more succesful in their raids than others, and as such they are being scorned for their succesfulness. Envy is an evil thing - it's always easy to blame the conqueror for using dirty tricks compared to the pain of admitting one's own defeats!
So please, unless you really are better than someone else, don't speak out loud. It's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt!
Fangrim Fleetyfoot
Lvl 50 Theurgist <Illuminati>
I'm an Albion Player, and rightly proud of it. The last relic raid made by Albion gave us 3 relics. Along with those 3 relics came innumerable posts here on BarrysWorld about the tactics used in the raid.
The most common quotes are something like:
What's the challenge in pulling off a relic raid when everyone's asleep?
You attacked us in the middle of the night, when only xxx Mids were online! You losers! No pride in doing a NPC relic raid!
Of course Albion can muster a large force at 4am, coz they got nothing else to do. We (Read: The other realms) actually have jobs and a life outside DAoC! F*cking students!
This made me think: According to the accusations made by the other realms, the different realms consists of diffent types of people:
- Hibernia and Midgard players are all hard-working, fair-play loving players who actually have a Real Life, a Real Job, A Real Sense of Fairness, Pride, and Honour?
- Albion consists of kids/young adults who first of all does not have anything to get up for in the morning, and second of all does not have a sense of Fairness, Pride, and Honour?
- Being a player in Albion your sleeping pattern differs from a Hibernia or Midgard Player's. Albion players can, as they have no life and they never get out of bed before 3 o'clock in the afternoon, stay awake all night and thus muster the forces nescessary to take undefended relics?
I wonder why that is? When I bought this game, I knew nothing about it. I chose Albion because I recognised some of the classes from RL roleplaying. I never regretted that choice. But I'm not a teenager though... I have a job that requires me to get up at 5:30 in the morning every day... I do believe I have a good Sense of Fairness, Pride, and Honour... So I guess I shouldn't be playing in Albion, or???
The only knowledge I have of Hibs/Mids are some few days of exploring your realms on the Prydwen Server, and the numerous encounters I've had with you in Emain. I remember my first explorations in Emain as a lot of paranoia, a lot of running, and a lot of death screams (my own that is...). To top all these things off, a lot of the enemy players who ganked me, sent me a bunch of /emotes, ranging from pretty neutral and humorous to the "pissing on your grave and takes a dump on your head"-kinda thingy.
That was 30 lvls ago... Today, my memories are pretty much the same I'm not a good RvR player, and I probably never will be, but seeing emotes like that kinda makes me wonder... With players like that in Hibernia and Midgard, how dare you accusing others of playing unfair? And another thing: Where's the pride in coming woth your 8-man large groups, all conning purple to someone, and ganking him? Or mezzing him for 10+ minutes, while running aroung him, sending /emotes?
I can't see much pride in that, my dear Mids and Hibs. I know that a lot of Albs do these things too, but that's just the thing that will
lead me to my point:
There is no difference in the age/matureness/pridefulness etc. in the realms. Of course some people migrate to other realms because they find the realm they are in to be boring or whatever, but that migration goes both ways. In effect all the realms are alike, when you look at the composition of the players. What differs is the planning of attacks and the execution of them.
We are all the same people playing the same game! I think that the real problem here is the fact that some realms are more succesful in their raids than others, and as such they are being scorned for their succesfulness. Envy is an evil thing - it's always easy to blame the conqueror for using dirty tricks compared to the pain of admitting one's own defeats!
So please, unless you really are better than someone else, don't speak out loud. It's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt!
Fangrim Fleetyfoot
Lvl 50 Theurgist <Illuminati>