Historical errors



As a World war 2 enthusiast I have recently been reading up on special force you may all have heard of, the SAS or something like that. Some very interesting stories about the original members, David Stirling being captured by a dentist then escaping then being recaptured and sold to the Nazis by an arab for several boxes of tea. Anyway, so far I have not read or seen anything about the SAS that suggested they were spies, they were either for surveilence and or an aggressor force, they carried out raids in full combat gear for several reasons, one I'm guessing is that being captured by the enemy in civillian clothing or in uniform other than your own meant you could be shot on spying charges.
So why was there an SAS officer, on his own, in civillian clothing, spying on the Nazis in this game? Then in the next mission he was dressed in a Nazi uniform. The SAS only took to doing this sort of thing in Ireland against the IRA and even then it was usually to blend in with another bunch of regular squaddies or marine commandos.
Also, and I haven't checked the dates in the game on this so I may be wrong, the SAS may have been working in Italy and Greece but in the run up to the D-day landing they were working with the marquis to stop the Nazis resupplying their beach defences (Its quite possible that the D-day landings would have been a different story had these missions not gone ahead, guess the French had to help at some point) so why was this particular SAS soldier not working with the SBS and the SRS? (two divisions of the SAS at this point)

I know its being picky but it just goes to show American ignorance to the British involvement in the second world war and the fact that its beyond them to actually research something for once.
Bloody yanks!


You have far too much time on your hands.
Try masturbating.

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