Honour and Chivalry



As a role player I find honour and chivalry a big part of the game for me and I take it for granted everyone else is the same when I know I should not. This was brought home to me yesterday morning by three Midguard trolls when I ventured out from Druim Cain to the area of the grovewoods.
Before anyone starts to say “if you go out into the frontier expect to be killed” I know that and it is a risk even for the Migaurdians who were Melenko, Tralala and Bonge. It was not that I complain about dying at their hand it was the way they did it. They waited till I was in battle with a grovewood then attacked me from behind hitting me with all their might. This tells me there is no honour or chivalry in Midguard. I take it as Melenko was orange to me he must have been a level 50 player and I am not sure what the level of the other two were. As a healer and not a real battling class being hit by a tree and three trolls I was soon dead and easy meat and points to the three cowards.
How proud all Midguard must be of such cowardly acts committed by their top men, if they had let me finish my battle with the tree then took my life I would never have been forced to write this.
I wish to say that I condemn all acts of this type of behaviour no matter who commits them and from what realm they live in, a bit more honour and chivalry would make the frontier a much nicer place to be in.
Mind you I suppose that is asking too much of some.

Lanaan lvl 40x Druid.


Well as a roleplayer surely you can understand that Trolls kill you, tree or no tree.

Roleplay is NOT honour and chivalry. Roleplay is anything you want.

The people you met could be roleplaying 'Troll bastards' who waited till the could kill you easily. Midgard is full of savages, viewed by many as the 'evil' realm. Don't expect them all to come to your aid and play fair.

Honour and chivalry is your roleplay, not everybody elses. Personally I think it makes the game more interesting. It's fun to meet mean people out there.


yep, same happens many times when our roleplaying mid 20´s are xp:n in yggdra, some invaders who dont understand this kill them, just middle, before or after battle.
same happend to when was hitting one mob in our frontier, 3 hib mages kill me when was ressing after glorious and succesfull fight against mob who threat my realmfellows.
xp death and long walk back.

sadly your wiev these "brave" hibs, and offcourse albs who kill half their lvl in yggdra are in mission! killing evly middies, but if same happend to you? ........


Let me get this right, so you think that Yggdra or any frontier zone should be left alone by all the potential invaders due to 20s levelling there.... Sad really, but i was a mid once and i did xp in yggdra and the only thing that made the life at 20s not so frustrating was a chance to actually get a piece of action. Besides once again as an x mid i can say that Yggdra is never undefended in prime hunting hours or aint that so, Tuppe :)
Imho Yggdra is becoming ever more pop with passing days.

Roleplay.... well technically everyone here roleplays due to the fact that we have to play enemies... enemies that should engage each other on sight... not be friendly and understandible...
I although agree that griefkilling doesnt earn you any good graces.



It's not all level 45 people running to Yggdra ganking everybody in sight (Although it does happen). Some of the time, it's a place for level 20's from other realms to experience real RvR.

An exp kill is sometimes unavoidable for some and they regret doing it. (Well I don't, my character thinks it's funny) It happens though and in my opinion, it's a good thing.

Having spoken to a few Mids, they like Yggdra BECAUSE of the invaders. Stop acting like you all hate Yggdra and you have no-where else to go because we know you love it! :D


I was at the grovewoods when this happened and the 3 trolls did exactly the same to me and my guildmate who was killing the grovewoods. They also waited until we started to fight and then jumped us. And if we was roleplaying properly there are laws of war and I have no respect for people potentially causing an exp death. If they wanted to fight us they should have waited until we finished killing the grovewood.

If they had waited until we killed the grovewood I'm sure Lanaan would have seen, but I'm sure 3 lvl 50 Trolls can kill a lvl 37 enchanter, 38 eldritch and abit higher lvl Druid (not sure what lvl you are Lanaan), unless these Trolls were to weak and cowardly to face us properly. I find this behaviour pretty lame


Lets all laugh at the three trolls..

So crap that three of them can't even take a druid several levels below them without the help from a tree..

Brannor McThife

Ok...chivalry is in my view, purely inrealm...

As for honour well, yes...that depends on your realm.

Hibbies are supposed to frolick up to you, seduce you, and then sacrifice you to some tree. ;)

Middies are supposed to kill you, drag your corpse around the forest, feed you to their hounds, and make mugs out of your skull. They don't care for your level.

Albions, well, they're supposed to be honourable. The paladin code states that you should not attack anyone by surprise or an unarmed foe. Also, I see it as dishonourable to slay greys if you're an Albion, period.

But, that's all just RP...and everyone is free to chose as they please.



Well then, we'll go with the pretence that those tr00ls were RPing sadistic blood loving bastards. Just like the rest of Midgard then :)

Thats why I love it there :)

I'm From Midgard And I'm 'Ard!™


Originally posted by ivan_russky
Let me get this right, so you think that Yggdra or any frontier zone should be left alone by all the potential invaders due to 20s levelling there.... Sad really, but i was a mid once and i did xp in yggdra and the only thing that made the life at 20s not so frustrating was a chance to actually get a piece of action. Besides once again as an x mid i can say that Yggdra is never undefended in prime hunting hours or aint that so, Tuppe :)
Imho Yggdra is becoming ever more pop with passing days.

