Honour and Pride in the realms???



I've been looking at Barrysworld posts for the last weeks, and I'm amazed at how much energy people are willing to put into promoting their own realms as being all made up of fair, good, and brave players, while in the same breath trying to degrade the other realms as consisting of a bunch of lame, prideless, and cowardly players.

I'm an Albion Player, and rightly proud of it. The last relic raid made by Albion gave us 3 relics. Along with those 3 relics came innumerable posts here on BarrysWorld about the tactics used in the raid.

The most common quotes are something like:

What's the challenge in pulling off a relic raid when everyone's asleep?
You attacked us in the middle of the night, when only xxx Mids were online! You losers! No pride in doing a NPC relic raid!
Of course Albion can muster a large force at 4am, coz they got nothing else to do. We (Read: The other realms) actually have jobs and a life outside DAoC! F*cking students!

This made me think: According to the accusations made by the other realms, the different realms consists of diffent types of people:
  • Hibernia and Midgard players are all hard-working, fair-play loving players who actually have a Real Life, a Real Job, A Real Sense of Fairness, Pride, and Honour?
  • Albion consists of kids/young adults who first of all does not have anything to get up for in the morning, and second of all does not have a sense of Fairness, Pride, and Honour?
  • Being a player in Albion your sleeping pattern differs from a Hibernia or Midgard Player's. Albion players can, as they have no life and they never get out of bed before 3 o'clock in the afternoon, stay awake all night and thus muster the forces nescessary to take undefended relics?

I wonder why that is? When I bought this game, I knew nothing about it. I chose Albion because I recognised some of the classes from RL roleplaying. I never regretted that choice. But I'm not a teenager though... I have a job that requires me to get up at 5:30 in the morning every day... I do believe I have a good Sense of Fairness, Pride, and Honour... So I guess I shouldn't be playing in Albion, or???

The only knowledge I have of Hibs/Mids are some few days of exploring your realms on the Prydwen Server, and the numerous encounters I've had with you in Emain. I remember my first explorations in Emain as a lot of paranoia, a lot of running, and a lot of death screams (my own that is...). To top all these things off, a lot of the enemy players who ganked me, sent me a bunch of /emotes, ranging from pretty neutral and humorous to the "pissing on your grave and takes a dump on your head"-kinda thingy.

That was 30 lvls ago... Today, my memories are pretty much the same :) I'm not a good RvR player, and I probably never will be, but seeing emotes like that kinda makes me wonder... With players like that in Hibernia and Midgard, how dare you accusing others of playing unfair? And another thing: Where's the pride in coming woth your 8-man large groups, all conning purple to someone, and ganking him? Or mezzing him for 10+ minutes, while running aroung him, sending /emotes?

I can't see much pride in that, my dear Mids and Hibs. I know that a lot of Albs do these things too, but that's just the thing that will
lead me to my point:

There is no difference in the age/matureness/pridefulness etc. in the realms. Of course some people migrate to other realms because they find the realm they are in to be boring or whatever, but that migration goes both ways. In effect all the realms are alike, when you look at the composition of the players. What differs is the planning of attacks and the execution of them.

We are all the same people playing the same game! I think that the real problem here is the fact that some realms are more succesful in their raids than others, and as such they are being scorned for their succesfulness. Envy is an evil thing - it's always easy to blame the conqueror for using dirty tricks compared to the pain of admitting one's own defeats!

So please, unless you really are better than someone else, don't speak out loud. It's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt!

Fangrim Fleetyfoot
Lvl 50 Theurgist <Illuminati>


Originally posted by old.Fangrim
We are all the same people playing the same game! I think that the real problem here is the fact that some realms are more succesful in their raids than others, and as such they are being scorned for their succesfulness. Envy is an evil thing - it's always easy to blame the conqueror for using dirty tricks compared to the pain of admitting one's own defeats!



it's always easy to blame the conqueror for using dirty tricks compared to the pain of admitting one's own defeats!

am i mistaken, or is taking 3 relics when everybody is asleep not classified as a 'dirty trick'?

yep, taking three relics is all fine and dandy, 24/7 game shite that you all go on about, but it won't earn you any respect from the other realms.

this game promotes a strong feeling of belonging to 'your realm' (just read the newbie dialogs, talking about albion scum and the like), so it is no suprise that everybody feels that their realm is the best.

It's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt!

read my sig. bottom line.


I think people need to take a break time to time, and get some fresh air, see their loved ones etc..

Some get TOO involved in these types of games.

