Home decorating.



Picking up from summat TdC said about his bathroom, and having never lived by meself (straight from Mums to co-habitting).........

Would men bother with decorating unless pestered by women? I only ask because I was up until about 11.30 last night (not very late admittedly, but I was at work at 5 this morning) rubbing down skirting boards in our lounge. Now Im pretty sure if I didnt live with ma woman, that I would prolly have either:

A. Been down the pub, pissed

B. Been on the PC, pissed

C. Been round at some mates Jub celebrations, pissed.

Definatley not rubbing down fecking skirting boards. Perhaps we do it to build up credits? 2hrs work on the house = 1/2 play time. 2hrs work on the house = 5mins sexual favours. 2hrs work on the house = 1pint of lager (not in the pub)

What is the opinion of the solo living men amongst us?


Given a choice I would say no, but when we moved into our first house(still together a year and a half later)it was such a shit hole we had no choice, every single room needed doing, we have just finished the hall and stairs and now every room is done, got to hand it to samm though, because I work crappy hours she kinda did the majority of it. I feel for ya man, I really do, decorating was invented by satan himself!


Well, we got ours as a derilict shite hole farm house 8 yrs ago, and had to do it in a hurry for morgage reasons (you can have the money, if you do it up first :eek: ) so were on the 2nd go, but I could have lived with it for another, maybe, 10 years I reckon.


I probably would of lived with it if it was up to me, although we did have wallpaper that was printed with a brick effect, must say that was VERY tasteful:eek:


Unless you're a complete neanderthal or a lazy fat slob then you should take pride in where you live.

I love decorating (well,I love the planning of it more than the actual doing of it) and buying nice furniture and stuff. No, I'm not gay. Being a part-time photographer too, I really enjoy incorporating some of my work into the house too.

Having said that I haven't bothered with this house too much because it's rented, and the landlady (although fit) is a pain in the arse.

I'm buying a new house at the end of the year (cash, no mortgage!) and am already looking forward to decking the place out :)

Testin da Cable

it is due to the ladies aiiiii :)

if it were really up to me [really] I'd be living *looks around* in a comfortable dark hole somewhere with a phat net connection. perhaps I am the neanderthal perplex mentioned ;) no natural light would be allowed in. I'd have a nice couch or two to chill with my mates. I would have a huge telly, or better still a digital projector and a massive stereo system with large [very large] speakers. the livingroom would be so arranged that the primary couch would be in the sweetspot of both audio and video input, no turning of my head heh...must be in-line with my input dear. set up of all other stuff in the room is secondary to the above. oh aye: clean means there is a place to sit.

it's been like that. in the past. up to about half way through my first 'serious' relationship :(
Anita was bitching about my layout so she changed it. While changing it she bitched about my hifi stuff, my speakers, my telly, my pootas. They were too big, too black, too promenantly placed. They weren't tucked away in ickle nooks and corners. She bitched about everything I owned! Everything! I put my foot down when it came to her hiding my pootas in a closet somewhere though :eek: Anyway, in all honesty I like the planning and build-up to doing stuff to your house. The actually work I like less: a DIY king TdC is not. Thus some contracter will be doing my bathroom.

right chuffed with it now though...:)


Originally posted by testin_da_cable
Anyway, in all honesty I like the planning and build-up to doing stuff to your house. The actually work I like less: a DIY king TdC is not. Thus some contracter will be doing my bathroom.

Exactly :) Added to which I'm eyeing up some plasma TVs at the moment :D Always wanted to have my TV mounted on the wall

Testin da Cable


*runs off screaming*

well that's what you get for typing early in the morning heh



What kind of photography do you do Perplex? If its pre watershed, can we get a butchers at it?


Kenny is terrible at getting motivated for DIY. Yet, peversely I'm not allowed to do it myself. Last time I got arsey about this impedement upon my civil liberties I ended up bribing the taxi company across the road to put up the shelves I'd started on, and fleeing to Homebase with a drill bit firmly jammed into a drill. Apparently where I'd been going wrong was using the wrong size drill bit. Which was for timber not walls. And drilling in reverse. So, I'm now banned. But without a cattle prod its notoriously hard to get Kenny to do any DIY (unless it involves placing his speakers in optimum position, at which point we will incorporate graphs, six figure grid references, and the latest research on acoustic vibrations in order to maximise the surround sensation).

If I ask him to do it repeatedly, I'm a nag, and therefore he won't do it on principle.

If I ask him once he'll say ok, soon, and never ever do it.

If I don't ask him he simply won't do it.

I may well appear on one of those DIY programmes one day as the wife with the twitching eye and psychotic outbursts of rage when asked to explain why the bathroom is made of cardboard.


Originally posted by Damini

What kind of photography do you do Perplex? If its pre watershed, can we get a butchers at it?

Heh, I'd love to but so much of it is in a half finished state that I wouldn't be happy showing any of it off.

One of the several projects I'm looking at currently involves getting my mates/gf/family etc to shave their heads with a razor (bic shave, kojak style) so I can take architectural photos of their heads (plan, front, back, each side, top) and them lay the photos out on a wall in the same way architects lay out building plans for example (Unfortunately I've recieved many 'fuck offs'....even though it's all in the name of art :()

You'd be amazed at quite how different peoples skulls are, and how similar some types are to others. It's almost as if we evolved from different species of monkeys.

What else....hmmm, another is a project I'm working on to take a 360 degree photograph of an area near Ipswich that has lovely rolling hills and a river on one side, and a wierd surreal industrial plant in the other direction. I'm setting up a tripod, taking photos in a sweeping circle of everything, then scanning them all intot he PC.

From that point on with a bit of manipulation I'm going to have a "border" in my study but not of the wierd wallpaper roll stuff, but of clipframes. Each clipframe will have a slice of the scene flowing around the room in a complete circle. Will be nice if I time sunset/sunrise correctly :)

Anyway, just a few examples of the type of shit/wierd stuff I do :)


Originally posted by Perplex
Unless you're a complete neanderthal or a lazy fat slob then you should take pride in where you live.



Dont get me wrong, I have an emense amount of pride in the house weve got, its taken us 8 years to get it something like a really nice place to live and at the end of the day, Im the one paying the mortgage. It just seems to me to be a womans perogative, just as you thought that you had finished the place, to want to start all over again, when personally, I would prefer to leave as-is for a bit.

But hey, thats women for ya.

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