Hibs why ?

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Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Hmm...what can I say...LOL...

What can I say...

People sitting around drunk at home alone going PVE on stuff in daoc and thinking they are cool, hmm...

People abusing (not BUGabusing but still abusing) classes that were never meant to work in the way it does, killing 50-70 mids within 8 seconds, and not understanding why that can be annoing to others, hmm...

People using the moronic daoc expression n00b, not understanding just where on that scale it puts them, hmm...lol

Makes one wonder doesnt it...?

Now, the above statements are ofc a minority but hey its still hilarious to read their posts!:) Quite alot of the posts have decent answeres to the questions though. So thanks for those!:) Hibs taking revenge on mids, not caring about albs having extra relics etc, are all nice and valid explenations which was what I was after.

But I do think that from now on mids should forget about their own relics and start going to hibland to get hib relics instead...that will most probably bring albs there too and within no time at all mids will have atleast 1 relic. I know thats what Ill try to do anyway!:) And ofc it will bring alot of rps hib way from both albs and mids so they cant complain either!:)



Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
so not one of those 50-70 mids actually spotted the fg hibs coming? this wouldnt be the same mids that got wiped by 2fg albs at another keep would it?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
so basiclly what ur saying is that ur pissed cause hibs wont team up with u?
whats the matter? hibguard breaking up? xD

ps. and do u honestly think hibs want mids to have relics instead of albs? Oo


Fledgling Freddie
May 17, 2004
theres no "higher" motive why hibs attacked both mid and alb zerg yesterday....just wanted action and there was really only 2 places to get it......at albzerg or at midzerg...nothing else to fight.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
charmangle said:
I just have to ask myself why hibs are working so hard against mids getting their relics back from albs...

All day hibs has been falling mids in the rear or taking towers to prevent port for mids.

What is the reason ? One might think that you actually would think it good if albs didnt have 4 relics...or one migth even think that you would repay the help you get in getting back your own relic and defending your relic...but no...

Just want a decent answere, and I really hope its not just coz some hibs brains shut down and they were bored and lazy at the same time, deciding to pve towercaptains and just going for whatever is closest ?


FO, QQ we cant do it.... hibs must help us.... that makes all the fking alb whine true... that mids cant take stuff from albs whitout hibs!! thats just lame.

think what are you asking


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 11, 2005
charmangle said:
What can I say...

People sitting around drunk at home alone going PVE on stuff in daoc and thinking they are cool, hmm...

People abusing (not BUGabusing but still abusing) classes that were never meant to work in the way it does, killing 50-70 mids within 8 seconds, and not understanding why that can be annoing to others, hmm...

People using the moronic daoc expression n00b, not understanding just where on that scale it puts them, hmm...lol

Makes one wonder doesnt it...?

Now, the above statements are ofc a minority but hey its still hilarious to read their posts!:) Quite alot of the posts have decent answeres to the questions though. So thanks for those!:) Hibs taking revenge on mids, not caring about albs having extra relics etc, are all nice and valid explenations which was what I was after.

But I do think that from now on mids should forget about their own relics and start going to hibland to get hib relics instead...that will most probably bring albs there too and within no time at all mids will have atleast 1 relic. I know thats what Ill try to do anyway!:) And ofc it will bring alot of rps hib way from both albs and mids so they cant complain either!:)


We had 2 bains in the grp that killed all those albs, replace them with chanters & we would probably still have have killed them. FG's with pbaoe have been killing zergs in tight spots since rvr begun.

If mids have been trying to relic raid, how come there up the wrong end of Alb ? With the same effort that they have put into taking the keeps at the top of Alb frontier put into taking a keep that actually holds a mid relic, they might actually have one (or more) of there relics back now.

Also (i may be wrong here) i think mids have to have there own relics before they can take Hibs (or did that get changed?) .. if so relic raiding hib will just give albs all the relics again, but then again, if that happened Hibs get to whine about Albguard.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
all i see is hibgard and someone mentiond albgard

where is MIDGARD :eek6:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 17, 2004
Jergiot said:
ps. and do u honestly think hibs want mids to have relics instead of albs? Oo


If we (mids) gets the relics back, albs will no longer have +10% melee and power .. Mids don't benefit from their own relics .. Hence mids getting their relics back serves both mid and hib good.