(are you telling me after sex with your other, you are still thinking : Damn albs! took the relic at midnight new years! ?)


it doesn't matter who wins or what time or how sombody will always complain simply because they lost...stupid but thats life :)

old.Rei Ayanami

Well the fact is that you _are_ doing night raids. And i think every mid player is tired of waking up or coming back from work to see that their relics are gone.
Hell, we could probably take all relics in one night, but it ain't fun. We took 2 str relics in 2 nights primetime, and i can tell you that your pulse is up and running.
Because if u find out that you have been seen, you can except hundreds of defenders swarming the relic keep.

_That_ is what makes it all fun, i hope you see my point.

(Could we for once keep this post free from lamer comments? No offence)


cut off the albs, give them a 3rd english server with 3 realms, however all mids/hibs must be pure npc's and they must not fight back from 00.00 to 12.00 coz then its too hard.
then we can battle with the hibs and have great fun =)

I know that this is a lame comment rei, but I needed to get it out I havent flamed much since they took all 3 relics from us ;)

another thing...
/me feels like arranging a relicraid and fizzles with the thought a few mins
/me thinks, "why bother?"



OMG, have you all totally missed the post of this thread? Go back, read it again, and if you feel like flaming go back and re read it again. It's saying basically that we (all the realms) are made up the same people. Students, working class, young old, emplyed and unemplyed. Albs are no better than hibs are no better than mibs are no better than albs.

So what if we took the relic at 2 in the morning (wich IS prime time for 75%of albs) and so what if you took a relic at 3 in the afternoon, prime time for you (certainly NOT primetime in albion).

It's over, it's done, if you're still hanging on to it then I have the number of a good head shrinker for you. He just might advise you to talk a walk, meet some real people, and stop playing the game so much.

If you're THAT upset about a relic raid at ANYTIME then it should prove to you that you have either neglected your real life and goten waaaaay to into ths game or you never had a life and really should consider getting one.

Enough of the flames, everyone just kiss and hug and shake hands and get over all this nonsense


I understand your frustrations about the way the Albions pulled off the infamous 3-relic-raid. And I'd probably feel the same if it happened to me.

But you're missing the point: How come that everyone says that Albs are nocturnal creatures? That Alb primetime peaks at 2 in the morning? The Albs only attack when the enemy is sleeping because that happens to be their prime time?

<Booming Voice On:>I ASK YOU THIS!<Booming Voice Off:>

WHAT is the difference in the people who are playing Albion and the people playing Midgard/Hibernia?

Do you really think that every Albion player stays up late at night, so we can go take your relics? We don't. Some people will of course stay on later for a relic raid, but the majority of the people present in the raid are people who would have been online anyways.

And from my point of view, all realms will, by logic, have the same mix of people. Same mix of early-risers, nighthawks, 2-hours a day-players! So WHY is it that everyone complains about you not having a chance to defend your relics? You have the same chances as everyone else!

I think that you guys might consider revising your own defense, instead of flaming Albion tactics. And what's all the crap about a "late-night" thing? I was online that night (didn't participate in the raid though), and from about 23:00 CET (22:00 UK - Hardly bedtime yet???) Albion Alliance Chat started buzzing with the scouting reports. I don't remember the exact time, but it wasn't much later when the army started moving out. So I have a hard time recognising the talk about a 4:00 raid, or 6:00 raid as some even cry about. Granted, the raid wasn't over until much later, but the fact that it was started hours earlier, and thus gave you plenty of opportunity to get your defenses up or create an interception army, says more about your defence skills than albs using "dirty tricks".

Even funnier is the fact that the Albion Army moved WAY into Midgard territory before being spotted, and THAT, my dear Mids, was your downfall.

I seem to remember that Midgard AND Hibernia attacking Albion forts TOGETHER, not so long time ago. So 2 realms ganging up on the third isn't unfair to Albion? It's not unfair that Albion has to fight twice the amount of ppl? Heh... The hipocracy here is sickening.

Another thing about being "honourable" when it comes to defending/attacking keeps... Is it honourable to sit nice and tight inside your fortress and let your guards do all the nasty work, and then, when your guards are dead, you start swarming out to a crippled and healing army? Where's the honour and respect in that? In almost all the raids I've participated in, we got beaten by an inferior army who didn't show themselves until the enemy was bleeding and recovering...

What I'm saying, if you haven't gotten the message yet:

THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE PLAYER COMPOSITION IN THE THREE REALMS! So don't go blame Albion Sleeping Patterns or whatever excuse you can find, to take the topic off the painful subject of your own failed defences. ALL REALMS have EXCACTLY the same opportunities to muster an army at any given time as the other realms! Granted, there was some Albs who stayed on later than normal, but as everyone know it takes a MUCH smaller army to defend a fortress, so you had all chances to be there and defend your relics!

Fact is that Midgard defenses were down, and we were sneaky and lucky this time. Learn form your mistakes, that's the only way to evolve.


