Please? Even if it's only for a day so we can test it - please?
O old.[EoD]Riz Guest Sep 28, 1999 Thread starter #2 But then nobody will ever play Quake again... mind you with UT that's gonna happen anyway! /me seconds
But then nobody will ever play Quake again... mind you with UT that's gonna happen anyway! /me seconds
M mookie Guest Sep 28, 1999 Thread starter #3 /me thirds ------------------ ------------------------- icq:17129916
O old.frankie Guest Sep 28, 1999 Thread starter #4 letme see f9 account = screwed bw dial up = busy freeserve = screwed getting the update now, cant wait to see it all. as it now it beats all the competition. /me 500's it ------------------ ------------------------- =DI=DR_FRANKENSTIEN
letme see f9 account = screwed bw dial up = busy freeserve = screwed getting the update now, cant wait to see it all. as it now it beats all the competition. /me 500's it ------------------ ------------------------- =DI=DR_FRANKENSTIEN
O old.Monyet Guest Oct 1, 1999 Thread starter #5 Just moving this topic to the top so more ppl will see it hopefully
T TedTheDog Guest Oct 4, 1999 Thread starter #6 Heh, yes, we have seen the thread. Magic hardware wand still at the menders. More on that "soon" (dont ask) Ted
Heh, yes, we have seen the thread. Magic hardware wand still at the menders. More on that "soon" (dont ask) Ted