Roleplay.... well technically everyone here roleplays due to the fact that we have to play enemies... enemies that should engage each other on sight... not be friendly and understandible...
I although agree that griefkilling doesnt earn you any good graces.


i enjoy now again game whit my new alt, but needed to be little sarcastic when notice some other complaining about frontier deads.
its ok to me, sometimes ;) if just get speed when chasing those invaders in yggdra, this dont mean horse from hugginfel to audliten, jump and run :).

had fun once when guildmate say there was blue hib exploring between hmg and hpk in odins, first thinking gona punish him little but when arrived there, naah, respect his bravery and leave peace.
play nice and zerg when need, means allways.


Originally posted by old.tuppe

i enjoy now again game whit my new alt, but needed to be little sarcastic when notice some other complaining about frontier deads.
its ok to me, sometimes ;) if just get speed when chasing those invaders in yggdra, this dont mean horse from hugginfel to audliten, jump and run :).

had fun once when guildmate say there was blue hib exploring between hmg and hpk in odins, first thinking gona punish him little but when arrived there, naah, respect his bravery and leave peace.
play nice and zerg when need, means allways.

if i was RP'ing Trubadur I'd be blowing kisses to him, since he's a hibbie :)

but if he was an alb id be running after the thing at mach 5 ramming my hammer up its arse... cons? who cares if its purple or gray, its an alb, I MUST KILL IT!

if i was RP'ing Lull well, since he's an 'Ard 'Ibbie™ I wouldnt be able to kill this hibster. But regardless of realm with Lull I would be all gentle like, and nice. Maybe I would cast a few self buffs to show the nice person how friendly i am, and that anyspell i cast will be defensive. Then, when the little person gets near enough I INSANELY SMACK THE PBAOE BUTTON OVER AND OVER AGAIN LIKE A BLEEDING MANIAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See how different characters react differently to different things?

Even I, as the same player RPing two chars may do different things depending on who im playing.

And, if someone isnt RPing then theyll go over and smack you whenever they feel like it, no laws for them.


heh.. as a player I'm kinda unstable when it comes to killing enemies in other frontiers :) usually it's like a 50/50 between XP kill or no XP kill :) (really depends on my mood that day)

But, from a roleplayers view on this I find it as a warrior I'm really a nice person, but I often get drunk and kill every enemy I see, xp-death or no xp-death.. aye, brink me some more mead!
(come to the conclusion that whatever I do I will find a roleplay reason for it, almost stopped killing Sleipnirsons in raumarik because of my guild being Odins Guard of Honour in english and Sleipnir is Odins horse, but I continued killing them because Sleipnir is a too big a stud and needed some birthcontrol and anyways, Odin was real drunk that day and didn't notice :D)

'ard as TroG would say it ;)


Boring boring boring. Can't someone lock this topic. We have had these conversations a million times in a million different topics. That is roleplaying. I always roleplay when I rvr and I pretend to hate everything that isn't albion. As for killing enemies. I enjoy killing them in the meanest most dishonourable way possible. XP killing?? I love it.


i agree with main poster exp killers are lamers . wether they be from my realm or a enemy realm . yea sure some will say dont goto frontier if u dont wana get exp killed or lame killed when in battle with a mob .
but imo it showsthe cowardness of the attacker if they have to exp kill .

therearea lot peeps who dont exp kill . great examplehappened to me only yesterday in hadrians wall . i was helpinga guild mate with his 40epic "im lvl 43 he was lvl 40" we gotto the epic spot for his mob to spawn killed it rested then a lvl 50 celt "Trapp" shot the lvl 40 . and where he was camped he was definatly there when we wereaacking the mob for epic . and could easily of killed one of us or even both with help from the mob . but he acted with honour and at least waited till we were done and rested , even though he didnt manage to kill us coshe musta missed his crit istill respect thehonor he had in not exp killing us :) ,,

ive also done the same thing when i went on my epic in hadrians blue con norse gotaggro'd by a wayslayer and they were both extremely low on hp . imo the norse was gonna dieso i finishedoif the wayslayer for him , and he sat down to regen and i sat down next to him waiting for him to get full hp so i could kill him . hemusta respected me helping him from aexp death and when he had full hp he just stayed sta down for me to kill him :) ..

what i think is funny though . is that those who do exp kill always seem to say "Well ive been exp killed by <name> so im gonna do it" , its funny that they think stooping down as low as the person who killed them will make it ok . thats like saying thosehibs/mids hide iside the wall in keep raids spo ill do it :( ok maybe a badexample but you know what i mean , and they always seem to make it look as though all enemys exp kill when in fact its only a small % of each realm that like to grief kill others .