Jergiot said:
so basiclly what ur saying is that ur pissed cause hibs wont team up with u?
whats the matter? hibguard breaking up? xD

I think what he is trying to get an answer to is: why is hibs is giving mids a hard time when we have a common goal? But you already knew that .. Didn't you?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
Devilseye said:
whats the reason to kick hibs out of alb frontier by taking beno..
Why dont you keep berkstead.. hibbies beno.
you attack a keep. we attack a keep.
Albs have to split forces. or concentrate on 1 and give up on the other relic.

or.. oh theres no other "or"
well: Pwnd then!


theres your reason :p

Midgard didn't interfere with Hibernia taking the relic in Beno. Midgard just tried to establish port, and got zerged by albs at all the keeps we tried. When Hibernia had taken the relic, we thought that Hibernia could be kind enough to give us Berk and keep Beno for themselves, so we could get port aswell and have a go at the remaining relics (common objective). Hibernia however chose to defend Berk instead of Beno (when Albs attacked Beno), resulting in Beno being lost, and then Berk was lost aswell to Albion. At this stage most mids logged and went to bed.

We were 5 mids still awake though, and tried to take Berk from Albion, but we failed several times because of a FG Hibs who came to defend Albion (They weren't even interested in taking Berk or Beno when they could've easily). When the FG Hibs finally went to bed, I formed a BG of 11 people to go for Beno and we took it. Albs tried to take it back (Gobo and co) and we had some nice fights, but we won. When I went to bed 0900 in the morning (after 16h raid time in /stats) I felt Beno was secure (Albs had barricaded themselves into the lvl10 tower). I was happy to see when I woke up after some sleep that Midgard still had Beno and had taken Eras aswell. \o/

And then Durgi's RR attemt kicked off. That ended so close (at our last try), Lord Sursbrooke on 12% when Albs charged from roof along with massive guard spawn.



Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2004
Dr_Evil said:
Midgard didn't interfere with Hibernia taking the relic in Beno.

Got killed by roaming mid FG's many times that day. So I guess you're just plain wrong?

Which is exactly what we did yesterday and today. Roamed, engaged anyone, whatever realm... and when the action was inside keeps we stormed in for some aoe attempts.

Like I said before, the prospect of 10k rps in 20 seconds would tempt any mid/alb group if they could pull it off.

Relic raid or not, keep take or not. Who gives a flying fuck, to be quite honest. I dont see why we have to defend ourselves.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
dr evil is wrong.
hibs failed to defend berk against mids.
mids took it.
albs took over.
mids took it again.
mids took beno.. mids lost berk

thats more like it tbh


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Huh ?...

Kaun_IA said:
FO, QQ we cant do it.... hibs must help us.... that makes all the fking alb whine true... that mids cant take stuff from albs whitout hibs!! thats just lame.

think what are you asking

Eh...have you even read the post ? Or did you simply not understand the words ?

Hibs attack and wipe mids while they were fighting albs...hibs did all they could to cut porting for mids and retake taken mid towers.

What the heck does that have to do with anything that you wrote ?

Raven said:
so not one of those 50-70 mids actually spotted the fg hibs coming? this wouldnt be the same mids that got wiped by 2fg albs at another keep would it?

Lol...If you divide that with 3 you will get closer to the actual numbers. We were so low on seers there that I had to bring 2 bbs just to have any kind of healing/buffs/fop.

So to break it down: about 20 active mids, almost no seers, vs 16 pbae albs with decent seer setup. Pbae stands at optimal spot. Mids with 1 twf no other ae interrupt, albs with loads of storms/twf/rr5 ae abilities. Giiiif me those odds when defending vs albs any day...How the hell could it take you so long to kill the mids ? Where you sleeping or what ?


ps. And I said nothing about beeing mad at hibs...the responses by hibs/albs here just made me thing that mids would be better off to go to hib and take their relics, since that will make albs come there too and hibs would be the one double teamed instead of mids. ds.


Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2004
16 mids, hahahahahahahahahaha

You are now officially blind, as well as stupid. God I wish I'd have recorded some of it to put you to shame.


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
- Charmangle alls down on the ground laughing his head off -

Musejedi said:
16 mids, hahahahahahahahahaha

You are now officially blind, as well as stupid. God I wish I'd have recorded some of it to put you to shame.

Laughed out loud for prolly 10 minutes when reading this response!:)
Charmangle said:
So to break it down: about 20 active mids, almost no seers, vs 16 pbae albs

Read this line again...try it I know you can do it just as long as you do one word at a time...now tell me which ones was 16 ? (its the same amount as the fingers on 3 hands + 1. Borrow a friends hands if you are having problems with that)

Musejedi said:
as well as stupid

Talk about STUPID...



Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Talk about STUPID...

Kinda sums up this thread tbh ;)

Charmangle wants answeres ..... he wants the truth ......

U cant handle the truth !!!

Thats my ANSWERE to ure question tbh :D


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004

Punishment said:
Kinda sums up this thread tbh ;)

Charmangle wants answeres ..... he wants the truth ......

U cant handle the truth !!!

Thats my ANSWERE to ure question tbh :D

Best answere so far mate!:)



Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
As long as I get to be on top!:)

Punishment said:

Id still screw u for 1rp tho :sex:


As long as I get to be on top I wouldnt mind that to much!:)

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