Kathal said:So what does SMs have that makes them SOOOO uber in caster vs caster fights??
Tosen said:Hiz: It was crushWhat I always use on Crit shot
And I have 45bow + 10% dmg etc...
Comos said:Well at least you can win now![]()
I won more than I lost on my hunter and SM. A LOT more. Yey go me etc.Septina said:Now go make some more rp's on the only char you can handle![]()
I use 2 question marks. Not 1, not 5. I use 2. Get over it.Eva said:Less question marks.. ~~
Far from every fight start at max range of ns/bolts. What makes sm ops is that lifetap + intercepting pets. Only lifetap is usefull vs casters of that. But you got alot more tools like mezz, dex debuffs. If you can't play the class decent don't cry about it and roll the next op thing since you think people are better than you because of their class, because that's far from true.
Skald was never fotm or OP, but do you need that to play it? Skald is a very fun class to play and was in most groups pre toa so wouldn't be hard to get a group. If you can play your class that is.
COULD it be I had 2 accounts and I used my 2 SMs to do artifacts etc?? Both SMs have been Dark, Supp and Summ. You know about respect stones right??anioal said:don't try to explain him anything, if u check his sig u will notice that he has 2 spiritmasters, both specced on summoning and even with that i bet he doens't know he can have a chain stunning pet.
he really doesn't know what is a life tap, a mezz, a dex debuff, a pbaoe, a root (so what if it's a base spell? there is no need for root when u'r focusing with a ml9 pet)![]()
Again what good is my pet vs casters where the fights start at max range?? Does it intercept nukes and NS??Dafft said:ml9 intercept pet
Wont comment on your rr ding as you know that playing cocklock is easymode so well done on wasting almost 3 months of your life
still 44% crush resist though - PD5 ftw!
Ohh, what a comeback cowGryni said:yeah![]()
Kathal said:You know about respect stones right??
Kathal said:26% crush from items + 28% crush from PD5. 26 + 28 = 54% afaik. Btw I only have PD4.
anioal said:yep, the dude is really convinced that spiritmasters are crap and only because he losts some fights vs sorc and prolly a caba or a eld
i will try to put it this way... caster vs caster is all about who manages to win the intrerupts war or who manages to get the jump on the opponent... u know a caster can drop in 2-4 casts and that's roughly 2-4 seconds for a well kited caster IF he's not intrerupted.
again, stop the bulshiting about caster vs caster fights because in those situations u need to be really fast in decisions and button spammin to win... and praise god that u dont have to fight warlocks and bonedancers cause my chanter had a much hard time against those then against alb casters
censi said:its not actually the class.
its the fact that he plays it like all the other warlocks out their bar none.
Its got to the stage where no one really wants to attack WL's cuz of the insta damage so basically they run around and chamber anything without exception, and this unfortunetly includes anyone having a meaningfull fight on a different class...
Im sorry to say it hiz but you are an adder extreme... and you play the class exactly the same as all the other dickheads that cant cut it on normal classes. BD WL SM its all the same in my book. They cannot resist adding.
again.... if you make your gratz thread in the RVR forum not your realm forum or you /gc... you are looking for mass exposure... but ofc you also get the reactions of other players apart from your friends.... So accept that criticism rather than just the Hah WL QQ etc!
that fact that again (as in the case of killsemba) the community unanimously gives you the big finger confirms that you are a worthless player... I know you aint gonna like or accept that statement but just think about it from a neutral standpoint for 5 minutes... your mentality epitomises everything thats bad about the game... You have no desire to stick with a class based on playstyle against performance.. if they invented the new and improved warlock mark II tommorrow you would reroll quicker than you could say "fotm no skill mofo"... and your playstyle or lack of it would be exactly the same on the new warlock.
WL's ofc are bad for the game but tbh they are just a platform for newbs to have some sucess, its the player that abuses it not the OP class thats the problem really.
So ur Ranger never add? That is add class nr 1.
about 25. Now go back in your hole.Faen said:Everybody presses a few buttons in case u dont know
A WL neds to push 2-3 buttons and after that 1 button before next spell that means if 2 chambers: 2 bottons then 2 more for the next spell and if u need to cast another spell its 2 more totall of 6, (7 if 3 chambers and 8 if 4 chambers) buttons pushed
Then comes the loading part (chambers)...thats 3 buttons pushed on each chamberthat means 9 buttoms pushed if 3 chambers before u go to war.