And just a little add, if we didnt take the relics, then you wouldnt be able to do your so fine and highly rated primetime raids, so go ahead, shot man shot


Originally posted by old.tRoG

am i mistaken, or is taking 3 relics when everybody is asleep not classified as a 'dirty trick'?

yep, taking three relics is all fine and dandy, 24/7 game shite that you all go on about, but it won't earn you any respect from the other realms.

this game promotes a strong feeling of belonging to 'your realm' (just read the newbie dialogs, talking about albion scum and the like), so it is no suprise that everybody feels that their realm is the best.

read my sig. bottom line.

First of all. I don't play to get respect from the other realms, I play for having fun with my m8s in Albion.

It seems like that everything happening after 11 pm GMT is "cheap" and off peaktime. How come that it's often after 11 pm the greatest RvR battles occure ?.
Regarding relics. Noone has ever taken a defended relic, so if you do it 20 pm or 01 am it's all the same. You succeed if not discovered or discovered to late and you'll probably feel the defeat if you at least not have two doors down when discovered.
So IMO are we still waiting for a succesfull relicraid against a defended relickeep. Until then all should keep their whining to themselves and start figuring out how to make a successfull raid against a defended relickeep instead.


Yeah we have the same types of players in every realm, but Albion has a greater percentage in the nighthawk category atm. So it does lead to imbalance, you take relic's at your peak time we take them at our peak time. I guess it's no one's fault, but it does make taking relics a kind of pointless task.


Maybe some day we can fight fire with fire by attacking them at about 6 or 7 am in the morning :p Then we will see who moans...


well damn sorry for been a hour behind you guys but thats life im afraid % of players in albion are british ergo they work on GMT most of peeps on hibernia/midgard arent brits and work on CET

hope u see my point


Some play to have fun and do things they enjoy in-game, others play to be #1 and "earn" the "online respect" they think they deserve, go figure..

- Odies


Hmmm all I remember was that Midgard had loads of peeps higher lvls than us at beginning and thats why they owned so much now the tables have turned and their not liking it?

Tell me I am talking crap?


Ok this is really starting to piss me off

Here are the facts for that particular raid

1. stealth army was in postition and had targeted any xpers in the area by 10-11pm gmt

2. main army was in odins by 11-12 comprised of about 150 peeps

ok so far its all pretty standard stuff, mids would not have know we were there at this point

3. on the order stealth army simutaneosly cleared the way.

you are tellin me not 1 mid raised a eyebrow at this??

4. diversion in emain consisting of 9 albs was keeping 40 mids busy for the duration of the raid

again no mids thought it strange that they didnt move or get reinforced?

5. army moved from odins to relic keep in the usual disorganized uneven fashion, and quite a bit l8r then hoped. a good 10-15 mins after stealth army struck

6. when we got near keep, scouts reported 1 or 2 defenders on the walls but we still went ahead and pulled all the guards away

the scouts on the walls were sniped when we got closer but that took time. you are seriously telling me they send out a call 2

These are the facts and they are undisputed, now there any one of those steps should have been enough to trigger mass suiciding in emain and reinforcements comin in. but instead 40 mids spent the entire duration of the raid atleast 3 hours w8ing for 8 albs to advance. there is no question u had the numbers u had the warnings. So why when the alb army started pounding on the keep doors we went being bombarded by AoE spells or massive amounts of arrows is a mystery.

As for the guys who say what is the point of attacking at night. well i think the 3 relics are a good 1, but! as was earlier stated that is prime time for alot of albs and others are willing to stay up for a event like that.

My point is simple. mids had the time and reason to get that keep defended at around 11pm gmt when they had the numbers, they didnt do it and they suffered for it

The point of this thread was to show how alike the 3 realms are we are after all part of the human race (well most of us) and as such there will always be different classes of person.

And for those people whos flames included the "albs can only take relic against npcs" bullshit, may i remind u that NOBODY has ever taken a defended relic keep, so infact every succesful relic raid has been against the npcs!

Radghast <lvl50 wiz>

"If a battle cant be one dont fight it" <sun tzu>


Constructive, well thought out criticism I give u a B+


FFS you might as all well quit ethe origional post cos your just repeating the same thing over and over and over!

The relics were undefended, Albs took them, we tired to take them back but failed.
Booooo Hoo try again later

Stop repeating each other


Originally posted by -Light-
Hmmm all I remember was that Midgard had loads of peeps higher lvls than us at beginning and thats why they owned so much now the tables have turned and their not liking it?

Depends what you mean by owned, I've not seen us get owned much in a stand up fight.