Brannor, I agree with your post entirely.

I also think that causing an xp death is not a nice thing to do, but if you are complaining in a roleplaying environment then you should get your acts together: what has xp got to do with roleplay ? These are 2 different aspects of the game, friend. To a certain extend, you are mixing 'technology' and roleplay.

"Forgivest me, my honoured enemy, but kindly refrain from using thy mighty sword on my while I am in combat with this foe... because the little blue bar on the right hand side of my monitor will go down"... that does not work with me.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
The paladin code states that you should not attack anyone by surprise or an unarmed foe. -G

Can anyone show me an unarmed foe, anywhere, on any realm ?


Personally I don't want anyone to be 'nice' to me out there, I take my chances and suffer the consequences.
Gaining xp is the grind of the game, fighting peeps is the FUN!!

Doesn't matter how high you get , someone's gonna whack yer @ss.

Brannor McThife

Actually. If the enemy player does a lot more damage to you than said creature...i.e. they jump you right as you start attacking the mob and they're purple to you and gank you in two hits, well, you won't get an XP death...or shouldn't...

As for unarmed foes, "Tis but a scratch!" ;)



I RP my character as a mid/hib hating psychopath. Anything non-albion of any con gets the chop. Happy now? :p

Hibbies are supposed to frolick up to you, seduce you, and then sacrifice you to some tree
That sounds like fun, up to the sacrifice part... normally hibs just blast me to ash with magic. :p


Originally posted by Dannyn
That sounds like fun, up to the sacrifice part... normally hibs just blast me to ash with magic. :p

Now that's a fun idea - can you imagine if Mythic put in the animation of your character getting nuked like Tom gets burnt in Tom and Jerry? You know... bottom to top, all black, then suddenley flakes into a pile of ash on the floor?


<wanders off chuckling>

Uncle Sick(tm)

I laugh at all them nancy, teenage boy xp killers... har har.
How can you xp kill an Enchanter? Hardly...
The pet engages the mob... so what can the evul invader (tm)(help me with the ASCII here, tr0G) do?

He attacks the pet? Then the pet starts smacking the invader, gets healed, invader nuked tralala. or I just plain, old book it while evul invader is busy with friend Underhill.
If you max out your Enchantment Mastery the pet is strong- can even take out a red invader when healed/assisted.

So the invader kills me. Nothing gained... but surely nothing lost.

Hibbies are supposed to frolick up to you, seduce you, and then sacrifice you to some tree.
Oh... love that :)


Mez you, kill the pet, let mr mob have his wicked way. Easy :D

Uncle Sick(tm)

Hehe... no one has had this smart idea yet... thanks alot, Dannyn.

On the other hand... the other day we attacked a con orange dwarf and a yellow troll berserker.
Dwarf mezzed me (of course).. then both of them tried to smack my pet quickly which I had sicked on the healer.

Dwarf's health went down steadily.. Underhill barely took a scratch (and good, old Underhill always gets a full buff from my good druid partner).... Mez wore off... I started PBAOE nuking (should have booked it - but hey...) and nearly had the dwarf.

Troll came over and killed me in two hits...

The point is: your tactic might work.. but Underhills are tough mommas.

Lafala Arifel

Originally posted by Jupitus

Now that's a fun idea - can you imagine if Mythic put in the animation of your character getting nuked like Tom gets burnt in Tom and Jerry? You know... bottom to top, all black, then suddenley flakes into a pile of ash on the floor?
Well if they do that, then I want to see the eyeballs-on-elastic animation when something nasty destealths right in front of you.


Originally posted by Lafala Arifel

Well if they do that, then I want to see the eyeballs-on-elastic animation when something nasty destealths right in front of you.

We could also have the cash register eyes for Hendrick when someone asks 'are player crafted weapons better than drops?'


The tongue rolling onto the ground for Jup and almost any female alb in plate


The running off the cliff, hesitating in mid air, before plummeting to the ground for players lagging at the north coast in Cornwall



my pet can't hold aggro off a 38 eldritch for long.

and you're right there sickofit. pets are very tough :) . Shame they ignore them most of the time :(

Although there was one time when I sent in my pet and hid in some trees. kept healing my pet and they couldn't figure out where I was. they managed to kill the pet after about 10 seconds (purple con paladin I think and some cleric). they never found me ... until I tried nuking the cleric :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

I want some of some of those ACME traps to catch those Meep! Meep! speedsong maniacs... har har har


Actually sick, my normal enchanter tactic is to not xp kill them. I mez the pet, dd/mez the chanter, wait for dd timers, dd/stun/melee the chanter. Chanter dies, pet goes with it.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Yup- that's how it should be done (not that I would condone it..;))

Still ... some people don't get the idea and go for the pet instead of the Lurikeen. Fine by me :)

Uncle Sick(tm)


What is a minstrel without his speed-crack? A sitting duck.

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