How many buttons do a Sorc/wiz or enchanter/eld push?????
WL ftw![]()
I have about 35 respec stones atm. 23 of them are sold for our alliance. But what do you want me to respect?? My SMs or . . . ??Septina said:Holy hell, didnt know you could buy such stones, you better hurry and get three dozen... looks like you could use em![]()
Max range fights, max range. If its all about winning the interrupt war then how am I going to win a fight where I’m NSed or mezzed from max range?? Ohh and what about hib casters?? Is it all about winning the interrupt war with those too or just to avoid the stun?? If I’m stunned and purge is down the hib stun is a “I win button” and it still is vs WLs if you jump them.anioal said:i will try to put it this way... caster vs caster is all about who manages to win the intrerupts war or who manages to get the jump on the opponent... u know a caster can drop in 2-4 casts and that's roughly 2-4 seconds for a well kited caster IF he's not intrerupted.
again, stop the bulshiting about caster vs caster fights because in those situations u need to be really fast in decisions and button spammin to win... and praise god that u dont have to fight warlocks and bonedancers cause my chanter had a much hard time against those then against alb casters
I respect a duel if I see one, but if I see 2 albs on 2 mid I have no problems killing the alb that’s on 100% (ie the one the mid isn’t fighting). I have no problems with killing 1 alb fighting 1 hib. If I kill an alb/hib that a mid was having a 1 vs 1 with I usually apologise. If I’m watching a 1 vs 1 and there is a FG albs/hibs inc I kill the hib/alb and hide. The FGs steamroll the fight anyways. If I see an arranged duel at Bled I WILL end it. If I see a FG vs FG I WILL add on the fight. I’m a WL and none spare me so why shouldn’t I addcensi said:Im sorry to say it hiz but you are an adder extreme... and you play the class exactly the same as all the other dickheads that cant cut it on normal classes. BD WL SM its all the same in my book. They cannot resist adding.
HAHAHAHHA!!!! So the whole community is against ME. Well there have been albs that have borrowed mid accounts that have PMed me a gratz on the rr. There have been hibs that have given me a gratz. And ofc a lot of mids ingame.censi said:that fact that again (as in the case of killsemba) the community unanimously gives you the big finger confirms that you are a worthless player... I know you aint gonna like or accept that statement but just think about it from a neutral standpoint for 5 minutes... your mentality epitomises everything thats bad about the game... You have no desire to stick with a class based on playstyle against performance.. if they invented the new and improved warlock mark II tommorrow you would reroll quicker than you could say "fotm no skill mofo"... and your playstyle or lack of it would be exactly the same on the new warlock.
Kathal said:There are some classes out there that are just as OP as the WL and they are not ruining the game.
There will always be some chars that are on of the food chain and atm its WLs. Deal with it and stop whining.
Calo said:Censi, did you ever enjoyed playing this game?
the ammount you whine makes me believe you are forced to play this.
Ogen said:about 25. Now go back in your hole.
Kathal said:Max range fights, max range. If its all about winning the interrupt war then how am I going to win a fight where I’m NSed or mezzed from max range?? Ohh and what about hib casters?? Is it all about winning the interrupt war with those too or just to avoid the stun?? If I’m stunned and purge is down the hib stun is a “I win button” and it still is vs WLs if you jump them.
Funny thing you should mention spamming buttons. WL is the only class where THAT doesn’t work. You have to time every single nuke instead of just lining up the next spell..
Kathal said:HAHAHAHHA!!!! So the whole community is against ME. Well there have been albs that have borrowed mid accounts that have PMed me a gratz on the rr. There have been hibs that have given me a gratz. And ofc a lot of mids ingame.
Btw one of the best, if not THE best caster in the game have rolled a WL now. Did he just morph into a crapy player and a retard irl??
I think stun ruins the game. I think long range NS ruins the game. I think sorc mezz ruins the game and so on. . . . HELL no. There are some classes out there that are just as OP as the WL and they are not ruining the game.
There will always be some chars that are on of the food chain and atm its WLs. Deal with it and stop whining.
Zahr said:and i must add add add add add add, same goes 4 comos![]()
You would be surprised how many 1on1s I stay out of
censi said:no he wouldnt your a fucking adder supreme