Bit off topic to the original post,
But if you were so concerened with us taking relics in the middle of the night, you would have thought ppl would have cottoned on and put some sort of defense up? I'm getting fed up saying this, but i'll say it again -

It's a war.We took your relics overnight.. our bad -hold on, we'll put them back for you, we're sorry... pfff!
IMO it's a bloody good tatic, albeit a bit lame, but as they say, if you can't beat em join them - arrange a relic raid for 3am or something :)

personally i coulden't give a XXXX if we have 6 relics, or we have 0, im just there for the fun.


Bit off topic to the original post,
But if you were so concerened with us taking relics in the middle of the night, you would have thought ppl would have cottoned on and put some sort of defense up? I'm getting fed up saying this, but i'll say it again -

It's a war.We took your relics overnight.. our bad -hold on, we'll put them back for you, we're sorry... pfff!
IMO it's a bloody good tatic, albeit a bit lame, but as they say, if you can't beat em join them - arrange a relic raid for 3am or something

personally i coulden't give a XXXX if we have 6 relics, or we have 0, im just there for the fun.

just here for the fun? do you think it's fun when you notice three of your relics have disappeared while you were :sleeping:?

war? it's a game, and, as outlined in the original post, we are all playing the same game. and, you are spoiling the game for some people who worked hard to get those relics and see their efforts taken away while they werent there to help.

if you cant beat them join them? i dont think i would sink that low as to arrange a 3am relic raid...

i'm not going to bother reading or replying to this thread anymore, its just saying the same thing over and over again and is getting quite boring.


No one has ever beaten a defended relic Tbrog yada yada yada blah blah blah park ya pram somewhere else pls


Originally posted by old.tRoG

just here for the fun? do you think it's fun when you notice three of your relics have disappeared while you were :sleeping:?

war? it's a game, and, as outlined in the original post, we are all playing the same game. and, you are spoiling the game for some people who worked hard to get those relics and see their efforts taken away while they werent there to help.

if you cant beat them join them? i dont think i would sink that low as to arrange a 3am relic raid...

This is what i have a problem with. yes i agree it is just a game, but is one that simulates a 3 way ongoing WAR! obviously it isnt totally acurate but then it not meant to be. Now aside from the blatantly obvious differences like death there really isnt that much of a difference.

Why do u think the armys of this day and age stick mostly to darkness? SUPRISE. now i realise that this is a little over the top but is a relevant point to make

Personaly i rvr for the skirmishes in emain as relic raids are kinda dull lengthy things. All i want out of it is to make sure that my realm has every advantge it can have the next time we meet in emain

Radghast <lvl 50 wiz>
"If a battle cant be won, don't fight it" <sun tzu>


Originally posted by old.tRoG

just here for the fun? do you think it's fun when you notice three of your relics have disappeared while you were :sleeping:?

war? it's a game .....


i'm not going to bother reading or replying to this thread anymore, its just saying the same thing over and over again and is getting quite boring.

Correct, it's a game based around a war between 3 realms - i.e if you throw your rattle out the pram im not going to pick it up. I don't understand why you separated game/war but nm.

Ok, so maybe you feel a little peeved that 3 relics have been stolen overnight, but I for one would relish the challange of getting them back - and if it meant staying up at 3am in the morning to do it, then so be it (work permitting!).


Originally posted by _skaven

but I for one would relish the challange of getting them back - and if it meant staying up at 3am in the morning to do it, then so be it (work permitting!).

Err..it aint a challenge getting em back at 8pm in the evening anymore. Just kinda boring now. We in Midgard have been there, sent the postcard etc etc. And you start asking yourself "Whats the point?" Real estate is much more valuable than antiquity (Ruebens paintings aside). Much more fun to own Albion frontier and treat it as an extention of Midgard ;)

Just a bit hilarious that when I turn up with 1FG for a bit of fun in Sauvage now (as I am prone to do) it gets infested with the local riff raff of the headless chicken variety running to Excalibur. Come on Albs, Cutting Edge can take a keep with less than 1FG, but we aint superhuman....a relic's a bit out of our league ;)


Originally posted by Killgorde

Just a bit hilarious that when I turn up with 1FG for a bit of fun in Sauvage now (as I am prone to do) it gets infested with the local riff raff of the headless chicken variety running to Excalibur. Come on Albs, Cutting Edge can take a keep with less than 1FG, but we aint superhuman....a relic's a bit out of our league ;)

Ahh was that your group this evening near excal on the road which slaughtered us? Was on our way to excal because we heard that a huge force of mids were on there way there, but it was a false alarm and a few of us got arrowed in the arse by finster on the way back.


Finsters a SB m8, I don't think you got arrowed by him, although I wouldn't put it past him :D


Opp, arrowed/Buggerd up the ass - same thing aint it? :x
definatly finster tho, saw his name pop up.. twice.. grrr.

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